ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions




function LoadFromFileFast(const Filename: string; MaxX, MaxY: integer; AutoAdjustOrientation: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
function LoadFromFileFast(const Filename: string; MaxX, MaxY: integer; AutoAdjustOrientation: Boolean; out FastScaleUsed: Integer): Boolean; overload;


Calls LoadFromFile and allows you to specify a maximum size that you require an image so that it can be loaded as fast as possible, by using OptimizeLoadingParams.
You can also set EnableAdjustOrientation to automatically re-orient JPEG camera images

Returns True if loading was successful, or False on error


// Load the image specified in an open dialog as fast as possible, but bigger than the displaying TImageEnView
ImageEnView1.AutoShrink := True;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFileFast(OpenPictureDialog1.FileName, ImageEnView1.Width, ImageEnView1.Height)