ImageEn supports around 5,000 DICOM data tags. These are defined by NEMA, but also may be propietary to specific hardware vendors.
For further information, consult the DICOM documentation:
◼Types are defined by TIEDicomTagType
◼Tags that are Bold are part of the NEMA standard. Italicized tags have been deprecated in the standard. Other tags are proprietary.
◼You can get a description of tags using IEGetDicomTagDescription. You can output all fields using WriteTo.
Tag | Description | Type |
(0000,0000) | Command Group Length | dvUL |
(0000,0001) | Command Length to End | dvUL |
(0000,0002) | Affected SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0000,0003) | Requested SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0000,0010) | Command Recognition Code | dvSH |
(0000,0100) | Command Field | dvUS |
(0000,0110) | Message ID | dvUS |
(0000,0120) | Message ID Being Responded To | dvUS |
(0000,0200) | Initiator | dvAE |
(0000,0300) | Receiver | dvAE |
(0000,0400) | Find Location | dvAE |
(0000,0600) | Move Destination | dvAE |
(0000,0700) | Priority | dvUS |
(0000,0800) | Command Data Set Type | dvUS |
(0000,0850) | Number of Matches | dvUS |
(0000,0860) | Response Sequence Number | dvUS |
(0000,0900) | Status | dvUS |
(0000,0901) | Offending Element | dvAT |
(0000,0902) | Error Comment | dvLO |
(0000,0903) | Error ID | dvUS |
(0000,1000) | Affected SOP Instance UID | dvUI |
(0000,1001) | Requested SOP Instance UID | dvUI |
(0000,1002) | Event Type ID | dvUS |
(0000,1005) | Attribute Identifier List | dvAT |
(0000,1008) | Action Type ID | dvUS |
(0000,1020) | Number of Remaining Sub-operations | dvUS |
(0000,1021) | Number of Completed Sub-operations | dvUS |
(0000,1022) | Number of Failed Sub-operations | dvUS |
(0000,1023) | Number of Warning Sub-operations | dvUS |
(0000,1030) | Move Originator Application Entity Title | dvAE |
(0000,1031) | Move Originator Message ID | dvUS |
(0000,4000) | Dialog Receiver | dvLT |
(0000,4010) | Terminal Type | dvLT |
(0000,5010) | Message Set ID | dvSH |
(0000,5020) | End Message ID | dvSH |
(0000,5110) | Display Format | dvLT |
(0000,5120) | Page Position ID | dvLT |
(0000,5130) | Text Format ID | dvCS |
(0000,5140) | Normal/Reverse | dvCS |
(0000,5150) | Add Gray Scale | dvCS |
(0000,5160) | Borders | dvCS |
(0000,5170) | Copies | dvIS |
(0000,5180) | Command Magnification Type | dvCS |
(0000,5190) | Erase | dvCS |
(0000,51A0) | dvCS | |
(0000,51B0) | Overlays | dvUS |
(0002,0000) | File Meta Information Group Length | dvUL |
(0002,0001) | File Meta Information Version | dvOB |
(0002,0002) | Media Storage SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0002,0003) | Media Storage SOP Instance UID | dvUI |
(0002,0010) | Transfer Syntax UID | dvUI |
(0002,0012) | Implementation Class UID | dvUI |
(0002,0013) | Implementation Version Name | dvSH |
(0002,0016) | Source Application Entity Title | dvAE |
(0002,0017) | Sending Application Entity Title | dvAE |
(0002,0018) | Receiving Application Entity Title | dvAE |
(0002,0100) | Private Information Creator UID | dvUI |
(0002,0102) | Private Information | dvOB |
(0003,0000) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0003,0008) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0003,0011) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0003,0012) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0003,0013) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0003,0014) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0003,0020) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0003,0030) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0003,0031) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0004,0000) | File-set Group Length | dvUL |
(0004,1130) | File-set ID | dvCS |
(0004,1141) | File-set Descriptor File ID | dvCS |
(0004,1142) | Specific Character Set of File-set Descriptor File | dvCS |
(0004,1200) | Offset of the First Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity | dvUL |
(0004,1202) | Offset of the Last Directory Record of the Root Directory Entity | dvUL |
(0004,1212) | File-set Consistency Flag | dvUS |
(0004,1220) | Directory Record Sequence | dvSQ |
(0004,1400) | Offset of the Next Directory Record | dvUL |
(0004,1410) | Record In-use Flag | dvUS |
(0004,1420) | Offset of Referenced Lower-Level Directory Entity | dvUL |
(0004,1430) | Directory Record Type | dvCS |
(0004,1432) | Private Record UID | dvUI |
(0004,1500) | Referenced File ID | dvCS |
(0004,1504) | MRDR Directory Record Offset | dvUL |
(0004,1510) | Referenced SOP Class UID in File | dvUI |
(0004,1511) | Referenced SOP Instance UID in File | dvUI |
(0004,1512) | Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in File | dvUI |
(0004,151A) | Referenced Related General SOP Class UID in File | dvUI |
(0004,1600) | Number of References | dvUL |
(0005,0000) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0006,0000) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0008,0000) | Identifying Group Length | dvUL |
(0008,0001) | Length to End | dvUL |
(0008,0005) | Specific Character Set | dvCS |
(0008,0006) | Language Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,0008) | Image Type | dvCS |
(0008,0010) | Recognition Code | dvSH |
(0008,0012) | Instance Creation Date | dvDA |
(0008,0013) | Instance Creation Time | dvTM |
(0008,0014) | Instance Creator UID | dvUI |
(0008,0015) | Instance Coercion Date/Time | dvDT |
(0008,0016) | SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0008,0018) | SOP Instance UID | dvUI |
(0008,001A) | Related General SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0008,001B) | Original Specialized SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0008,0020) | Study Date | dvDA |
(0008,0021) | Series Date | dvDA |
(0008,0022) | Acquisition Date | dvDA |
(0008,0023) | Content Date | dvDA |
(0008,0024) | Overlay Date | dvDA |
(0008,0025) | Curve Date | dvDA |
(0008,002A) | Acquisition Date/Time | dvDT |
(0008,0030) | Study Time | dvTM |
(0008,0031) | Series Time | dvTM |
(0008,0032) | Acquisition Time | dvTM |
(0008,0033) | Content Time | dvTM |
(0008,0034) | Overlay Time | dvTM |
(0008,0035) | Curve Time | dvTM |
(0008,0040) | Data Set Type | dvUS |
(0008,0041) | Data Set Subtype | dvLO |
(0008,0042) | Nuclear Medicine Series Type | dvCS |
(0008,0050) | Accession Number | dvSH |
(0008,0051) | Issuer of Accession Number Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,0052) | Query/Retrieve Level | dvCS |
(0008,0053) | Query/Retrieve View | dvCS |
(0008,0054) | Retrieve AE Title | dvAE |
(0008,0056) | Instance Availability | dvCS |
(0008,0058) | Failed SOP Instance UID List | dvUI |
(0008,0060) | Modality | dvCS |
(0008,0061) | Modalities in Study | dvCS |
(0008,0062) | SOP Classes in Study | dvUI |
(0008,0064) | Conversion Type | dvCS |
(0008,0068) | Presentation Intent Type | dvCS |
(0008,0070) | Manufacturer | dvLO |
(0008,0080) | Institution Name | dvLO |
(0008,0081) | Institution Address | dvST |
(0008,0082) | Institution Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,0090) | Referring Physician's Name | dvPN |
(0008,0092) | Referring Physician's Address | dvST |
(0008,0094) | Referring Physician's Telephone Numbers | dvSH |
(0008,0096) | Referring Physician Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,0100) | Code Value | dvSH |
(0008,0101) | Extended Code Value | dvLO |
(0008,0102) | Coding Scheme Designator | dvSH |
(0008,0103) | Coding Scheme Version | dvSH |
(0008,0104) | Code Meaning | dvLO |
(0008,0105) | Mapping Resource | dvCS |
(0008,0106) | Context Group Version | dvDT |
(0008,0107) | Context Group Local Version | dvDT |
(0008,0108) | Extended Code Meaning | dvLT |
(0008,010B) | Context Group Extension Flag | dvCS |
(0008,010C) | Coding Scheme UID | dvUI |
(0008,010D) | Context Group Extension Creator UID | dvUI |
(0008,010F) | Context Identifier | dvCS |
(0008,0110) | Coding Scheme Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,0112) | Coding Scheme Registry | dvLO |
(0008,0114) | Coding Scheme External ID | dvST |
(0008,0115) | Coding Scheme Name | dvST |
(0008,0116) | Coding Scheme Responsible Organization | dvST |
(0008,0117) | Context UID | dvUI |
(0008,0201) | Timezone Offset From UTC | dvSH |
(0008,1000) | Network ID | dvAE |
(0008,1010) | Station Name | dvSH |
(0008,1030) | Study Description | dvLO |
(0008,1032) | Procedure Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,103E) | Series Description | dvLO |
(0008,103F) | Series Description Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1040) | Institutional Department Name | dvLO |
(0008,1048) | Physician(s) of Record | dvPN |
(0008,1049) | Physician(s) of Record Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1050) | Performing Physician's Name | dvPN |
(0008,1052) | Performing Physician Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1060) | Name of Physician(s) Reading Study | dvPN |
(0008,1062) | Physician(s) Reading Study Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1070) | Operators' Name | dvPN |
(0008,1072) | Operator Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1080) | Admitting Diagnoses Description | dvLO |
(0008,1084) | Admitting Diagnoses Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1090) | Manufacturer's Model Name | dvLO |
(0008,1100) | Referenced Results Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1110) | Referenced Study Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1111) | Referenced Performed Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1115) | Referenced Series Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1120) | Referenced Patient Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1125) | Referenced Visit Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1130) | Referenced Overlay Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1134) | Referenced Stereometric Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,113A) | Referenced Waveform Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1140) | Referenced Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1145) | Referenced Curve Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1148) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0008,114A) | Referenced Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,114B) | Referenced Real World Value Mapping Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,114C) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0008,1150) | Referenced SOP Class UID | dvUI |
(0008,1155) | Referenced SOP Instance UID | dvUI |
(0008,115A) | SOP Classes Supported | dvUI |
(0008,1160) | Referenced Frame Number | dvIS |
(0008,1161) | Simple Frame List | dvUL |
(0008,1162) | Calculated Frame List | dvUL |
(0008,1163) | Time Range | dvFD |
(0008,1164) | Frame Extraction Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1167) | Multi-frame Source SOP Instance UID | dvUI |
(0008,1190) | Retrieve URL | dvUR |
(0008,1195) | Transaction UID | dvUI |
(0008,1196) | Warning Reason | dvUS |
(0008,1197) | Failure Reason | dvUS |
(0008,1198) | Failed SOP Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1199) | Referenced SOP Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1200) | Studies Containing Other Referenced Instances Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,1250) | Related Series Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2110) | Lossy Image Compression (Retired) | dvCS |
(0008,2111) | Derivation Description | dvST |
(0008,2112) | Source Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2120) | Stage Name | dvSH |
(0008,2122) | Stage Number | dvIS |
(0008,2124) | Number of Stages | dvIS |
(0008,2127) | View Name | dvSH |
(0008,2128) | View Number | dvIS |
(0008,2129) | Number of Event Timers | dvIS |
(0008,212A) | Number of Views in Stage | dvIS |
(0008,2130) | Event Elapsed Time(s) | dvDS |
(0008,2132) | Event Timer Name(s) | dvLO |
(0008,2133) | Event Timer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2134) | Event Time Offset | dvFD |
(0008,2135) | Event Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2142) | Start Trim | dvIS |
(0008,2143) | Stop Trim | dvIS |
(0008,2144) | Recommended Display Frame Rate | dvIS |
(0008,2200) | Transducer Position | dvCS |
(0008,2204) | Transducer Orientation | dvCS |
(0008,2208) | Anatomic Structure | dvCS |
(0008,2218) | Anatomic Region Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2220) | Anatomic Region Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2228) | Primary Anatomic Structure Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2229) | Anatomic Structure, Space or Region Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2230) | Primary Anatomic Structure Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2240) | Transducer Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2242) | Transducer Position Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2244) | Transducer Orientation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2246) | Transducer Orientation Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,2251) | Anatomic Structure Space or Region Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,2253) | Anatomic Portal of Entrance Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,2255) | Anatomic Approach Direction Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,2256) | Anatomic Perspective Description (Trial) | dvST |
(0008,2257) | Anatomic Perspective Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,2258) | Anatomic Location of Examining Instrument Description (Trial) | dvST |
(0008,2259) | Anatomic Location of Examining Instrument Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,225A) | Anatomic Structure Space or Region Modifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,225C) | On Axis Background Anatomic Structure Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0008,3001) | Alternate Representation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,3010) | Irradiation Event UID | dvUI |
(0008,3011) | Source Irradiation Event Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,3012) | Radiopharmaceutical Administration Event UID | dvUI |
(0008,4000) | Identifying Comments | dvLT |
(0008,9007) | Frame Type | dvCS |
(0008,9092) | Referenced Image Evidence Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9121) | Referenced Raw Data Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9123) | Creator-Version UID | dvUI |
(0008,9124) | Derivation Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9154) | Source Image Evidence Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9205) | Pixel Presentation | dvCS |
(0008,9206) | Volumetric Properties | dvCS |
(0008,9207) | Volume Based Calculation Technique | dvCS |
(0008,9208) | Complex Image Component | dvCS |
(0008,9209) | Acquisition Contrast | dvCS |
(0008,9215) | Derivation Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9237) | Referenced Presentation State Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9410) | Referenced Other Plane Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9458) | Frame Display Sequence | dvSQ |
(0008,9459) | Recommended Display Frame Rate in Float | dvFL |
(0008,9460) | Skip Frame Range Flag | dvCS |
(0009,0000) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0001) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0002) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0003) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0004) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0005) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0009,0006) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0009,0007) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0009,0008) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0009) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,000A) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0009,000B) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0009,000C) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0009,000D) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0009,000E) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0009,000F) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0009,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0011) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0012) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0013) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0014) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0015) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0016) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0017) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0018) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,001A) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0009,001E) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0009,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0021) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0022) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0009,0023) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,0024) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0025) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0026) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0027) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0029) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,002A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,002C) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0009,002D) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,002E) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0009,002F) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0031) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0032) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0034) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0035) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,0037) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,0038) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0039) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,003A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,003E) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0009,003F) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0009,0040) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0041) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0042) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0043) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0050) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0051) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,0060) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0061) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0070) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0080) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,0091) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,00E2) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,00E3) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0009,00E6) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0009,00E7) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0009,00E8) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0009,00E9) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0009,00F2) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0009,00F3) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0009,00F4) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,00F5) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0009,00F6) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0009,00F8) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0009,00FB) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0009,1002) | Suite ID | dvOB |
(0009,1003) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0009,1010) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0010,0000) | Patient Group Length | dvUL |
(0010,0010) | Patient's Name | dvPN |
(0010,0020) | Patient ID | dvLO |
(0010,0021) | Issuer of Patient ID | dvLO |
(0010,0022) | Type of Patient ID | dvCS |
(0010,0024) | Issuer of Patient ID Qualifiers Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,0030) | Patient's Birth Date | dvDA |
(0010,0032) | Patient's Birth Time | dvTM |
(0010,0040) | Patient's Sex | dvCS |
(0010,0050) | Patient's Insurance Plan Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,0101) | Patient's Primary Language Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,0102) | Patient's Primary Language Modifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,0200) | Quality Control Subject | dvCS |
