ImageEn, unit iexTransitions




property WordTransQuality: Integer;


Specify smoothness of the text displayed during a "Word" transition.
The value specifies the height in pixels of the bitmap used to create each letter. A high value will give performance issues on some systems, whereas a low value will give the letter a blocky appearance (Practical range is 20 - 2000).

The following "Word" transition properties can be customized:


These apply to all "Word" transition effects:

 iettRandomWord *
 iettExpandingWord *
 iettWordWipeOut *
 iettWordWipeIn *
 iettWordWipeInAndOut *

Note: Effects with an asterisk will cycle through each specified letter, displaying one at a time. If you wish to display a whole (only a short one is recommended) then enclose it in quotations, e.g. "HI!"
Other effects will always display the full word.

Default: 200


// Set properties for Word transition
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransWord      := 'BLAM';
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransFontName  := 'Arial';
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransFontStyle := [fsBold];

// Prepare ImageEnView1 for a transition (e.g. so loading the image will not immediately update the display)

// Load the next image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( GetNextImage() );

// Run the transition
ImageEnView1.RunTransition( iettRandomBoxesWithWord, 1000 );

// Display snowflakes in random positions
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransWord      := 'T';  // Snowflake in the Wingdings font
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransFontName  := 'Wingdings';
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.WordTransFontStyle := [fsBold];

ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( GetNextImage() );
ImageEnView1.RunTransition(iettRandomWord, 2000);

// Transition, showing each letter of the word "ImageEn" in turn
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.Word := 'ImageEn';
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( GetNextImage() );
ImageEnView1.RunTransition(iettWordWipeInAndOut, 5000);

// Transition wiping the screen with the word "GO!"
ImageEnView1.TransitionParams.Word := '"GO!"'; // Enclose in quotes to avoid cyling. Small words are best
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile(GetNextImage() );
ImageEnView1.RunTransition(iettWordWipeInAndOut, 5000);