ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers



function IEShowImageInfo(Params: TIOParams; const Caption: string = '';
                         AutoShowTypes: TIEMetaTypes = [];
                         AlwaysShowTypes: TIEMetaTypes = [];
                         ReadOnly: Boolean = True;
                         PreviewWidth: Integer = -1; PreviewHeight: Integer = -1;
                         Maximized: Boolean = False): Boolean;


Display a pop-up window to show meta-data and other information about the image image.
This method uses a TIEMetaListView.

Parameter Description
Params The source of the image information
Caption The heading for the window (defaults to the image filename)
AutoShowTypes They types of meta-data to show (if the file includes that type). If [] is specified then all available types will be shown
AlwaysShowTypes They types of meta-data to show even if the file does not include that type (will be shown with blank entries)
ReadOnly If true, the user can edit EXIF, DICOM or IPTC fields
PreviewWidth, PreviewHeight The size of the display window. If -1 it will be made the same as the image (though it will be shrunk to ensure it is no larger than the screen)
Maximized Set to true to display the window in a maximized state

Result is true if the data is modified (ReadOnly = False). If ReadOnly = True the result is always true.

 User can hide the dialog by clicking Esc or clicking the [x] button
 You can also show an image preview using IEShowImagePreview


IEShowImageInfo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params );

// Show a maximized Info window
IEShowImageInfo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params, '', [], [], False, -1, -1, True );

// Prompt user to add or edit exif data
if IEShowImageInfo( ImageEnView1.IO.Params, 'Edit EXIF', [], [iemEXIF], False, -1, -1, True ) = True then
  btnSaveChanges.Enabled := True;