(0010,0201) | Quality Control Subject Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,1000) | Other Patient IDs | dvLO |
(0010,1001) | Other Patient Names | dvPN |
(0010,1002) | Other Patient IDs Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,1005) | Patient's Birth Name | dvPN |
(0010,1010) | Patient's Age | dvAS |
(0010,1020) | Patient's Size | dvDS |
(0010,1021) | Patient's Size Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,1030) | Patient's Weight | dvDS |
(0010,1040) | Patient's Address | dvLO |
(0010,1050) | Insurance Plan Identification | dvLO |
(0010,1060) | Patient's Mother's Birth Name | dvPN |
(0010,1080) | Military Rank | dvLO |
(0010,1081) | Branch of Service | dvLO |
(0010,1090) | Medical Record Locator | dvLO |
(0010,1100) | Referenced Patient Photo Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,2000) | Medical Alerts | dvLO |
(0010,2110) | Allergies | dvLO |
(0010,2150) | Country of Residence | dvLO |
(0010,2152) | Region of Residence | dvLO |
(0010,2154) | Patient's Telephone Numbers | dvSH |
(0010,2160) | Ethnic Group | dvSH |
(0010,2180) | Occupation | dvSH |
(0010,21A0) | Smoking Status | dvCS |
(0010,21B0) | Additional Patient History | dvLT |
(0010,21C0) | Pregnancy Status | dvUS |
(0010,21D0) | Last Menstrual Date | dvDA |
(0010,21F0) | Patient's Religious Preference | dvLO |
(0010,2201) | Patient Species Description | dvLO |
(0010,2202) | Patient Species Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,2203) | Patient's Sex Neutered | dvCS |
(0010,2210) | Anatomical Orientation Type | dvCS |
(0010,2292) | Patient Breed Description | dvLO |
(0010,2293) | Patient Breed Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,2294) | Breed Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,2295) | Breed Registration Number | dvLO |
(0010,2296) | Breed Registry Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0010,2297) | Responsible Person | dvPN |
(0010,2298) | Responsible Person Role | dvCS |
(0010,2299) | Responsible Organization | dvLO |
(0010,4000) | Patient Comments | dvLT |
(0010,9431) | Examined Body Thickness | dvFL |
(0011,0001) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0002) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0011,0003) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,0004) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,000A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,000B) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,000C) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,000D) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0011) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0012) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0013) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0015) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0016) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0017) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0018) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0019) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,001A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,001B) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,001C) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,001D) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,001F) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0021) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0022) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0023) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0024) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0025) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0026) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0027) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0028) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0031) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0032) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0011,0033) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0034) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0035) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0036) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0037) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0011,0038) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,003A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,003B) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,003C) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,003E) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,003F) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0040) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0011,0041) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,0042) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,0044) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,0045) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,0046) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0011,0055) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,0056) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0011,00A1) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0011,00A2) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0011,00B0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,00B2) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,00B4) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,00BC) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0011,00C0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,00D0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0011,00D2) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0012,0010) | Clinical Trial Sponsor Name | dvLO |
(0012,0020) | Clinical Trial Protocol ID | dvLO |
(0012,0021) | Clinical Trial Protocol Name | dvLO |
(0012,0030) | Clinical Trial Site ID | dvLO |
(0012,0031) | Clinical Trial Site Name | dvLO |
(0012,0040) | Clinical Trial Subject ID | dvLO |
(0012,0042) | Clinical Trial Subject Reading ID | dvLO |
(0012,0050) | Clinical Trial Time Point ID | dvLO |
(0012,0051) | Clinical Trial Time Point Description | dvST |
(0012,0060) | Clinical Trial Coordinating Center Name | dvLO |
(0012,0062) | Patient Identity Removed | dvCS |
(0012,0063) | De-identification Method | dvLO |
(0012,0064) | De-identification Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0012,0071) | Clinical Trial Series ID | dvLO |
(0012,0072) | Clinical Trial Series Description | dvLO |
(0012,0081) | Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Name | dvLO |
(0012,0082) | Clinical Trial Protocol Ethics Committee Approval Number | dvLO |
(0012,0083) | Consent for Clinical Trial Use Sequence | dvSQ |
(0012,0084) | Distribution Type | dvCS |
(0012,0085) | Consent for Distribution Flag | dvCS |
(0013,0000) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0013,0011) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0013,0012) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0013,0016) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0013,0017) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0013,0018) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0013,0019) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0013,001A) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0013,001C) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0013,001D) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0013,001E) | Undocumented | dvFD |
(0013,0020) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0022) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0026) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0030) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0013,0031) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0013,0032) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0033) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0034) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0035) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0040) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0042) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0044) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0013,0046) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0014,0023) | CAD File Format | dvST |
(0014,0024) | Component Reference System | dvST |
(0014,0025) | Component Manufacturing Procedure | dvST |
(0014,0028) | Component Manufacturer | dvST |
(0014,0030) | Material Thickness | dvDS |
(0014,0032) | Material Pipe Diameter | dvDS |
(0014,0034) | Material Isolation Diameter | dvDS |
(0014,0042) | Material Grade | dvST |
(0014,0044) | Material Properties Description | dvST |
(0014,0045) | Material Properties File Format (Retired) | dvST |
(0014,0046) | Material Notes | dvLT |
(0014,0050) | Component Shape | dvCS |
(0014,0052) | Curvature Type | dvCS |
(0014,0054) | Outer Diameter | dvDS |
(0014,0056) | Inner Diameter | dvDS |
(0014,1010) | Actual Environmental Conditions | dvST |
(0014,1020) | Expiry Date | dvDA |
(0014,1040) | Environmental Conditions | dvST |
(0014,2002) | Evaluator Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,2004) | Evaluator Number | dvIS |
(0014,2006) | Evaluator Name | dvPN |
(0014,2008) | Evaluation Attempt | dvIS |
(0014,2012) | Indication Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,2014) | Indication Number | dvIS |
(0014,2016) | Indication Label | dvSH |
(0014,2018) | Indication Description | dvST |
(0014,201A) | Indication Type | dvCS |
(0014,201C) | Indication Disposition | dvCS |
(0014,201E) | Indication ROI Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,2030) | Indication Physical Property Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,2032) | Property Label | dvSH |
(0014,2202) | Coordinate System Number of Axes | dvIS |
(0014,2204) | Coordinate System Axes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,2206) | Coordinate System Axis Description | dvST |
(0014,2208) | Coordinate System Data Set Mapping | dvCS |
(0014,220A) | Coordinate System Axis Number | dvIS |
(0014,220C) | Coordinate System Axis Type | dvCS |
(0014,220E) | Coordinate System Axis Units | dvCS |
(0014,2210) | Coordinate System Axis Values | dvOB |
(0014,2220) | Coordinate System Transform Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,2222) | Transform Description | dvST |
(0014,2224) | Transform Number of Axes | dvIS |
(0014,2226) | Transform Order of Axes | dvIS |
(0014,2228) | Transformed Axis Units | dvCS |
(0014,222A) | Coordinate System Transform Rotation and Scale Matrix | dvDS |
(0014,222C) | Coordinate System Transform Translation Matrix | dvDS |
(0014,3011) | Internal Detector Frame Time | dvDS |
(0014,3012) | Number of Frames Integrated | dvDS |
(0014,3020) | Detector Temperature Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,3022) | Sensor Name | dvST |
(0014,3024) | Horizontal Offset of Sensor | dvDS |
(0014,3026) | Vertical Offset of Sensor | dvDS |
(0014,3028) | Sensor Temperature | dvDS |
(0014,3040) | Dark Current Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,3050) | Dark Current Counts | dvOW |
(0014,3060) | Gain Correction Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,3070) | Air Counts | dvOW |
(0014,3071) | KV Used in Gain Calibration | dvDS |
(0014,3072) | MA Used in Gain Calibration | dvDS |
(0014,3073) | Number of Frames Used for Integration | dvDS |
(0014,3074) | Filter Material Used in Gain Calibration | dvLO |
(0014,3075) | Filter Thickness Used in Gain Calibration | dvDS |
(0014,3076) | Date of Gain Calibration | dvDA |
(0014,3077) | Time of Gain Calibration | dvTM |
(0014,3080) | Bad Pixel Image | dvOB |
(0014,3099) | Calibration Notes | dvLT |
(0014,4002) | Pulser Equipment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4004) | Pulser Type | dvCS |
(0014,4006) | Pulser Notes | dvLT |
(0014,4008) | Receiver Equipment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,400A) | Amplifier Type | dvCS |
(0014,400C) | Receiver Notes | dvLT |
(0014,400E) | Pre-Amplifier Equipment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,400F) | Pre-Amplifier Notes | dvLT |
(0014,4010) | Transmit Transducer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4011) | Receive Transducer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4012) | Number of Elements | dvUS |
(0014,4013) | Element Shape | dvCS |
(0014,4014) | Element Dimension A | dvDS |
(0014,4015) | Element Dimension B | dvDS |
(0014,4016) | Element Pitch A | dvDS |
(0014,4017) | Measured Beam Dimension A | dvDS |
(0014,4018) | Measured Beam Dimension B | dvDS |
(0014,4019) | Location of Measured Beam Diameter | dvDS |
(0014,401A) | Nominal Frequency | dvDS |
(0014,401B) | Measured Center Frequency | dvDS |
(0014,401C) | Measured Bandwidth | dvDS |
(0014,401D) | Element Pitch B | dvDS |
(0014,4020) | Pulser Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4022) | Pulse Width | dvDS |
(0014,4024) | Excitation Frequency | dvDS |
(0014,4026) | Modulation Type | dvCS |
(0014,4028) | Damping | dvDS |
(0014,4030) | Receiver Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4031) | Acquired Soundpath Length | dvDS |
(0014,4032) | Acquisition Compression Type | dvCS |
(0014,4033) | Acquisition Sample Size | dvIS |
(0014,4034) | Rectifier Smoothing | dvDS |
(0014,4035) | DAC Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4036) | DAC Type | dvCS |
(0014,4038) | DAC Gain Points | dvDS |
(0014,403A) | DAC Time Points | dvDS |
(0014,403C) | DAC Amplitude | dvDS |
(0014,4040) | Pre-Amplifier Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4050) | Transmit Transducer Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4051) | Receive Transducer Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4052) | Incident Angle | dvDS |
(0014,4054) | Coupling Technique | dvST |
(0014,4056) | Coupling Medium | dvST |
(0014,4057) | Coupling Velocity | dvDS |
(0014,4058) | Probe Center Location X | dvDS |
(0014,4059) | Probe Center Location Z | dvDS |
(0014,405A) | Sound Path Length | dvDS |
(0014,405C) | Delay Law Identifier | dvST |
(0014,4060) | Gate Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4062) | Gate Threshold | dvDS |
(0014,4064) | Velocity of Sound | dvDS |
(0014,4070) | Calibration Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4072) | Calibration Procedure | dvST |
(0014,4074) | Procedure Version | dvSH |
(0014,4076) | Procedure Creation Date | dvDA |
(0014,4078) | Procedure Expiration Date | dvDA |
(0014,407A) | Procedure Last Modified Date | dvDA |
(0014,407C) | Calibration Time | dvTM |
(0014,407E) | Calibration Date | dvDA |
(0014,4080) | Probe Drive Equipment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4081) | Drive Type | dvCS |
(0014,4082) | Probe Drive Notes | dvLT |
(0014,4083) | Drive Probe Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4084) | Probe Inductance | dvDS |
(0014,4085) | Probe Resistance | dvDS |
(0014,4086) | Receive Probe Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4087) | Probe Drive Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4088) | Bridge Resistors | dvDS |
(0014,4089) | Probe Orientation Angle | dvDS |
(0014,408B) | User Selected Gain Y | dvDS |
(0014,408C) | User Selected Phase | dvDS |
(0014,408D) | User Selected Offset X | dvDS |
(0014,408E) | User Selected Offset Y | dvDS |
(0014,4091) | Channel Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,4092) | Channel Threshold | dvDS |
(0014,409A) | Scanner Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(0014,409B) | Scan Procedure | dvST |
(0014,409C) | Translation Rate X | dvDS |
(0014,409D) | Translation Rate Y | dvDS |
(0014,409F) | Channel Overlap | dvDS |
(0014,40A0) | Image Quality Indicator Type | dvLO |
(0014,40A1) | Image Quality Indicator Material | dvLO |
(0014,40A2) | Image Quality Indicator Size | dvLO |
(0014,5002) | LINAC Energy | dvIS |
(0014,5004) | LINAC Output | dvIS |
(0015,0001) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0015,0002) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0015,0003) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0018,0000) | Acquisition Group Length | dvUL |
(0018,0010) | Contrast/Bolus Agent | dvLO |
(0018,0012) | Contrast/Bolus Agent Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,0013) | Contrast/Bolus T1 Relaxivity | dvFL |
(0018,0014) | Contrast/Bolus Administration Route Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,0015) | Body Part Examined | dvCS |
(0018,0020) | Scanning Sequence | dvCS |
(0018,0021) | Sequence Variant | dvCS |
(0018,0022) | Scan Options | dvCS |
(0018,0023) | MR Acquisition Type | dvCS |
(0018,0024) | Sequence Name | dvSH |
(0018,0025) | Angio Flag | dvCS |
(0018,0026) | Intervention Drug Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,0027) | Intervention Drug Stop Time | dvTM |
(0018,0028) | Intervention Drug Dose | dvDS |
(0018,0029) | Intervention Drug Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,002A) | Additional Drug Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,0030) | Radionuclide | dvLO |
(0018,0031) | Radiopharmaceutical | dvLO |
(0018,0032) | Energy Window Centerline | dvDS |
(0018,0033) | Energy Window Total Width | dvDS |
(0018,0034) | Intervention Drug Name | dvLO |
(0018,0035) | Intervention Drug Start Time | dvTM |
(0018,0036) | Intervention Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,0037) | Therapy Type | dvCS |
(0018,0038) | Intervention Status | dvCS |
(0018,0039) | Therapy Description | dvCS |
(0018,003A) | Intervention Description | dvST |
(0018,0040) | Cine Rate | dvIS |
(0018,0042) | Initial Cine Run State | dvCS |
(0018,0050) | Slice Thickness | dvDS |
(0018,0060) | KVP | dvDS |
(0018,0070) | Counts Accumulated | dvIS |
(0018,0071) | Acquisition Termination Condition | dvCS |
(0018,0072) | Effective Duration | dvDS |
(0018,0073) | Acquisition Start Condition | dvCS |
(0018,0074) | Acquisition Start Condition Data | dvIS |
(0018,0075) | Acquisition Termination Condition Data | dvIS |
(0018,0080) | Repetition Time | dvDS |
(0018,0081) | Echo Time | dvDS |
(0018,0082) | Inversion Time | dvDS |
(0018,0083) | Number of Averages | dvDS |
(0018,0084) | Imaging Frequency | dvDS |
(0018,0085) | Imaged Nucleus | dvSH |
(0018,0086) | Echo Number(s) | dvIS |
(0018,0087) | Magnetic Field Strength | dvDS |
(0018,0088) | Spacing Between Slices | dvDS |
(0018,0089) | Number of Phase Encoding Steps | dvIS |
(0018,0090) | Data Collection Diameter | dvDS |
(0018,0091) | Echo Train Length | dvIS |
(0018,0093) | Percent Sampling | dvDS |
(0018,0094) | Percent Phase Field of View | dvDS |
(0018,0095) | Pixel Bandwidth | dvDS |
(0018,1000) | Device Serial Number | dvLO |
(0018,1002) | Device UID | dvUI |
(0018,1003) | Device ID | dvLO |
(0018,1004) | Plate ID | dvLO |
(0018,1005) | Generator ID | dvLO |
(0018,1006) | Grid ID | dvLO |
(0018,1007) | Cassette ID | dvLO |
(0018,1008) | Gantry ID | dvLO |
(0018,1010) | Secondary Capture Device ID | dvLO |
(0018,1011) | Hardcopy Creation Device ID | dvLO |
(0018,1012) | Date of Secondary Capture | dvDA |
(0018,1014) | Time of Secondary Capture | dvTM |
(0018,1016) | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer | dvLO |
(0018,1017) | Hardcopy Device Manufacturer | dvLO |
(0018,1018) | Secondary Capture Device Manufacturer's Model Name | dvLO |
(0018,1019) | Secondary Capture Device Software Versions | dvLO |
(0018,101A) | Hardcopy Device Software Version | dvLO |
(0018,101B) | Hardcopy Device Manufacturer's Model Name | dvLO |
(0018,1020) | Software Version(s) | dvLO |
(0018,1022) | Video Image Format Acquired | dvSH |
(0018,1023) | Digital Image Format Acquired | dvLO |
(0018,1030) | Protocol Name | dvLO |
(0018,1040) | Contrast/Bolus Route | dvLO |
(0018,1041) | Contrast/Bolus Volume | dvDS |
(0018,1042) | Contrast/Bolus Start Time | dvTM |
(0018,1043) | Contrast/Bolus Stop Time | dvTM |
(0018,1044) | Contrast/Bolus Total Dose | dvDS |
(0018,1045) | Syringe Counts | dvIS |
(0018,1046) | Contrast Flow Rate | dvDS |
(0018,1047) | Contrast Flow Duration | dvDS |
(0018,1048) | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient | dvCS |
(0018,1049) | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Concentration | dvDS |
(0018,1050) | Spatial Resolution | dvDS |
(0018,1060) | Trigger Time | dvDS |
(0018,1061) | Trigger Source or Type | dvLO |
(0018,1062) | Nominal Interval | dvIS |
(0018,1063) | Frame Time | dvDS |
(0018,1064) | Cardiac Framing Type | dvLO |
(0018,1065) | Frame Time Vector | dvDS |
(0018,1066) | Frame Delay | dvDS |
(0018,1067) | Image Trigger Delay | dvDS |
(0018,1068) | Multiplex Group Time Offset | dvDS |
(0018,1069) | Trigger Time Offset | dvDS |
(0018,106A) | Synchronization Trigger | dvCS |
