ImageEn, unit imageenproc

Color Depth Method Testing

Testing of Color Depth Methods

These images were generated using the demo:

All Test Results
- Analysis Methods
- Color Adjustment Methods
- Color Depth Methods
- Alpha and Painting Methods
- Effects Methods
- Geometric Methods
- Filter Methods
- Smoothing Methods
- Other Methods

// Load test image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\TestImage.jpg' );



// Convert to a 4-color ordered palette
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertTo( 4, ieOrdered );


// Convert to a 4-color dithered palette
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertTo( 4, ieDithering );


// Convert to a 16-color ordered palette
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertTo( 16, ieOrdered );


// Convert to a 16-color dithered palette
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertTo( 16, ieDithering );


// Convert to a 64-color ordered palette
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertTo( 64, ieOrdered );


// Convert to a 64-color dithered palette
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertTo( 64, ieDithering );



// Convert true color image to black & white using the Floyd-Steinberg algorithm



// Convert true color image to black & white using a local threshold algorithm (mean)
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertToBWLocalThreshold( 4, ietMean );


// Convert true color image to black & white using a local threshold algorithm (median)
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertToBWLocalThreshold( 4, ietMedian );


// Convert true color image to black & white using a local threshold algorithm (min/max mean)
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertToBWLocalThreshold( 4, ietMeanMinMax );



// Convert true color image to black & white with an ordered dithering method



// Convert true color image to black & white using a thresholding algorithm
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertToBWThreshold( 128 );


// Convert true color image to black & white using a thresholding algorithm (using the average level)
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertToBWThreshold( -1 );


// Convert true color image to black & white using a thresholding algorithm (using maximum entropy)
ImageEnView1.Proc.ConvertToBWThreshold( -2 );


See Also

- Analysis Methods
- Color Adjustment Methods
- Color Depth Methods
- Alpha and Painting Methods
- Effects Methods
- Geometric Methods
- Filter Methods
- Smoothing Methods
- Other Methods