ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps



  TIEGIFAction = (
    ioGIF_RestorePrev );


Specifies how frames are drawn in a multi-frame GIF file (after the first frame):
Value Description
ioGIF_None Do nothing: Subsequent frame will be a full size non-transparent frame
ioGIF_DontRemove Leave as is: Subsequent frame will be a copy of the previous one. Any pixels not covered by
the new frame continue to display. Use this method if you are using transparency within frames
ioGIF_DrawBackground Fill with background color: The GIF Background color shows
through any transparent pixels of the new frame
ioGIF_RestorePrev Restore previous full frame: Subsequent frame will be a copy of the last full frame

Note: This is sometimes referred to as the "GIF Disposal Method"