(0018,106B) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0018,106C) | Synchronization Channel | dvUS |
(0018,106E) | Trigger Sample Position | dvUL |
(0018,1070) | Radiopharmaceutical Route | dvLO |
(0018,1071) | Radiopharmaceutical Volume | dvDS |
(0018,1072) | Radiopharmaceutical Start Time | dvTM |
(0018,1073) | Radiopharmaceutical Stop Time | dvTM |
(0018,1074) | Radionuclide Total Dose | dvDS |
(0018,1075) | Radionuclide Half Life | dvDS |
(0018,1076) | Radionuclide Positron Fraction | dvDS |
(0018,1077) | Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity | dvDS |
(0018,1078) | Radiopharmaceutical Start Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,1079) | Radiopharmaceutical Stop Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,1080) | Beat Rejection Flag | dvCS |
(0018,1081) | Low R-R Value | dvIS |
(0018,1082) | High R-R Value | dvIS |
(0018,1083) | Intervals Acquired | dvIS |
(0018,1084) | Intervals Rejected | dvIS |
(0018,1085) | PVC Rejection | dvLO |
(0018,1086) | Skip Beats | dvIS |
(0018,1088) | Heart Rate | dvIS |
(0018,1090) | Cardiac Number of Images | dvIS |
(0018,1094) | Trigger Window | dvIS |
(0018,1100) | Reconstruction Diameter | dvDS |
(0018,1110) | Distance Source to Detector | dvDS |
(0018,1111) | Distance Source to Patient | dvDS |
(0018,1114) | Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor | dvDS |
(0018,1120) | Gantry/Detector Tilt | dvDS |
(0018,1121) | Gantry/Detector Slew | dvDS |
(0018,1130) | Table Height | dvDS |
(0018,1131) | Table Traverse | dvDS |
(0018,1134) | Table Motion | dvCS |
(0018,1135) | Table Vertical Increment | dvDS |
(0018,1136) | Table Lateral Increment | dvDS |
(0018,1137) | Table Longitudinal Increment | dvDS |
(0018,1138) | Table Angle | dvDS |
(0018,113A) | Table Type | dvCS |
(0018,1140) | Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(0018,1141) | Angular Position | dvDS |
(0018,1142) | Radial Position | dvDS |
(0018,1143) | Scan Arc | dvDS |
(0018,1144) | Angular Step | dvDS |
(0018,1145) | Center of Rotation Offset | dvDS |
(0018,1146) | Rotation Offset | dvDS |
(0018,1147) | Field of View Shape | dvCS |
(0018,1149) | Field of View Dimension(s) | dvIS |
(0018,1150) | Exposure Time | dvIS |
(0018,1151) | X-Ray Tube Current | dvIS |
(0018,1152) | Exposure | dvIS |
(0018,1153) | Exposure in µAs | dvIS |
(0018,1154) | Average Pulse Width | dvDS |
(0018,1155) | Radiation Setting | dvCS |
(0018,1156) | Rectification Type | dvCS |
(0018,115A) | Radiation Mode | dvCS |
(0018,115E) | Image and Fluoroscopy Area Dose Product | dvDS |
(0018,1160) | Filter Type | dvSH |
(0018,1161) | Type of Filters | dvLO |
(0018,1162) | Intensifier Size | dvDS |
(0018,1164) | Imager Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(0018,1166) | Grid | dvCS |
(0018,1170) | Generator Power | dvIS |
(0018,1180) | Collimator/grid Name | dvSH |
(0018,1181) | Collimator Type | dvCS |
(0018,1182) | Focal Distance | dvIS |
(0018,1183) | X Focus Center | dvDS |
(0018,1184) | Y Focus Center | dvDS |
(0018,1190) | Focal Spot(s) | dvDS |
(0018,1191) | Anode Target Material | dvCS |
(0018,11A0) | Body Part Thickness | dvDS |
(0018,11A2) | Compression Force | dvDS |
(0018,11A4) | Paddle Description | dvLO |
(0018,1200) | Date of Last Calibration | dvDA |
(0018,1201) | Time of Last Calibration | dvTM |
(0018,1202) | Date/Time of Last Calibration | dvDT |
(0018,1210) | Convolution Kernel | dvSH |
(0018,1240) | Upper/Lower Pixel Values | dvIS |
(0018,1242) | Actual Frame Duration | dvIS |
(0018,1243) | Count Rate | dvIS |
(0018,1244) | Preferred Playback Sequencing | dvUS |
(0018,1250) | Receive Coil Name | dvSH |
(0018,1251) | Transmit Coil Name | dvSH |
(0018,1260) | Plate Type | dvSH |
(0018,1261) | Phosphor Type | dvLO |
(0018,1300) | Scan Velocity | dvDS |
(0018,1301) | Whole Body Technique | dvCS |
(0018,1302) | Scan Length | dvIS |
(0018,1310) | Acquisition Matrix | dvUS |
(0018,1312) | In-plane Phase Encoding Direction | dvCS |
(0018,1314) | Flip Angle | dvDS |
(0018,1315) | Variable Flip Angle Flag | dvCS |
(0018,1316) | SAR | dvDS |
(0018,1318) | dB/dt | dvDS |
(0018,1400) | Acquisition Device Processing Description | dvLO |
(0018,1401) | Acquisition Device Processing Code | dvLO |
(0018,1402) | Cassette Orientation | dvCS |
(0018,1403) | Cassette Size | dvCS |
(0018,1404) | Exposures on Plate | dvUS |
(0018,1405) | Relative X-Ray Exposure | dvIS |
(0018,1411) | Exposure Index | dvDS |
(0018,1412) | Target Exposure Index | dvDS |
(0018,1413) | Deviation Index | dvDS |
(0018,1450) | Column Angulation | dvDS |
(0018,1460) | Tomo Layer Height | dvDS |
(0018,1470) | Tomo Angle | dvDS |
(0018,1480) | Tomo Time | dvDS |
(0018,1490) | Tomo Type | dvCS |
(0018,1491) | Tomo Class | dvCS |
(0018,1495) | Number of Tomosynthesis Source Images | dvIS |
(0018,1500) | Positioner Motion | dvCS |
(0018,1508) | Positioner Type | dvCS |
(0018,1510) | Positioner Primary Angle | dvDS |
(0018,1511) | Positioner Secondary Angle | dvDS |
(0018,1520) | Positioner Primary Angle Increment | dvDS |
(0018,1521) | Positioner Secondary Angle Increment | dvDS |
(0018,1530) | Detector Primary Angle | dvDS |
(0018,1531) | Detector Secondary Angle | dvDS |
(0018,1600) | Shutter Shape | dvCS |
(0018,1602) | Shutter Left Vertical Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1604) | Shutter Right Vertical Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1606) | Shutter Upper Horizontal Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1608) | Shutter Lower Horizontal Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1610) | Center of Circular Shutter | dvIS |
(0018,1612) | Radius of Circular Shutter | dvIS |
(0018,1620) | Vertices of the Polygonal Shutter | dvIS |
(0018,1622) | Shutter Presentation Value | dvUS |
(0018,1623) | Shutter Overlay Group | dvUS |
(0018,1624) | Shutter Presentation Color CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0018,1700) | Collimator Shape | dvCS |
(0018,1702) | Collimator Left Vertical Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1704) | Collimator Right Vertical Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1706) | Collimator Upper Horizontal Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1708) | Collimator Lower Horizontal Edge | dvIS |
(0018,1710) | Center of Circular Collimator | dvIS |
(0018,1712) | Radius of Circular Collimator | dvIS |
(0018,1720) | Vertices of the Polygonal Collimator | dvIS |
(0018,1800) | Acquisition Time Synchronized | dvCS |
(0018,1801) | Time Source | dvSH |
(0018,1802) | Time Distribution Protocol | dvCS |
(0018,1803) | NTP Source Address | dvLO |
(0018,2001) | Page Number Vector | dvIS |
(0018,2002) | Frame Label Vector | dvSH |
(0018,2003) | Frame Primary Angle Vector | dvDS |
(0018,2004) | Frame Secondary Angle Vector | dvDS |
(0018,2005) | Slice Location Vector | dvDS |
(0018,2006) | Display Window Label Vector | dvSH |
(0018,2010) | Nominal Scanned Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(0018,2020) | Digitizing Device Transport Direction | dvCS |
(0018,2030) | Rotation of Scanned Film | dvDS |
(0018,2041) | Biopsy Target Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,2042) | Target UID | dvUI |
(0018,2043) | Localizing Cursor Position | dvFL |
(0018,2044) | Calculated Target Position | dvFL |
(0018,2045) | Target Label | dvSH |
(0018,2046) | Displayed Z Value | dvFL |
(0018,3100) | IVUS Acquisition | dvCS |
(0018,3101) | IVUS Pullback Rate | dvDS |
(0018,3102) | IVUS Gated Rate | dvDS |
(0018,3103) | IVUS Pullback Start Frame Number | dvIS |
(0018,3104) | IVUS Pullback Stop Frame Number | dvIS |
(0018,3105) | Lesion Number | dvIS |
(0018,4000) | Acquisition Comments | dvLT |
(0018,5000) | Output Power | dvSH |
(0018,5010) | Transducer Data | dvLO |
(0018,5012) | Focus Depth | dvDS |
(0018,5020) | Processing Function | dvLO |
(0018,5021) | Postprocessing Function | dvLO |
(0018,5022) | Mechanical Index | dvDS |
(0018,5024) | Bone Thermal Index | dvDS |
(0018,5026) | Cranial Thermal Index | dvDS |
(0018,5027) | Soft Tissue Thermal Index | dvDS |
(0018,5028) | Soft Tissue-focus Thermal Index | dvDS |
(0018,5029) | Soft Tissue-surface Thermal Index | dvDS |
(0018,5030) | Dynamic Range | dvDS |
(0018,5040) | Total Gain | dvDS |
(0018,5050) | Depth of Scan Field | dvIS |
(0018,5100) | Patient Position | dvCS |
(0018,5101) | View Position | dvCS |
(0018,5104) | Projection Eponymous Name Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,5210) | Image Transformation Matrix | dvDS |
(0018,5212) | Image Translation Vector | dvDS |
(0018,6000) | Sensitivity | dvDS |
(0018,6011) | Sequence of Ultrasound Regions | dvSQ |
(0018,6012) | Region Spatial Format | dvUS |
(0018,6014) | Region Data Type | dvUS |
(0018,6016) | Region Flags | dvUL |
(0018,6018) | Region Location Min X0 | dvUL |
(0018,601A) | Region Location Min Y0 | dvUL |
(0018,601C) | Region Location Max X1 | dvUL |
(0018,601E) | Region Location Max Y1 | dvUL |
(0018,6020) | Reference Pixel X0 | dvSL |
(0018,6022) | Reference Pixel Y0 | dvSL |
(0018,6024) | Physical Units X Direction | dvUS |
(0018,6026) | Physical Units Y Direction | dvUS |
(0018,6028) | Reference Pixel Physical Value X | dvFD |
(0018,602A) | Reference Pixel Physical Value Y | dvFD |
(0018,602C) | Physical Delta X | dvFD |
(0018,602E) | Physical Delta Y | dvFD |
(0018,6030) | Transducer Frequency | dvUL |
(0018,6031) | Transducer Type | dvCS |
(0018,6032) | Pulse Repetition Frequency | dvUL |
(0018,6034) | Doppler Correction Angle | dvFD |
(0018,6036) | Steering Angle | dvFD |
(0018,6038) | Doppler Sample Volume X Position (Retired) | dvUL |
(0018,6039) | Doppler Sample Volume X Position | dvSL |
(0018,603A) | Doppler Sample Volume Y Position (Retired) | dvUL |
(0018,603B) | Doppler Sample Volume Y Position | dvSL |
(0018,603C) | TM-Line Position X0 (Retired) | dvUL |
(0018,603D) | TM-Line Position X0 | dvSL |
(0018,603E) | TM-Line Position Y0 (Retired) | dvUL |
(0018,603F) | TM-Line Position Y0 | dvSL |
(0018,6040) | TM-Line Position X1 (Retired) | dvUL |
(0018,6041) | TM-Line Position X1 | dvSL |
(0018,6042) | TM-Line Position Y1 (Retired) | dvUL |
(0018,6043) | TM-Line Position Y1 | dvSL |
(0018,6044) | Pixel Component Organization | dvUS |
(0018,6046) | Pixel Component Mask | dvUL |
(0018,6048) | Pixel Component Range Start | dvUL |
(0018,604A) | Pixel Component Range Stop | dvUL |
(0018,604C) | Pixel Component Physical Units | dvUS |
(0018,604E) | Pixel Component Data Type | dvUS |
(0018,6050) | Number of Table Break Points | dvUL |
(0018,6052) | Table of X Break Points | dvUL |
(0018,6054) | Table of Y Break Points | dvFD |
(0018,6056) | Number of Table Entries | dvUL |
(0018,6058) | Table of Pixel Values | dvUL |
(0018,605A) | Table of Parameter Values | dvFL |
(0018,6060) | R Wave Time Vector | dvFL |
(0018,7000) | Detector Conditions Nominal Flag | dvCS |
(0018,7001) | Detector Temperature | dvDS |
(0018,7004) | Detector Type | dvCS |
(0018,7005) | Detector Configuration | dvCS |
(0018,7006) | Detector Description | dvLT |
(0018,7008) | Detector Mode | dvLT |
(0018,700A) | Detector ID | dvSH |
(0018,700C) | Date of Last Detector Calibration | dvDA |
(0018,700E) | Time of Last Detector Calibration | dvTM |
(0018,7010) | Exposures on Detector Since Last Calibration | dvIS |
(0018,7011) | Exposures on Detector Since Manufactured | dvIS |
(0018,7012) | Detector Time Since Last Exposure | dvDS |
(0018,7014) | Detector Active Time | dvDS |
(0018,7016) | Detector Activation Offset From Exposure | dvDS |
(0018,701A) | Detector Binning | dvDS |
(0018,7020) | Detector Element Physical Size | dvDS |
(0018,7022) | Detector Element Spacing | dvDS |
(0018,7024) | Detector Active Shape | dvCS |
(0018,7026) | Detector Active Dimension(s) | dvDS |
(0018,7028) | Detector Active Origin | dvDS |
(0018,702A) | Detector Manufacturer Name | dvLO |
(0018,702B) | Detector Manufacturer's Model Name | dvLO |
(0018,7030) | Field of View Origin | dvDS |
(0018,7032) | Field of View Rotation | dvDS |
(0018,7034) | Field of View Horizontal Flip | dvCS |
(0018,7036) | Pixel Data Area Origin Relative to FOV | dvFL |
(0018,7038) | Pixel Data Area Rotation Angle Relative to FOV | dvFL |
(0018,7040) | Grid Absorbing Material | dvLT |
(0018,7041) | Grid Spacing Material | dvLT |
(0018,7042) | Grid Thickness | dvDS |
(0018,7044) | Grid Pitch | dvDS |
(0018,7046) | Grid Aspect Ratio | dvIS |
(0018,7048) | Grid Period | dvDS |
(0018,704C) | Grid Focal Distance | dvDS |
(0018,7050) | Filter Material | dvCS |
(0018,7052) | Filter Thickness Minimum | dvDS |
(0018,7054) | Filter Thickness Maximum | dvDS |
(0018,7056) | Filter Beam Path Length Minimum | dvFL |
(0018,7058) | Filter Beam Path Length Maximum | dvFL |
(0018,7060) | Exposure Control Mode | dvCS |
(0018,7062) | Exposure Control Mode Description | dvLT |
(0018,7064) | Exposure Status | dvCS |
(0018,7065) | Phototimer Setting | dvDS |
(0018,8150) | Exposure Time in µS | dvDS |
(0018,8151) | X-Ray Tube Current in µA | dvDS |
(0018,9004) | Content Qualification | dvCS |
(0018,9005) | Pulse Sequence Name | dvSH |
(0018,9006) | MR Imaging Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9008) | Echo Pulse Sequence | dvCS |
(0018,9009) | Inversion Recovery | dvCS |
(0018,9010) | Flow Compensation | dvCS |
(0018,9011) | Multiple Spin Echo | dvCS |
(0018,9012) | Multi-planar Excitation | dvCS |
(0018,9014) | Phase Contrast | dvCS |
(0018,9015) | Time of Flight Contrast | dvCS |
(0018,9016) | Spoiling | dvCS |
(0018,9017) | Steady State Pulse Sequence | dvCS |
(0018,9018) | Echo Planar Pulse Sequence | dvCS |
(0018,9019) | Tag Angle First Axis | dvFD |
(0018,9020) | Magnetization Transfer | dvCS |
(0018,9021) | T2 Preparation | dvCS |
(0018,9022) | Blood Signal Nulling | dvCS |
(0018,9024) | Saturation Recovery | dvCS |
(0018,9025) | Spectrally Selected Suppression | dvCS |
(0018,9026) | Spectrally Selected Excitation | dvCS |
(0018,9027) | Spatial Pre-saturation | dvCS |
(0018,9028) | Tagging | dvCS |
(0018,9029) | Oversampling Phase | dvCS |
(0018,9030) | Tag Spacing First Dimension | dvFD |
(0018,9032) | Geometry of k-Space Traversal | dvCS |
(0018,9033) | Segmented k-Space Traversal | dvCS |
(0018,9034) | Rectilinear Phase Encode Reordering | dvCS |
(0018,9035) | Tag Thickness | dvFD |
(0018,9036) | Partial Fourier Direction | dvCS |
(0018,9037) | Cardiac Synchronization Technique | dvCS |
(0018,9041) | Receive Coil Manufacturer Name | dvLO |
(0018,9042) | MR Receive Coil Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9043) | Receive Coil Type | dvCS |
(0018,9044) | Quadrature Receive Coil | dvCS |
(0018,9045) | Multi-Coil Definition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9046) | Multi-Coil Configuration | dvLO |
(0018,9047) | Multi-Coil Element Name | dvSH |
(0018,9048) | Multi-Coil Element Used | dvCS |
(0018,9049) | MR Transmit Coil Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9050) | Transmit Coil Manufacturer Name | dvLO |
(0018,9051) | Transmit Coil Type | dvCS |
(0018,9052) | Spectral Width | dvFD |
(0018,9053) | Chemical Shift Reference | dvFD |
(0018,9054) | Volume Localization Technique | dvCS |
(0018,9058) | MR Acquisition Frequency Encoding Steps | dvUS |
(0018,9059) | De-coupling | dvCS |
(0018,9060) | De-coupled Nucleus | dvCS |
(0018,9061) | De-coupling Frequency | dvFD |
(0018,9062) | De-coupling Method | dvCS |
(0018,9063) | De-coupling Chemical Shift Reference | dvFD |
(0018,9064) | k-space Filtering | dvCS |
(0018,9065) | Time Domain Filtering | dvCS |
(0018,9066) | Number of Zero Fills | dvUS |
(0018,9067) | Baseline Correction | dvCS |
(0018,9069) | Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane | dvFD |
(0018,9070) | Cardiac R-R Interval Specified | dvFD |
(0018,9073) | Acquisition Duration | dvFD |
(0018,9074) | Frame Acquisition Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,9075) | Diffusion Directionality | dvCS |
(0018,9076) | Diffusion Gradient Direction Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9077) | Parallel Acquisition | dvCS |
(0018,9078) | Parallel Acquisition Technique | dvCS |
(0018,9079) | Inversion Times | dvFD |
(0018,9080) | Metabolite Map Description | dvST |
(0018,9081) | Partial Fourier | dvCS |
(0018,9082) | Effective Echo Time | dvFD |
(0018,9083) | Metabolite Map Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9084) | Chemical Shift Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9085) | Cardiac Signal Source | dvCS |
(0018,9087) | Diffusion b-value | dvFD |
(0018,9089) | Diffusion Gradient Orientation | dvFD |
(0018,9090) | Velocity Encoding Direction | dvFD |
(0018,9091) | Velocity Encoding Minimum Value | dvFD |
(0018,9092) | Velocity Encoding Acquisition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9093) | Number of k-Space Trajectories | dvUS |
(0018,9094) | Coverage of k-Space | dvCS |
(0018,9095) | Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Rows | dvUL |
(0018,9096) | Parallel Reduction Factor In-plane (Retired) | dvFD |
(0018,9098) | Transmitter Frequency | dvFD |
(0018,9100) | Resonant Nucleus | dvCS |
(0018,9101) | Frequency Correction | dvCS |
(0018,9103) | MR Spectroscopy FOV/Geometry Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9104) | Slab Thickness | dvFD |
(0018,9105) | Slab Orientation | dvFD |
(0018,9106) | Mid Slab Position | dvFD |
(0018,9107) | MR Spatial Saturation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9112) | MR Timing and Related Parameters Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9114) | MR Echo Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9115) | MR Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9117) | MR Diffusion Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9118) | Cardiac Synchronization Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9119) | MR Averages Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9125) | MR FOV/Geometry Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9126) | Volume Localization Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9127) | Spectroscopy Acquisition Data Columns | dvUL |
(0018,9147) | Diffusion Anisotropy Type | dvCS |
(0018,9151) | Frame Reference Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,9152) | MR Metabolite Map Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9155) | Parallel Reduction Factor out-of-plane | dvFD |
(0018,9159) | Spectroscopy Acquisition Out-of-plane Phase Steps | dvUL |
(0018,9166) | Bulk Motion Status | dvCS |
(0018,9168) | Parallel Reduction Factor Second In-plane | dvFD |
(0018,9169) | Cardiac Beat Rejection Technique | dvCS |
(0018,9170) | Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique | dvCS |
(0018,9171) | Respiratory Signal Source | dvCS |
(0018,9172) | Bulk Motion Compensation Technique | dvCS |
(0018,9173) | Bulk Motion Signal Source | dvCS |
(0018,9174) | Applicable Safety Standard Agency | dvCS |
(0018,9175) | Applicable Safety Standard Description | dvLO |
(0018,9176) | Operating Mode Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9177) | Operating Mode Type | dvCS |
(0018,9178) | Operating Mode | dvCS |
(0018,9179) | Specific Absorption Rate Definition | dvCS |
(0018,9180) | Gradient Output Type | dvCS |
(0018,9181) | Specific Absorption Rate Value | dvFD |
(0018,9182) | Gradient Output | dvFD |
(0018,9183) | Flow Compensation Direction | dvCS |
(0018,9184) | Tagging Delay | dvFD |
(0018,9185) | Respiratory Motion Compensation Technique Description | dvST |
(0018,9186) | Respiratory Signal Source ID | dvSH |
(0018,9195) | Chemical Shift Minimum Integration Limit in Hz | dvFD |
(0018,9196) | Chemical Shift Maximum Integration Limit in Hz | dvFD |
(0018,9197) | MR Velocity Encoding Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9198) | First Order Phase Correction | dvCS |
(0018,9199) | Water Referenced Phase Correction | dvCS |
(0018,9200) | MR Spectroscopy Acquisition Type | dvCS |
(0018,9214) | Respiratory Cycle Position | dvCS |
(0018,9217) | Velocity Encoding Maximum Value | dvFD |
(0018,9218) | Tag Spacing Second Dimension | dvFD |
(0018,9219) | Tag Angle Second Axis | dvSS |
(0018,9220) | Frame Acquisition Duration | dvFD |
(0018,9226) | MR Image Frame Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9227) | MR Spectroscopy Frame Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9231) | MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps in-plane | dvUS |
(0018,9232) | MR Acquisition Phase Encoding Steps out-of-plane | dvUS |
(0018,9234) | Spectroscopy Acquisition Phase Columns | dvUL |
(0018,9236) | Cardiac Cycle Position | dvCS |
(0018,9239) | Specific Absorption Rate Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9240) | RF Echo Train Length | dvUS |
(0018,9241) | Gradient Echo Train Length | dvUS |
(0018,9250) | Arterial Spin Labeling Contrast | dvCS |
(0018,9251) | MR Arterial Spin Labeling Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9252) | ASL Technique Description | dvLO |
(0018,9253) | ASL Slab Number | dvUS |
(0018,9254) | ASL Slab Thickness | dvFD |
(0018,9255) | ASL Slab Orientation | dvFD |
(0018,9256) | ASL Mid Slab Position | dvFD |
(0018,9257) | ASL Context | dvCS |
(0018,9258) | ASL Pulse Train Duration | dvUL |
(0018,9259) | ASL Crusher Flag | dvCS |
(0018,925A) | ASL Crusher Flow Limit | dvFD |
(0018,925B) | ASL Crusher Description | dvLO |
(0018,925C) | ASL Bolus Cut-off Flag | dvCS |
(0018,925D) | ASL Bolus Cut-off Timing Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,925E) | ASL Bolus Cut-off Technique | dvLO |
(0018,925F) | ASL Bolus Cut-off Delay Time | dvUL |
(0018,9260) | ASL Slab Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9295) | Chemical Shift Minimum Integration Limit in ppm | dvFD |
(0018,9296) | Chemical Shift Maximum Integration Limit in ppm | dvFD |
(0018,9297) | Water Reference Acquisition | dvCS |
(0018,9298) | Echo Peak Position | dvIS |
(0018,9301) | CT Acquisition Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9302) | Acquisition Type | dvCS |
(0018,9303) | Tube Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9304) | CT Acquisition Details Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9305) | Revolution Time | dvFD |
(0018,9306) | Single Collimation Width | dvFD |
(0018,9307) | Total Collimation Width | dvFD |
(0018,9308) | CT Table Dynamics Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9309) | Table Speed | dvFD |
(0018,9310) | Table Feed per Rotation | dvFD |
(0018,9311) | Spiral Pitch Factor | dvFD |
(0018,9312) | CT Geometry Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9313) | Data Collection Center (Patient) | dvFD |
(0018,9314) | CT Reconstruction Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9315) | Reconstruction Algorithm | dvCS |
(0018,9316) | Convolution Kernel Group | dvCS |
(0018,9317) | Reconstruction Field of View | dvFD |
(0018,9318) | Reconstruction Target Center (Patient) | dvFD |
(0018,9319) | Reconstruction Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9320) | Image Filter | dvSH |
(0018,9321) | CT Exposure Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9322) | Reconstruction Pixel Spacing | dvFD |
(0018,9323) | Exposure Modulation Type | dvCS |
(0018,9324) | Estimated Dose Saving | dvFD |
(0018,9325) | CT X-Ray Details Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9326) | CT Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9327) | Table Position | dvFD |
(0018,9328) | Exposure Time in ms | dvFD |
(0018,9329) | CT Image Frame Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9330) | X-Ray Tube Current in mA | dvFD |
(0018,9332) | Exposure in mAs | dvFD |
(0018,9333) | Constant Volume Flag | dvCS |
(0018,9334) | Fluoroscopy Flag | dvCS |
(0018,9335) | Distance Source to Data Collection Center | dvFD |
(0018,9337) | Contrast/Bolus Agent Number | dvUS |
(0018,9338) | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9340) | Contrast Administration Profile Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9341) | Contrast/Bolus Usage Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9342) | Contrast/Bolus Agent Administered | dvCS |
(0018,9343) | Contrast/Bolus Agent Detected | dvCS |
(0018,9344) | Contrast/Bolus Agent Phase | dvCS |
(0018,9345) | CTDIvol | dvFD |
(0018,9346) | CTDI Phantom Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9351) | Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Patient | dvFL |
(0018,9352) | Calcium Scoring Mass Factor Device | dvFL |
(0018,9353) | Energy Weighting Factor | dvFL |
(0018,9360) | CT Additional X-Ray Source Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9401) | Projection Pixel Calibration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9402) | Distance Source to Isocenter | dvFL |
(0018,9403) | Distance Object to Table Top | dvFL |
(0018,9404) | Object Pixel Spacing in Center of Beam | dvFL |
(0018,9405) | Positioner Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9406) | Table Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9407) | Collimator Shape Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9410) | Planes in Acquisition | dvCS |
(0018,9412) | XA/XRF Frame Characteristics Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9417) | Frame Acquisition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9420) | X-Ray Receptor Type | dvCS |
(0018,9423) | Acquisition Protocol Name | dvLO |
(0018,9424) | Acquisition Protocol Description | dvLT |
(0018,9425) | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Opaque | dvCS |
(0018,9426) | Distance Receptor Plane to Detector Housing | dvFL |
(0018,9427) | Intensifier Active Shape | dvCS |
(0018,9428) | Intensifier Active Dimension(s) | dvFL |
(0018,9429) | Physical Detector Size | dvFL |
(0018,9430) | Position of Isocenter Projection | dvFL |
(0018,9432) | Field of View Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9433) | Field of View Description | dvLO |
(0018,9434) | Exposure Control Sensing Regions Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9435) | Exposure Control Sensing Region Shape | dvCS |
(0018,9436) | Exposure Control Sensing Region Left Vertical Edge | dvSS |
(0018,9437) | Exposure Control Sensing Region Right Vertical Edge | dvSS |
(0018,9438) | Exposure Control Sensing Region Upper Horizontal Edge | dvSS |
(0018,9439) | Exposure Control Sensing Region Lower Horizontal Edge | dvSS |
(0018,9440) | Center of Circular Exposure Control Sensing Region | dvSS |
(0018,9441) | Radius of Circular Exposure Control Sensing Region | dvUS |
(0018,9442) | Vertices of the Polygonal Exposure Control Sensing Region | dvSS |
(0018,9445) | Undocumented | dvUnknown |
(0018,9447) | Column Angulation (Patient) | dvFL |
(0018,9449) | Beam Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9451) | Frame Detector Parameters Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9452) | Calculated Anatomy Thickness | dvFL |
(0018,9455) | Calibration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9456) | Object Thickness Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9457) | Plane Identification | dvCS |
(0018,9461) | Field of View Dimension(s) in Float | dvFL |
(0018,9462) | Isocenter Reference System Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9463) | Positioner Isocenter Primary Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9464) | Positioner Isocenter Secondary Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9465) | Positioner Isocenter Detector Rotation Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9466) | Table X Position to Isocenter | dvFL |
(0018,9467) | Table Y Position to Isocenter | dvFL |
(0018,9468) | Table Z Position to Isocenter | dvFL |
(0018,9469) | Table Horizontal Rotation Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9470) | Table Head Tilt Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9471) | Table Cradle Tilt Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9472) | Frame Display Shutter Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9473) | Acquired Image Area Dose Product | dvFL |
(0018,9474) | C-arm Positioner Tabletop Relationship | dvCS |
(0018,9476) | X-Ray Geometry Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9477) | Irradiation Event Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9504) | X-Ray 3D Frame Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9506) | Contributing Sources Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9507) | X-Ray 3D Acquisition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9508) | Primary Positioner Scan Arc | dvFL |
(0018,9509) | Secondary Positioner Scan Arc | dvFL |
(0018,9510) | Primary Positioner Scan Start Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9511) | Secondary Positioner Scan Start Angle | dvFL |
(0018,9514) | Primary Positioner Increment | dvFL |
(0018,9515) | Secondary Positioner Increment | dvFL |
(0018,9516) | Start Acquisition Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,9517) | End Acquisition Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,9518) | Primary Positioner Increment Sign | dvSS |
(0018,9519) | Secondary Positioner Increment Sign | dvSS |
(0018,9524) | Application Name | dvLO |
(0018,9525) | Application Version | dvLO |
(0018,9526) | Application Manufacturer | dvLO |
(0018,9527) | Algorithm Type | dvCS |
(0018,9528) | Algorithm Description | dvLO |
(0018,9530) | X-Ray 3D Reconstruction Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9531) | Reconstruction Description | dvLO |
(0018,9538) | Per Projection Acquisition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9541) | Detector Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9542) | X-Ray Acquisition Dose Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9543) | X-Ray Source Isocenter Primary Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9544) | X-Ray Source Isocenter Secondary Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9545) | Breast Support Isocenter Primary Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9546) | Breast Support Isocenter Secondary Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9547) | Breast Support X Position to Isocenter | dvFD |
(0018,9548) | Breast Support Y Position to Isocenter | dvFD |
(0018,9549) | Breast Support Z Position to Isocenter | dvFD |
(0018,9550) | Detector Isocenter Primary Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9551) | Detector Isocenter Secondary Angle | dvFD |
(0018,9552) | Detector X Position to Isocenter | dvFD |
(0018,9553) | Detector Y Position to Isocenter | dvFD |
(0018,9554) | Detector Z Position to Isocenter | dvFD |
(0018,9555) | X-Ray Grid Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9556) | X-Ray Filter Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9557) | Detector Active Area TLHC Position | dvFD |
(0018,9558) | Detector Active Area Orientation | dvFD |
(0018,9559) | Positioner Primary Angle Direction | dvCS |
(0018,9601) | Diffusion b-matrix Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9602) | Diffusion b-value XX | dvFD |
(0018,9603) | Diffusion b-value XY | dvFD |
(0018,9604) | Diffusion b-value XZ | dvFD |
(0018,9605) | Diffusion b-value YY | dvFD |
(0018,9606) | Diffusion b-value YZ | dvFD |
(0018,9607) | Diffusion b-value ZZ | dvFD |
(0018,9701) | Decay Correction Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,9715) | Start Density Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9716) | Start Relative Density Difference Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9717) | Start Cardiac Trigger Count Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9718) | Start Respiratory Trigger Count Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9719) | Termination Counts Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9720) | Termination Density Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9721) | Termination Relative Density Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9722) | Termination Time Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9723) | Termination Cardiac Trigger Count Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9724) | Termination Respiratory Trigger Count Threshold | dvFD |
(0018,9725) | Detector Geometry | dvCS |
(0018,9726) | Transverse Detector Separation | dvFD |
(0018,9727) | Axial Detector Dimension | dvFD |
(0018,9729) | Radiopharmaceutical Agent Number | dvUS |
(0018,9732) | PET Frame Acquisition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9733) | PET Detector Motion Details Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9734) | PET Table Dynamics Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9735) | PET Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9736) | PET Frame Correction Factors Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9737) | Radiopharmaceutical Usage Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9738) | Attenuation Correction Source | dvCS |
(0018,9739) | Number of Iterations | dvUS |
(0018,9740) | Number of Subsets | dvUS |
(0018,9749) | PET Reconstruction Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9751) | PET Frame Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9755) | Time of Flight Information Used | dvCS |
(0018,9756) | Reconstruction Type | dvCS |
(0018,9758) | Decay Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9759) | Attenuation Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9760) | Scatter Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9761) | Dead Time Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9762) | Gantry Motion Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9763) | Patient Motion Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9764) | Count Loss Normalization Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9765) | Randoms Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9766) | Non-uniform Radial Sampling Corrected | dvCS |
(0018,9767) | Sensitivity Calibrated | dvCS |
(0018,9768) | Detector Normalization Correction | dvCS |
(0018,9769) | Iterative Reconstruction Method | dvCS |
(0018,9770) | Attenuation Correction Temporal Relationship | dvCS |
(0018,9771) | Patient Physiological State Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9772) | Patient Physiological State Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9801) | Depth(s) of Focus | dvFD |
(0018,9803) | Excluded Intervals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9804) | Exclusion Start Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,9805) | Exclusion Duration | dvFD |
(0018,9806) | US Image Description Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9807) | Image Data Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9808) | Data Type | dvCS |
(0018,9809) | Transducer Scan Pattern Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,980B) | Aliased Data Type | dvCS |
(0018,980C) | Position Measuring Device Used | dvCS |
(0018,980D) | Transducer Geometry Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,980E) | Transducer Beam Steering Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,980F) | Transducer Application Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,9810) | Zero Velocity Pixel Value | dvUSorSS |
(0018,A001) | Contributing Equipment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0018,A002) | Contribution Date/Time | dvDT |
(0018,A003) | Contribution Description | dvST |
(0019,0000) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0001) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0002) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0003) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0004) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0005) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0006) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0007) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0008) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0009) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,000A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,000B) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,000C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,000D) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0019,000E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,000F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0011) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0012) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0013) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0014) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0015) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0016) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0017) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0018) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0019) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,001A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,001B) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,001C) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0019,001D) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0019,001E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,001F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0021) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0022) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0023) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0024) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0025) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0026) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0027) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0028) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0029) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0019,002A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,002B) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,002C) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,002D) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,002E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,002F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0031) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0032) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0033) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0019,0034) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,0036) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,0038) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,0039) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,003A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,003B) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0019,003C) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,003E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,003F) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0019,0040) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0041) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0042) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0043) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0044) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0045) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0046) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0047) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0048) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0049) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,004A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,004B) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0019,004C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,004E) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,0050) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0051) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0052) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0053) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0019,0054) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0055) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,0056) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0057) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,0058) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,005A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,005C) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,005D) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,005E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,005F) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0019,0060) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0061) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0062) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0063) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0064) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0065) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0066) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0067) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0068) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0069) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0019,006A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,006B) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,006C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,006E) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,0070) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0071) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0072) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0073) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0074) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0075) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0076) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0077) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,0078) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,007A) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,007C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,007D) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,007E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,007F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,0080) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0081) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0082) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0083) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0084) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0085) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0086) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0087) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0088) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,008A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,008B) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,008C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,008D) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,008E) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,008F) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,0090) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0091) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0092) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0093) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0094) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0095) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,0096) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0097) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0098) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,0099) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,009A) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,009B) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,009C) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,009D) | Undocumented | dvDT |
(0019,009E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,009F) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A0) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A1) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A3) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A4) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A5) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A6) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A7) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A8) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00A9) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00AA) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00AB) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00AC) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00AD) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00AE) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00AF) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B0) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B1) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B3) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B4) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B5) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00B6) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00B7) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00B8) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00B9) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00BA) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00BB) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00BC) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00BD) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00BE) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00C0) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00C1) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00C2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00C3) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00C4) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00C5) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00C6) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00C7) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00C8) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00C9) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00CA) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00CB) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00CC) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00CD) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00CE) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00CF) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00D0) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0019,00D1) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00D2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D3) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D4) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D5) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D6) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D7) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D8) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00D9) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00DA) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00DB) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00DC) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00DD) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0019,00DE) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00DF) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00E0) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00E1) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00E2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00E3) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00E4) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0019,00E5) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0019,00E6) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,00E8) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00E9) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00EB) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,00EC) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0019,00F0) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00F1) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00F2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00F3) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0019,00F4) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0019,00F9) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0019,1015) | Start Number for Enhanced Scans | dvUN |
(0020,0000) | Image Group Length | dvUL |
(0020,000D) | Study Instance UID | dvUI |
(0020,000E) | Series Instance UID | dvUI |
(0020,0010) | Study ID | dvSH |
(0020,0011) | Series Number | dvIS |
(0020,0012) | Acquisition Number | dvIS |
(0020,0013) | Instance Number | dvIS |
(0020,0014) | Isotope Number | dvIS |
(0020,0015) | Phase Number | dvIS |
(0020,0016) | Interval Number | dvIS |
(0020,0017) | Time Slot Number | dvIS |
(0020,0018) | Angle Number | dvIS |
(0020,0019) | Item Number | dvIS |
(0020,0020) | Patient Orientation | dvCS |
(0020,0022) | Overlay Number | dvIS |
(0020,0024) | Curve Number | dvIS |
(0020,0026) | LUT Number | dvIS |
(0020,0030) | Image Position | dvDS |
(0020,0032) | Image Position (Patient) | dvDS |
(0020,0035) | Image Orientation | dvDS |
(0020,0037) | Image Orientation (Patient) | dvDS |
(0020,0050) | Location | dvDS |
(0020,0052) | Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(0020,0060) | Laterality | dvCS |
(0020,0062) | Image Laterality | dvCS |
(0020,0070) | Image Geometry Type | dvLO |
(0020,0080) | Masking Image | dvCS |
(0020,00AA) | Report Number | dvIS |
(0020,0100) | Temporal Position Identifier | dvIS |
(0020,0105) | Number of Temporal Positions | dvIS |
(0020,0110) | Temporal Resolution | dvDS |
(0020,0200) | Synchronization Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(0020,0242) | SOP Instance UID of Concatenation Source | dvUI |
(0020,1000) | Series in Study | dvIS |
(0020,1001) | Acquisitions in Series | dvIS |
(0020,1002) | Images in Acquisition | dvIS |
(0020,1003) | Images in Series | dvIS |
(0020,1004) | Acquisitions in Study | dvIS |
(0020,1005) | Images in Study | dvIS |
(0020,1020) | Reference | dvLO |
(0020,1040) | Position Reference Indicator | dvLO |
(0020,1041) | Slice Location | dvDS |
(0020,1070) | Other Study Numbers | dvIS |
(0020,1200) | Number of Patient Related Studies | dvIS |
(0020,1202) | Number of Patient Related Series | dvIS |
(0020,1204) | Number of Patient Related Instances | dvIS |
(0020,1206) | Number of Study Related Series | dvIS |
(0020,1208) | Number of Study Related Instances | dvIS |
(0020,1209) | Number of Series Related Instances | dvIS |
(0020,3100) | Source Image IDs | dvCS |
(0020,3401) | Modifying Device ID | dvCS |
(0020,3402) | Modified Image ID | dvCS |
(0020,3403) | Modified Image Date | dvDA |
(0020,3404) | Modifying Device Manufacturer | dvLO |
(0020,3405) | Modified Image Time | dvTM |
(0020,3406) | Modified Image Description | dvLO |
(0020,4000) | Image Comments | dvLT |
(0020,5000) | Original Image Identification | dvAT |
(0020,5002) | Original Image Identification Nomenclature | dvLO |
(0020,9056) | Stack ID | dvSH |
(0020,9057) | In-Stack Position Number | dvUL |
(0020,9071) | Frame Anatomy Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9072) | Frame Laterality | dvCS |
(0020,9110) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0020,9111) | Frame Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9113) | Plane Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9116) | Plane Orientation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9128) | Temporal Position Index | dvUL |
(0020,9153) | Nominal Cardiac Trigger Delay Time | dvFD |
(0020,9154) | Nominal Cardiac Trigger Time Prior to R-Peak | dvFL |
(0020,9155) | Actual Cardiac Trigger Time Prior to R-Peak | dvFL |
(0020,9156) | Frame Acquisition Number | dvUS |
(0020,9157) | Dimension Index Values | dvUL |
(0020,9158) | Frame Comments | dvLT |
(0020,9161) | Concatenation UID | dvUI |
(0020,9162) | In-concatenation Number | dvUS |
(0020,9163) | In-concatenation Total Number | dvUS |
(0020,9164) | Dimension Organization UID | dvUI |
(0020,9165) | Dimension Index Pointer | dvAT |
(0020,9167) | Functional Group Pointer | dvAT |
(0020,9170) | Unassigned Shared Converted Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9171) | Unassigned Per-Frame Converted Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9172) | Conversion Source Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9213) | Dimension Index Private Creator | dvLO |
(0020,9221) | Dimension Organization Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9222) | Dimension Index Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9228) | Concatenation Frame Offset Number | dvUL |
(0020,9238) | Functional Group Private Creator | dvLO |
(0020,9241) | Nominal Percentage of Cardiac Phase | dvFL |
(0020,9245) | Nominal Percentage of Respiratory Phase | dvFL |
(0020,9246) | Starting Respiratory Amplitude | dvFL |
(0020,9247) | Starting Respiratory Phase | dvCS |
(0020,9248) | Ending Respiratory Amplitude | dvFL |
(0020,9249) | Ending Respiratory Phase | dvCS |
(0020,9250) | Respiratory Trigger Type | dvCS |
(0020,9251) | R-R Interval Time Nominal | dvFD |
(0020,9252) | Actual Cardiac Trigger Delay Time | dvFD |
(0020,9253) | Respiratory Synchronization Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9254) | Respiratory Interval Time | dvFD |
(0020,9255) | Nominal Respiratory Trigger Delay Time | dvFD |
(0020,9256) | Respiratory Trigger Delay Threshold | dvFD |
(0020,9257) | Actual Respiratory Trigger Delay Time | dvFD |
(0020,9301) | Image Position (Volume) | dvFD |
(0020,9302) | Image Orientation (Volume) | dvFD |
(0020,9307) | Ultrasound Acquisition Geometry | dvCS |
(0020,9308) | Apex Position | dvFD |
(0020,9309) | Volume to Transducer Mapping Matrix | dvFD |
(0020,930A) | Volume to Table Mapping Matrix | dvFD |
(0020,930B) | Volume to Transducer Relationship | dvCS |
(0020,930C) | Patient Frame of Reference Source | dvCS |
(0020,930D) | Temporal Position Time Offset | dvFD |
(0020,930E) | Plane Position (Volume) Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,930F) | Plane Orientation (Volume) Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9310) | Temporal Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9311) | Dimension Organization Type | dvCS |
(0020,9312) | Volume Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(0020,9313) | Table Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(0020,9421) | Dimension Description Label | dvLO |
(0020,9450) | Patient Orientation in Frame Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9453) | Frame Label | dvLO |
(0020,9518) | Acquisition Index | dvUS |
(0020,9529) | Contributing SOP Instances Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(0020,9536) | Reconstruction Index | dvUS |
(0021,0000) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0001) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0002) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0003) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0004) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0005) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0006) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,0007) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0008) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0009) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0011) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0012) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0013) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0014) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0015) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0016) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0017) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0018) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0019) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0021) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0022) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0024) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0025) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0021,0026) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0031) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0032) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0034) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0035) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0021,0036) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0037) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0021,0039) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0040) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0041) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0042) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0043) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0044) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0045) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0046) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0047) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0048) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0049) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,004A) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,004E) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0021,004F) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0050) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0051) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0052) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0053) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0054) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0055) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0056) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0057) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0058) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0059) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,005A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0021,005B) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,005C) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,005D) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,005E) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,005F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0060) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0061) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0062) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,0063) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0065) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0021,006A) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,006B) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0070) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0071) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0072) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0073) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0075) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0076) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,007A) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,007B) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,007C) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,0080) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0081) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0082) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0083) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0084) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0090) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0091) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0092) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0093) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,0094) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0095) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,0096) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,00A0) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,00A1) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0021,00A2) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0021,00A3) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0021,00A4) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0021,00A7) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0021,00B0) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0021,00C0) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0022,0001) | Light Path Filter Pass-Through Wavelength | dvUS |
(0022,0002) | Light Path Filter Pass Band | dvUS |
(0022,0003) | Image Path Filter Pass-Through Wavelength | dvUS |
(0022,0004) | Image Path Filter Pass Band | dvUS |
(0022,0005) | Patient Eye Movement Commanded | dvCS |
(0022,0006) | Patient Eye Movement Command Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0007) | Spherical Lens Power | dvFL |
(0022,0008) | Cylinder Lens Power | dvFL |
(0022,0009) | Cylinder Axis | dvFL |
(0022,000A) | Emmetropic Magnification | dvFL |
(0022,000B) | Intra Ocular Pressure | dvFL |
(0022,000C) | Horizontal Field of View | dvFL |
(0022,000D) | Pupil Dilated | dvCS |
(0022,000E) | Degree of Dilation | dvFL |
(0022,0010) | Stereo Baseline Angle | dvFL |
(0022,0011) | Stereo Baseline Displacement | dvFL |
(0022,0012) | Stereo Horizontal Pixel Offset | dvFL |
(0022,0013) | Stereo Vertical Pixel Offset | dvFL |
(0022,0014) | Stereo Rotation | dvFL |
(0022,0015) | Acquisition Device Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0016) | Illumination Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0017) | Light Path Filter Type Stack Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0018) | Image Path Filter Type Stack Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0019) | Lenses Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,001A) | Channel Description Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,001B) | Refractive State Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,001C) | Mydriatic Agent Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,001D) | Relative Image Position Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,001E) | Camera Angle of View | dvFL |
(0022,0020) | Stereo Pairs Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0021) | Left Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0022) | Right Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0030) | Axial Length of the Eye | dvFL |
(0022,0031) | Ophthalmic Frame Location Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0032) | Reference Coordinates | dvFL |
(0022,0035) | Depth Spatial Resolution | dvFL |
(0022,0036) | Maximum Depth Distortion | dvFL |
(0022,0037) | Along-scan Spatial Resolution | dvFL |
(0022,0038) | Maximum Along-scan Distortion | dvFL |
(0022,0039) | Ophthalmic Image Orientation | dvCS |
(0022,0041) | Depth of Transverse Image | dvFL |
(0022,0042) | Mydriatic Agent Concentration Units Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,0048) | Across-scan Spatial Resolution | dvFL |
(0022,0049) | Maximum Across-scan Distortion | dvFL |
(0022,004E) | Mydriatic Agent Concentration | dvDS |
(0022,0055) | Illumination Wave Length | dvFL |
(0022,0056) | Illumination Power | dvFL |
(0022,0057) | Illumination Bandwidth | dvFL |
(0022,0058) | Mydriatic Agent Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1007) | Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1008) | Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1009) | Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Device Type | dvCS |
(0022,1010) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Type | dvCS |
(0022,1012) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1019) | Ophthalmic Axial Length | dvFL |
(0022,1024) | Lens Status Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1025) | Vitreous Status Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1028) | IOL Formula Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1029) | IOL Formula Detail | dvLO |
(0022,1033) | Keratometer Index | dvFL |
(0022,1035) | Source of Ophthalmic Axial Length Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1037) | Target Refraction | dvFL |
(0022,1039) | Refractive Procedure Occurred | dvCS |
(0022,1040) | Refractive Surgery Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1044) | Ophthalmic Ultrasound Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1050) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1053) | IOL Power | dvFL |
(0022,1054) | Predicted Refractive Error | dvFL |
(0022,1059) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Velocity | dvFL |
(0022,1065) | Lens Status Description | dvLO |
(0022,1066) | Vitreous Status Description | dvLO |
(0022,1090) | IOL Power Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1092) | Lens Constant Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1093) | IOL Manufacturer | dvLO |
(0022,1094) | Lens Constant Description | dvLO |
(0022,1095) | Implant Name | dvLO |
(0022,1096) | Keratometry Measurement Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1097) | Implant Part Number | dvLO |
(0022,1100) | Referenced Ophthalmic Axial Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1101) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Segment Name Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1103) | Refractive Error Before Refractive Surgery Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1121) | IOL Power for Exact Emmetropia | dvFL |
(0022,1122) | IOL Power for Exact Target Refraction | dvFL |
(0022,1125) | Anterior Chamber Depth Definition Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1127) | Lens Thickness Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1128) | Anterior Chamber Depth Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1130) | Lens Thickness | dvFL |
(0022,1131) | Anterior Chamber Depth | dvFL |
(0022,1132) | Source of Lens Thickness Data Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1133) | Source of Anterior Chamber Depth Data Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1134) | Source of Refractive Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1135) | Source of Refractive Measurements Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1140) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurement Modified | dvCS |
(0022,1150) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Data Source Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1153) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Acquisition Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1155) | Signal to Noise Ratio | dvFL |
(0022,1159) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Data Source Description | dvLO |
(0022,1210) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Total Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1211) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Segmental Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1212) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Length Summation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1220) | Ultrasound Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1225) | Optical Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1230) | Ultrasound Selected Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1250) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Selection Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1255) | Optical Selected Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1257) | Selected Segmental Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1260) | Selected Total Ophthalmic Axial Length Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1262) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1265) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1273) | Ophthalmic Axial Length Quality Metric Type Description | dvLO |
(0022,1300) | Intraocular Lens Calculations Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1310) | Intraocular Lens Calculations Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1330) | Referenced Ophthalmic Axial Length Measurement QC Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1415) | Ophthalmic Mapping Device Type | dvCS |
(0022,1420) | Acquisition Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1423) | Acquisition Method Algorithm Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1436) | Ophthalmic Thickness Map Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1443) | Ophthalmic Thickness Mapping Normals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1445) | Retinal Thickness Definition Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1450) | Pixel Value Mapping to Coded Concept Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1452) | Mapped Pixel Value | dvUSorSS |
(0022,1454) | Pixel Value Mapping Explanation | dvLO |
(0022,1458) | Ophthalmic Thickness Map Quality Threshold Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1460) | Ophthalmic Thickness Map Threshold Quality Rating | dvFL |
(0022,1463) | Anatomic Structure Reference Point | dvFL |
(0022,1465) | Registration to Localizer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1466) | Registered Localizer Units | dvCS |
(0022,1467) | Registered Localizer Top Left Hand Corner | dvFL |
(0022,1468) | Registered Localizer Bottom Right Hand Corner | dvFL |
(0022,1470) | Ophthalmic Thickness Map Quality Rating Sequence | dvSQ |
(0022,1472) | Relevant OPT Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0023,0000) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0001) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0023,0002) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0023,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0040) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0050) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0060) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0070) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0074) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0023,007D) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0023,0080) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,0090) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0023,00FF) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0024,0010) | Visual Field Horizontal Extent | dvFL |
(0024,0011) | Visual Field Vertical Extent | dvFL |
(0024,0012) | Visual Field Shape | dvCS |
(0024,0016) | Screening Test Mode Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0018) | Maximum Stimulus Luminance | dvFL |
(0024,0020) | Background Luminance | dvFL |
(0024,0021) | Stimulus Color Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0024) | Background Illumination Color Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0025) | Stimulus Area | dvFL |
(0024,0028) | Stimulus Presentation Time | dvFL |
(0024,0032) | Fixation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0033) | Fixation Monitoring Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0034) | Visual Field Catch Trial Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0035) | Fixation Checked Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0036) | Patient Not Properly Fixated Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0037) | Presented Visual Stimuli Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0038) | Number of Visual Stimuli | dvUS |
(0024,0039) | Excessive Fixation Losses Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0040) | Excessive Fixation Losses | dvCS |
(0024,0042) | Stimuli Retesting Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0044) | Comments on Patient's Performance of Visual Field | dvLT |
(0024,0045) | False Negatives Estimate Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0046) | False Negatives Estimate | dvFL |
(0024,0048) | Negative Catch Trials Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0050) | False Negatives Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0051) | Excessive False Negatives Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0052) | Excessive False Negatives | dvCS |
(0024,0053) | False Positives Estimate Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0054) | False Positives Estimate | dvFL |
(0024,0055) | Catch Trials Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0056) | Positive Catch Trials Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0057) | Test Point Normals Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0058) | Test Point Normals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0059) | Global Deviation Probability Normals Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0060) | False Positives Quantity | dvUS |
(0024,0061) | Excessive False Positives Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0062) | Excessive False Positives | dvCS |
(0024,0063) | Visual Field Test Normals Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0064) | Results Normals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0065) | Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Algorithm Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0066) | Global Deviation From Normal | dvFL |
(0024,0067) | Generalized Defect Sensitivity Deviation Algorithm Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0068) | Localized Deviation From Normal | dvFL |
(0024,0069) | Patient Reliability Indicator | dvLO |
(0024,0070) | Visual Field Mean Sensitivity | dvFL |
(0024,0071) | Global Deviation Probability | dvFL |
(0024,0072) | Local Deviation Probability Normals Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0073) | Localized Deviation Probability | dvFL |
(0024,0074) | Short Term Fluctuation Calculated | dvCS |
(0024,0075) | Short Term Fluctuation | dvFL |
(0024,0076) | Short Term Fluctuation Probability Calculated | dvCS |
(0024,0077) | Short Term Fluctuation Probability | dvFL |
(0024,0078) | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Calculated | dvCS |
(0024,0079) | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal | dvFL |
(0024,0080) | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Probability Calculated | dvCS |
(0024,0081) | Corrected Localized Deviation From Normal Probability | dvFL |
(0024,0083) | Global Deviation Probability Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0085) | Localized Deviation Probability Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0086) | Foveal Sensitivity Measured | dvCS |
(0024,0087) | Foveal Sensitivity | dvFL |
(0024,0088) | Visual Field Test Duration | dvFL |
(0024,0089) | Visual Field Test Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0090) | Visual Field Test Point X-Coordinate | dvFL |
(0024,0091) | Visual Field Test Point Y-Coordinate | dvFL |
(0024,0092) | Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Value | dvFL |
(0024,0093) | Stimulus Results | dvCS |
(0024,0094) | Sensitivity Value | dvFL |
(0024,0095) | Retest Stimulus Seen | dvCS |
(0024,0096) | Retest Sensitivity Value | dvFL |
(0024,0097) | Visual Field Test Point Normals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0098) | Quantified Defect | dvFL |
(0024,0100) | Age Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Probability Value | dvFL |
(0024,0102) | Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0103) | Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Value | dvFL |
(0024,0104) | Generalized Defect Corrected Sensitivity Deviation Probability Value | dvFL |
(0024,0105) | Minimum Sensitivity Value | dvFL |
(0024,0106) | Blind Spot Localized | dvCS |
(0024,0107) | Blind Spot X-Coordinate | dvFL |
(0024,0108) | Blind Spot Y-Coordinate | dvFL |
(0024,0110) | Visual Acuity Measurement Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0112) | Refractive Parameters Used on Patient Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0113) | Measurement Laterality | dvCS |
(0024,0114) | Ophthalmic Patient Clinical Information Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0115) | Ophthalmic Patient Clinical Information Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0117) | Foveal Point Normative Data Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0118) | Foveal Point Probability Value | dvFL |
(0024,0120) | Screening Baseline Measured | dvCS |
(0024,0122) | Screening Baseline Measured Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0124) | Screening Baseline Type | dvCS |
(0024,0126) | Screening Baseline Value | dvFL |
(0024,0202) | Algorithm Source | dvLO |
(0024,0306) | Data Set Name | dvLO |
(0024,0307) | Data Set Version | dvLO |
(0024,0308) | Data Set Source | dvLO |
(0024,0309) | Data Set Description | dvLO |
(0024,0317) | Visual Field Test Reliability Global Index Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0320) | Visual Field Global Results Index Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0325) | Data Observation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0024,0338) | Index Normals Flag | dvCS |
(0024,0341) | Index Probability | dvFL |
(0024,0344) | Index Probability Sequence | dvSQ |
(0025,0000) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0025,0006) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0025,0007) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0025,0010) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0025,0011) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0025,0014) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0025,0017) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0025,0018) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0025,0019) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0025,001A) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0000) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0027,0006) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0027,0010) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0027,0011) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0027,0012) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0027,0013) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0027,0014) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0027,0015) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0027,0016) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0027,001C) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0027,001D) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0027,001E) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0027,001F) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0027,0020) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0027,0030) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0031) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0027,0032) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0027,0033) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0027,0035) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0027,0036) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0027,0040) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0041) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0042) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0043) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0044) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0045) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0046) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0047) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0048) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0049) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,004A) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,004B) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,004C) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,004D) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0050) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0051) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0052) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0053) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0054) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0055) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0027,0060) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0061) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0027,0062) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0028,0000) | Image Presentation Group Length | dvUL |
(0028,0002) | Samples per Pixel | dvUS |
(0028,0003) | Samples per Pixel Used | dvUS |
(0028,0004) | Photometric Interpretation | dvCS |
(0028,0005) | Image Dimensions | dvUS |
(0028,0006) | Planar Configuration | dvUS |
(0028,0008) | Number of Frames | dvIS |
(0028,0009) | Frame Increment Pointer | dvAT |
(0028,000A) | Frame Dimension Pointer | dvAT |
(0028,0010) | Rows | dvUS |
(0028,0011) | Columns | dvUS |
(0028,0012) | Planes | dvUS |
(0028,0014) | Ultrasound Color Data Present | dvUS |
(0028,0020) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0028,0030) | Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(0028,0031) | Zoom Factor | dvDS |
(0028,0032) | Zoom Center | dvDS |
(0028,0034) | Pixel Aspect Ratio | dvIS |
(0028,0040) | Image Format | dvCS |
(0028,0050) | Manipulated Image | dvLO |
(0028,0051) | Corrected Image | dvCS |
(0028,005F) | Compression Recognition Code | dvLO |
(0028,0060) | Compression Code | dvCS |
(0028,0061) | Compression Originator | dvSH |
(0028,0062) | Compression Label | dvLO |
(0028,0063) | Compression Description | dvSH |
(0028,0065) | Compression Sequence | dvCS |
(0028,0066) | Compression Step Pointers | dvAT |
(0028,0068) | Repeat Interval | dvUS |
(0028,0069) | Bits Grouped | dvUS |
(0028,0070) | Perimeter Table | dvUS |
(0028,0071) | Perimeter Value | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0080) | Predictor Rows | dvUS |
(0028,0081) | Predictor Columns | dvUS |
(0028,0082) | Predictor Constants | dvUS |
(0028,0090) | Blocked Pixels | dvCS |
(0028,0091) | Block Rows | dvUS |
(0028,0092) | Block Columns | dvUS |
(0028,0093) | Row Overlap | dvUS |
(0028,0094) | Column Overlap | dvUS |
(0028,0100) | Bits Allocated | dvUS |
(0028,0101) | Bits Stored | dvUS |
(0028,0102) | High Bit | dvUS |
(0028,0103) | Pixel Representation | dvUS |
(0028,0104) | Smallest Valid Pixel Value | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0105) | Largest Valid Pixel Value | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0106) | Smallest Image Pixel Value | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0107) | Largest Image Pixel Value | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0108) | Smallest Pixel Value in Series | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0109) | Largest Pixel Value in Series | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0110) | Smallest Image Pixel Value in Plane | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0111) | Largest Image Pixel Value in Plane | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0120) | Pixel Padding Value | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0121) | Pixel Padding Range Limit | dvUSorSS |
(0028,0200) | Image Location | dvUS |
(0028,0300) | Quality Control Image | dvCS |
(0028,0301) | Burned in Annotation | dvCS |
(0028,0302) | Recognizable Visual Features | dvCS |
(0028,0303) | Longitudinal Temporal Information Modified | dvCS |
(0028,0304) | Referenced Color Palette Instance UID | dvUI |
(0028,0400) | Transform Label | dvLO |
(0028,0401) | Transform Version Number | dvLO |
(0028,0402) | Number of Transform Steps | dvUS |
(0028,0403) | Sequence of Compressed Data | dvLO |
(0028,0404) | Details of Coefficients | dvAT |
(0028,0410) | Rows for Nth Order Coefficients | dvUS |
(0028,0411) | Columns for Nth Order Coefficients | dvUS |
(0028,0412) | Coefficient Coding | dvCS |
(0028,0413) | Coefficient Coding Pointers | dvAT |
(0028,0700) | DCT Label | dvLO |
(0028,0701) | Data Block Description | dvCS |
(0028,0702) | Data Block | dvAT |
(0028,0710) | Normalization Factor Format | dvUS |
(0028,0720) | Zonal Map Number Format | dvUS |
(0028,0721) | Zonal Map Location | dvAT |
(0028,0722) | Zonal Map Format | dvUS |
(0028,0730) | Adaptive Map Format | dvUS |
(0028,0740) | Code Number Format | dvUS |
(0028,0800) | Code Label | dvLO |
(0028,0802) | Number of Table | dvUS |
(0028,0803) | Code Table Location | dvAT |
(0028,0804) | Bits for Code Word | dvUS |
(0028,0808) | Image Data Location | dvAT |
(0028,0A02) | Pixel Spacing Calibration Type | dvCS |
(0028,0A04) | Pixel Spacing Calibration Description | dvLO |
(0028,1040) | Pixel Intensity Relationship | dvCS |
(0028,1041) | Pixel Intensity Relationship Sign | dvSS |
(0028,1050) | Window Center | dvDS |
(0028,1051) | Window Width | dvDS |
(0028,1052) | Rescale Intercept | dvDS |
(0028,1053) | Rescale Slope | dvDS |
(0028,1054) | Rescale Type | dvLO |
(0028,1055) | Window Center & Width Explanation | dvLO |
(0028,1056) | VOI LUT Function | dvCS |
(0028,1080) | Gray Scale | dvCS |
(0028,1090) | Recommended Viewing Mode | dvCS |
(0028,1100) | Gray Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1101) | Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1102) | Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1103) | Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1104) | Alpha Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUS |
(0028,1111) | Large Red Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1112) | Large Green Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1113) | Large Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,1199) | Palette Color Lookup Table UID | dvUI |
(0028,1200) | Gray Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1201) | Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1202) | Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1203) | Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1204) | Alpha Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1211) | Large Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1212) | Large Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1213) | Large Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1214) | Large Palette Color Lookup Table UID | dvUI |
(0028,1221) | Segmented Red Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1222) | Segmented Green Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1223) | Segmented Blue Palette Color Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,1300) | Breast Implant Present | dvCS |
(0028,1350) | Partial View | dvCS |
(0028,1351) | Partial View Description | dvST |
(0028,1352) | Partial View Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,135A) | Spatial Locations Preserved | dvCS |
(0028,1401) | Data Frame Assignment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,1402) | Data Path Assignment | dvCS |
(0028,1403) | Bits Mapped to Color Lookup Table | dvUS |
(0028,1404) | Blending LUT 1 Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,1405) | Blending LUT 1 Transfer Function | dvCS |
(0028,1406) | Blending Weight Constant | dvFD |
(0028,1407) | Blending Lookup Table Descriptor | dvUS |
(0028,1408) | Blending Lookup Table Data | dvOW |
(0028,140B) | Enhanced Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,140C) | Blending LUT 2 Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,140D) | Blending LUT 2 Transfer Function | dvCS |
(0028,140E) | Data Path ID | dvCS |
(0028,140F) | RGB LUT Transfer Function | dvCS |
(0028,1410) | Alpha LUT Transfer Function | dvCS |
(0028,2000) | ICC Profile | dvOB |
(0028,2110) | Lossy Image Compression | dvCS |
(0028,2112) | Lossy Image Compression Ratio | dvDS |
(0028,2114) | Lossy Image Compression Method | dvCS |
(0028,3000) | Modality LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,3002) | LUT Descriptor | dvUSorSS |
(0028,3003) | LUT Explanation | dvLO |
(0028,3004) | Modality LUT Type | dvLO |
(0028,3006) | LUT Data | dvOW |
(0028,3010) | VOI LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,3110) | Softcopy VOI LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,4000) | Image Presentation Comments | dvLT |
(0028,5000) | Bi-Plane Acquisition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,6010) | Representative Frame Number | dvUS |
(0028,6020) | Frame Numbers of Interest (FOI) | dvUS |
(0028,6022) | Frame of Interest Description | dvLO |
(0028,6023) | Frame of Interest Type | dvCS |
(0028,6030) | Mask Pointer(s) | dvUS |
(0028,6040) | R Wave Pointer | dvUS |
(0028,6100) | Mask Subtraction Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,6101) | Mask Operation | dvCS |
(0028,6102) | Applicable Frame Range | dvUS |
(0028,6110) | Mask Frame Numbers | dvUS |
(0028,6112) | Contrast Frame Averaging | dvUS |
(0028,6114) | Mask Sub-pixel Shift | dvFL |
(0028,6120) | TID Offset | dvSS |
(0028,6190) | Mask Operation Explanation | dvST |
(0028,7000) | Equipment Administrator Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7001) | Number of Display Subsystems | dvUS |
(0028,7002) | Current Configuration ID | dvUS |
(0028,7003) | Display Subsystem ID | dvUS |
(0028,7004) | Display Subsystem Name | dvSH |
(0028,7005) | Display Subsystem Description | dvLO |
(0028,7006) | System Status | dvCS |
(0028,7007) | System Status Comment | dvLO |
(0028,7008) | Target Luminance Characteristics Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7009) | Luminance Characteristics ID | dvUS |
(0028,700A) | Display Subsystem Configuration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,700B) | Configuration ID | dvUS |
(0028,700C) | Configuration Name | dvSH |
(0028,700D) | Configuration Description | dvLO |
(0028,700E) | Referenced Target Luminance Characteristics ID | dvUS |
(0028,700F) | QA Results Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7010) | Display Subsystem QA Results Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7011) | Configuration QA Results Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7012) | Measurement Equipment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7013) | Measurement Functions | dvCS |
(0028,7014) | Measurement Equipment Type | dvCS |
(0028,7015) | Visual Evaluation Result Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7016) | Display Calibration Result Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7017) | DDL Value | dvUS |
(0028,7018) | CIExy White Point | dvFL |
(0028,7019) | Display Function Type | dvCS |
(0028,701A) | Gamma Value | dvFL |
(0028,701B) | Number of Luminance Points | dvUS |
(0028,701C) | Luminance Response Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,701D) | Target Minimum Luminance | dvFL |
(0028,701E) | Target Maximum Luminance | dvFL |
(0028,701F) | Luminance Value | dvFL |
(0028,7020) | Luminance Response Description | dvLO |
(0028,7021) | White Point Flag | dvCS |
(0028,7022) | Display Device Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7023) | Display Subsystem Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7024) | Luminance Result Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7025) | Ambient Light Value Source | dvCS |
(0028,7026) | Measured Characteristics | dvCS |
(0028,7027) | Luminance Uniformity Result Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7028) | Visual Evaluation Test Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7029) | Test Result | dvCS |
(0028,702A) | Test Result Comment | dvLO |
(0028,702B) | Test Image Validation | dvCS |
(0028,702C) | Test Pattern Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,702D) | Measurement Pattern Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,702E) | Visual Evaluation Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,7FE0) | Pixel Data Provider URL | dvUR |
(0028,9001) | Data Point Rows | dvUL |
(0028,9002) | Data Point Columns | dvUL |
(0028,9003) | Signal Domain Columns | dvCS |
(0028,9099) | Largest Monochrome Pixel Value | dvUS |
(0028,9108) | Data Representation | dvCS |
(0028,9110) | Pixel Measures Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9132) | Frame VOI LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9145) | Pixel Value Transformation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9235) | Signal Domain Rows | dvCS |
(0028,9411) | Display Filter Percentage | dvFL |
(0028,9415) | Frame Pixel Shift Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9416) | Subtraction Item ID | dvUS |
(0028,9422) | Pixel Intensity Relationship LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9443) | Frame Pixel Data Properties Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9444) | Geometrical Properties | dvCS |
(0028,9445) | Geometric Maximum Distortion | dvFL |
(0028,9446) | Image Processing Applied | dvCS |
(0028,9454) | Mask Selection Mode | dvCS |
(0028,9474) | LUT Function | dvCS |
(0028,9478) | Mask Visibility Percentage | dvFL |
(0028,9501) | Pixel Shift Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9502) | Region Pixel Shift Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9503) | Vertices of the Region | dvSS |
(0028,9505) | Multi-frame Presentation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0028,9506) | Pixel Shift Frame Range | dvUS |
(0028,9507) | LUT Frame Range | dvUS |
(0028,9520) | Image to Equipment Mapping Matrix | dvDS |
(0028,9537) | Equipment Coordinate System Identification | dvCS |
(0029,0000) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0001) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0002) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0003) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0004) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0005) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0006) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0007) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0029,0008) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0029,0009) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0029,000A) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0029,000C) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,000E) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,000F) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0011) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0013) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0015) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0016) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0029,0017) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0029,0018) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0029,001A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0029,001E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,001F) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0022) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,0025) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0026) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0029,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0031) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0032) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0033) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0034) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0035) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0029,0038) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,0040) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0041) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0029,0043) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0029,0044) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,004E) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,004F) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,0050) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0051) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0052) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0053) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0060) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0061) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0067) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0070) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0071) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0072) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0077) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,0078) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,0079) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,007E) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,007F) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,0080) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0081) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,0082) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,0083) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,008E) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,008F) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,0090) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,0099) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,00A0) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,00A1) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,00A2) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,00B0) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,00B2) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0029,00C0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,00C1) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0029,00C3) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,00C4) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,00C5) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0029,00CE) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,00CF) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0029,00D0) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,00D1) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0029,00D5) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0031,0010) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0031,0012) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0031,0030) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0031,0032) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0031,0033) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0031,0045) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0031,004A) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0031,0050) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0031,0080) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0032,0000) | Study Group Length | dvUL |
(0032,000A) | Study Status ID | dvCS |
(0032,000C) | Study Priority ID | dvCS |
(0032,0012) | Study ID Issuer | dvLO |
(0032,0032) | Study Verified Date | dvDA |
(0032,0033) | Study Verified Time | dvTM |
(0032,0034) | Study Read Date | dvDA |
(0032,0035) | Study Read Time | dvTM |
(0032,1000) | Scheduled Study Start Date | dvDA |
(0032,1001) | Scheduled Study Start Time | dvTM |
(0032,1010) | Scheduled Study Stop Date | dvDA |
(0032,1011) | Scheduled Study Stop Time | dvTM |
(0032,1020) | Scheduled Study Location | dvLO |
(0032,1021) | Scheduled Study Location AE Title | dvAE |
(0032,1030) | Reason for Study | dvLO |
(0032,1031) | Requesting Physician Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0032,1032) | Requesting Physician | dvPN |
(0032,1033) | Requesting Service | dvLO |
(0032,1034) | Requesting Service Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0032,1040) | Study Arrival Date | dvDA |
(0032,1041) | Study Arrival Time | dvTM |
(0032,1050) | Study Completion Date | dvDA |
(0032,1051) | Study Completion Time | dvTM |
(0032,1055) | Study Component Status ID | dvCS |
(0032,1060) | Requested Procedure Description | dvLO |
(0032,1064) | Requested Procedure Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0032,1070) | Requested Contrast Agent | dvLO |
(0032,4000) | Study Comments | dvLT |
(0033,0001) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0033,0002) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0033,0005) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0033,0006) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0033,0010) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0037,0010) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0037,0020) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0037,0040) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0037,0042) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0037,0050) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0037,0060) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0038,0000) | Visit Group Length | dvUL |
(0038,0004) | Referenced Patient Alias Sequence | dvSQ |
(0038,0008) | Visit Status ID | dvCS |
(0038,0010) | Admission ID | dvLO |
(0038,0011) | Issuer of Admission ID | dvLO |
(0038,0014) | Issuer of Admission ID Sequence | dvSQ |
(0038,0016) | Route of Admissions | dvLO |
(0038,001A) | Scheduled Admission Date | dvDA |
(0038,001B) | Scheduled Admission Time | dvTM |
(0038,001C) | Scheduled Discharge Date | dvDA |
(0038,001D) | Scheduled Discharge Time | dvTM |
(0038,001E) | Scheduled Patient Institution Residence | dvLO |
(0038,0020) | Admitting Date | dvDA |
(0038,0021) | Admitting Time | dvTM |
(0038,0030) | Discharge Date | dvDA |
(0038,0032) | Discharge Time | dvTM |
(0038,0040) | Discharge Diagnosis Description | dvLO |
(0038,0044) | Discharge Diagnosis Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0038,0050) | Special Needs | dvLO |
(0038,0060) | Service Episode ID | dvLO |
(0038,0061) | Issuer of Service Episode ID | dvLO |
(0038,0062) | Service Episode Description | dvLO |
(0038,0064) | Issuer of Service Episode ID Sequence | dvSQ |
(0038,0100) | Pertinent Documents Sequence | dvSQ |
(0038,0300) | Current Patient Location | dvLO |
(0038,0400) | Patient's Institution Residence | dvLO |
(0038,0500) | Patient State | dvLO |
(0038,0502) | Patient Clinical Trial Participation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0038,4000) | Visit Comments | dvLT |
(0039,0080) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0039,0085) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0039,0090) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0039,0095) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0039,00AA) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(003A,0002) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(003A,0004) | Waveform Originality | dvCS |
(003A,0005) | Number of Waveform Channels | dvUS |
(003A,0010) | Number of Waveform Samples | dvUL |
(003A,001A) | Sampling Frequency | dvDS |
(003A,0020) | Multiplex Group Label | dvSH |
(003A,0103) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(003A,0122) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(003A,0200) | Channel Definition Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,0202) | Waveform Channel Number | dvIS |
(003A,0203) | Channel Label | dvSH |
(003A,0205) | Channel Status | dvCS |
(003A,0208) | Channel Source Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,0209) | Channel Source Modifiers Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,020A) | Source Waveform Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,020B) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(003A,020C) | Channel Derivation Description | dvLO |
(003A,0210) | Channel Sensitivity | dvDS |
(003A,0211) | Channel Sensitivity Units Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,0212) | Channel Sensitivity Correction Factor | dvDS |
(003A,0213) | Channel Baseline | dvDS |
(003A,0214) | Channel Time Skew | dvDS |
(003A,0215) | Channel Sample Skew | dvDS |
(003A,0216) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(003A,0217) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(003A,0218) | Channel Offset | dvDS |
(003A,021A) | Waveform Bits Stored | dvUS |
(003A,0220) | Filter Low Frequency | dvDS |
(003A,0221) | Filter High Frequency | dvDS |
(003A,0222) | Notch Filter Frequency | dvDS |
(003A,0223) | Notch Filter Bandwidth | dvDS |
(003A,0230) | Waveform Data Display Scale | dvFL |
(003A,0231) | Waveform Display Background CIELab Value | dvUS |
(003A,0240) | Waveform Presentation Group Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,0241) | Presentation Group Number | dvUS |
(003A,0242) | Channel Display Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,0244) | Channel Recommended Display CIELab Value | dvUS |
(003A,0245) | Channel Position | dvFL |
(003A,0246) | Display Shading Flag | dvCS |
(003A,0247) | Fractional Channel Display Scale | dvFL |
(003A,0248) | Absolute Channel Display Scale | dvFL |
(003A,0300) | Multiplexed Audio Channels Description Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(003A,0301) | Channel Identification Code | dvIS |
(003A,0302) | Channel Mode | dvCS |
(003A,1000) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0040,0000) | Modality Worklist Group Length | dvUL |
(0040,0001) | Scheduled Station AE Title | dvAE |
(0040,0002) | Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date | dvDA |
(0040,0003) | Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time | dvTM |
(0040,0004) | Scheduled Procedure Step End Date | dvDA |
(0040,0005) | Scheduled Procedure Step End Time | dvTM |
(0040,0006) | Scheduled Performing Physician's Name | dvPN |
(0040,0007) | Scheduled Procedure Step Description | dvLO |
(0040,0008) | Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0009) | Scheduled Procedure Step ID | dvSH |
(0040,000A) | Stage Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,000B) | Scheduled Performing Physician Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0010) | Scheduled Station Name | dvSH |
(0040,0011) | Scheduled Procedure Step Location | dvSH |
(0040,0012) | Pre-Medication | dvLO |
(0040,0020) | Scheduled Procedure Step Status | dvCS |
(0040,0026) | Order Placer Identifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0027) | Order Filler Identifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0031) | Local Namespace Entity ID | dvUT |
(0040,0032) | Universal Entity ID | dvUT |
(0040,0033) | Universal Entity ID Type | dvCS |
(0040,0035) | Identifier Type Code | dvCS |
(0040,0036) | Assigning Facility Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0039) | Assigning Jurisdiction Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,003A) | Assigning Agency or Department Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0100) | Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0220) | Referenced Non-Image Composite SOP Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0241) | Performed Station AE Title | dvAE |
(0040,0242) | Performed Station Name | dvSH |
(0040,0243) | Performed Location | dvSH |
(0040,0244) | Performed Procedure Step Start Date | dvDA |
(0040,0245) | Performed Procedure Step Start Time | dvTM |
(0040,0250) | Performed Procedure Step End Date | dvDA |
(0040,0251) | Performed Procedure Step End Time | dvTM |
(0040,0252) | Performed Procedure Step Status | dvCS |
(0040,0253) | Performed Procedure Step ID | dvSH |
(0040,0254) | Performed Procedure Step Description | dvLO |
(0040,0255) | Performed Procedure Type Description | dvLO |
(0040,0260) | Performed Protocol Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0261) | Performed Protocol Type | dvCS |
(0040,0270) | Scheduled Step Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0275) | Request Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0280) | Comments on the Performed Procedure Step | dvST |
(0040,0281) | Performed Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0293) | Quantity Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0294) | Quantity | dvDS |
(0040,0295) | Measuring Units Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0296) | Billing Item Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0300) | Total Time of Fluoroscopy | dvUS |
(0040,0301) | Total Number of Exposures | dvUS |
(0040,0302) | Entrance Dose | dvUS |
(0040,0303) | Exposed Area | dvUS |
(0040,0306) | Distance Source to Entrance | dvDS |
(0040,0307) | Distance Source to Support | dvDS |
(0040,030E) | Exposure Dose Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0310) | Comments on Radiation Dose | dvST |
(0040,0312) | X-Ray Output | dvDS |
(0040,0314) | Half Value Layer | dvDS |
(0040,0316) | Organ Dose | dvDS |
(0040,0318) | Organ Exposed | dvCS |
(0040,0320) | Billing Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0321) | Film Consumption Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0324) | Billing Supplies and Devices Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0330) | Referenced Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0340) | Performed Series Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0400) | Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step | dvLT |
(0040,0440) | Protocol Context Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0441) | Content Item Modifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0500) | Scheduled Specimen Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,050A) | Specimen Accession Number | dvLO |
(0040,0512) | Container Identifier | dvLO |
(0040,0513) | Issuer of the Container Identifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0515) | Alternate Container Identifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0518) | Container Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,051A) | Container Description | dvLO |
(0040,0520) | Container Component Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0550) | Specimen Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0551) | Specimen Identifier | dvLO |
(0040,0552) | Specimen Description Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,0553) | Specimen Description (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,0554) | Specimen UID | dvUI |
(0040,0555) | Acquisition Context Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0556) | Acquisition Context Description | dvST |
(0040,0560) | Specimen Description Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0562) | Issuer of the Specimen Identifier Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,059A) | Specimen Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0600) | Specimen Short Description | dvLO |
(0040,0602) | Specimen Detailed Description | dvUT |
(0040,0610) | Specimen Preparation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0612) | Specimen Preparation Step Content Item Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,0620) | Specimen Localization Content Item Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,06FA) | Slide Identifier | dvLO |
(0040,071A) | Image Center Point Coordinates Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,072A) | X Offset in Slide Coordinate System | dvDS |
(0040,073A) | Y Offset in Slide Coordinate System | dvDS |
(0040,074A) | Z Offset in Slide Coordinate System | dvDS |
(0040,08D8) | Pixel Spacing Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,08DA) | Coordinate System Axis Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,08EA) | Measurement Units Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,09F8) | Vital Stain Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,1001) | Requested Procedure ID | dvSH |
(0040,1002) | Reason for the Requested Procedure | dvLO |
(0040,1003) | Requested Procedure Priority | dvSH |
(0040,1004) | Patient Transport Arrangements | dvLO |
(0040,1005) | Requested Procedure Location | dvLO |
(0040,1006) | Placer Order Number / Procedure | dvSH |
(0040,1007) | Filler Order Number / Procedure | dvSH |
(0040,1008) | Confidentiality Code | dvLO |
(0040,1009) | Reporting Priority | dvSH |
(0040,100A) | Reason for Requested Procedure Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,1010) | Names of Intended Recipients of Results | dvPN |
(0040,1011) | Intended Recipients of Results Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,1012) | Reason for Performed Procedure Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,1060) | Requested Procedure Description (Trial) | dvLO |
(0040,1101) | Person Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,1102) | Person's Address | dvST |
(0040,1103) | Person's Telephone Numbers | dvLO |
(0040,1400) | Requested Procedure Comments | dvLT |
(0040,2001) | Reason for the Imaging Service Request | dvLO |
(0040,2004) | Issue Date of Imaging Service Request | dvDA |
(0040,2005) | Issue Time of Imaging Service Request | dvTM |
(0040,2006) | Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired) | dvSH |
(0040,2007) | Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request (Retired) | dvSH |
(0040,2008) | Order Entered By | dvPN |
(0040,2009) | Order Enterer's Location | dvSH |
(0040,2010) | Order Callback Phone Number | dvSH |
(0040,2016) | Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request | dvLO |
(0040,2017) | Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request | dvLO |
(0040,2400) | Imaging Service Request Comments | dvLT |
(0040,3001) | Confidentiality Constraint on Patient Data Description | dvLO |
(0040,4001) | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Status | dvCS |
(0040,4002) | General Purpose Performed Procedure Step Status | dvCS |
(0040,4003) | General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Priority | dvCS |
(0040,4004) | Scheduled Processing Applications Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4005) | Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,4006) | Multiple Copies Flag | dvCS |
(0040,4007) | Performed Processing Applications Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4009) | Human Performer Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4010) | Scheduled Procedure Step Modification Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,4011) | Expected Completion Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,4015) | Resulting General Purpose Performed Procedure Steps Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4016) | Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4018) | Scheduled Workitem Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4019) | Performed Workitem Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4020) | Input Availability Flag | dvCS |
(0040,4021) | Input Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4022) | Relevant Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4023) | Referenced General Purpose Scheduled Procedure Step Transaction UID | dvUI |
(0040,4025) | Scheduled Station Name Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4026) | Scheduled Station Class Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4027) | Scheduled Station Geographic Location Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4028) | Performed Station Name Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4029) | Performed Station Class Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4030) | Performed Station Geographic Location Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4031) | Requested Subsequent Workitem Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4032) | Non-DICOM Output Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4033) | Output Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4034) | Scheduled Human Performers Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4035) | Actual Human Performers Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,4036) | Human Performer's Organization | dvLO |
(0040,4037) | Human Performer's Name | dvPN |
(0040,4040) | Raw Data Handling | dvCS |
(0040,4041) | Input Readiness State | dvCS |
(0040,4050) | Performed Procedure Step Start Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,4051) | Performed Procedure Step End Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,4052) | Procedure Step Cancellation Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,8302) | Entrance Dose in mGy | dvDS |
(0040,9094) | Referenced Image Real World Value Mapping Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,9096) | Real World Value Mapping Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,9098) | Pixel Value Mapping Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,9210) | LUT Label | dvSH |
(0040,9211) | Real World Value Last Value Mapped | dvUSorSS |
(0040,9212) | Real World Value LUT Data | dvFD |
(0040,9216) | Real World Value First Value Mapped | dvUSorSS |
(0040,9224) | Real World Value Intercept | dvFD |
(0040,9225) | Real World Value Slope | dvFD |
(0040,A007) | Findings Flag (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A010) | Relationship Type | dvCS |
(0040,A020) | Findings Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A021) | Findings Group UID (Trial) | dvUI |
(0040,A022) | Referenced Findings Group UID (Trial) | dvUI |
(0040,A023) | Findings Group Recording Date (Trial) | dvDA |
(0040,A024) | Findings Group Recording Time (Trial) | dvTM |
(0040,A026) | Findings Source Category Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A027) | Verifying Organization | dvLO |
(0040,A028) | Documenting Organization Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A030) | Verification Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,A032) | Observation Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,A040) | Value Type | dvCS |
(0040,A043) | Concept Name Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A047) | Measurement Precision Description (Trial) | dvLO |
(0040,A050) | Continuity of Content | dvCS |
(0040,A057) | Urgency or Priority Alerts (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A060) | Sequencing Indicator (Trial) | dvLO |
(0040,A066) | Document Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A067) | Document Author (Trial) | dvPN |
(0040,A068) | Document Author Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A070) | Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A073) | Verifying Observer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A074) | Object Binary Identifier (Trial) | dvOB |
(0040,A075) | Verifying Observer Name | dvPN |
(0040,A076) | Documenting Observer Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A078) | Author Observer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A07A) | Participant Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A07C) | Custodial Organization Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A080) | Participation Type | dvCS |
(0040,A082) | Participation Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,A084) | Observer Type | dvCS |
(0040,A085) | Procedure Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A088) | Verifying Observer Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A089) | Object Directory Binary Identifier (Trial) | dvOB |
(0040,A090) | Equivalent CDA Document Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A0A0) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0040,A0B0) | Referenced Waveform Channels | dvUS |
(0040,A110) | Date of Document or Verbal Transaction (Trial) | dvDA |
(0040,A112) | Time of Document Creation or Verbal Transaction (Trial) | dvTM |
(0040,A120) | Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,A121) | Date | dvDA |
(0040,A122) | Time | dvTM |
(0040,A123) | Person Name | dvPN |
(0040,A124) | UID | dvUI |
(0040,A125) | Report Status ID (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A130) | Temporal Range Type | dvCS |
(0040,A132) | Referenced Sample Positions | dvUL |
(0040,A136) | Referenced Frame Numbers | dvUS |
(0040,A138) | Referenced Time Offsets | dvDS |
(0040,A13A) | Referenced Date/Time | dvDT |
(0040,A160) | Text Value | dvUT |
(0040,A161) | Floating Point Value | dvFD |
(0040,A162) | Rational Numerator Value | dvSL |
(0040,A163) | Rational Denominator Value | dvUL |
(0040,A167) | Observation Category Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A168) | Concept Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A16A) | Bibliographic Citation (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,A170) | Purpose of Reference Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A171) | Observation UID | dvUI |
(0040,A172) | Referenced Observation UID (Trial) | dvUI |
(0040,A173) | Referenced Observation Class (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A174) | Referenced Object Observation Class (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A180) | Annotation Group Number | dvUS |
(0040,A192) | Observation Date (Trial) | dvDA |
(0040,A193) | Observation Time (Trial) | dvTM |
(0040,A194) | Measurement Automation (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A195) | Modifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A224) | Identification Description (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,A290) | Coordinates Set Geometric Type (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A296) | Algorithm Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A297) | Algorithm Description (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,A29A) | Pixel Coordinates Set (Trial) | dvSL |
(0040,A300) | Measured Value Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A301) | Numeric Value Qualifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A307) | Current Observer (Trial) | dvPN |
(0040,A30A) | Numeric Value | dvDS |
(0040,A313) | Referenced Accession Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A33A) | Report Status Comment (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,A340) | Procedure Context Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A352) | Verbal Source (Trial) | dvPN |
(0040,A353) | Address (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,A354) | Telephone Number (Trial) | dvLO |
(0040,A358) | Verbal Source Identifier Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A360) | Predecessor Documents Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A370) | Referenced Request Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A372) | Performed Procedure Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A375) | Current Requested Procedure Evidence Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A380) | Report Detail Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A385) | Pertinent Other Evidence Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A390) | HL7 Structured Document Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A402) | Observation Subject UID (Trial) | dvUI |
(0040,A403) | Observation Subject Class (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A404) | Observation Subject Type Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A491) | Completion Flag | dvCS |
(0040,A492) | Completion Flag Description | dvLO |
(0040,A493) | Verification Flag | dvCS |
(0040,A494) | Archive Requested | dvCS |
(0040,A496) | Preliminary Flag | dvCS |
(0040,A504) | Content Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A525) | Identical Documents Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A600) | Observation Subject Context Flag (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A601) | Observer Context Flag (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A603) | Procedure Context Flag (Trial) | dvCS |
(0040,A730) | Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,A731) | Relationship Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A732) | Relationship Type Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A744) | Language Code Sequence (Trial) | dvSQ |
(0040,A992) | Uniform Resource Locator (Trial) | dvST |
(0040,B020) | Waveform Annotation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,DB00) | Template Identifier | dvCS |
(0040,DB06) | Template Version | dvDT |
(0040,DB07) | Template Local Version | dvDT |
(0040,DB0B) | Template Extension Flag | dvCS |
(0040,DB0C) | Template Extension Organization UID | dvUI |
(0040,DB0D) | Template Extension Creator UID | dvUI |
(0040,DB73) | Referenced Content Item Identifier | dvUL |
(0040,E001) | HL7 Instance Identifier | dvST |
(0040,E004) | HL7 Document Effective Time | dvDT |
(0040,E006) | HL7 Document Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,E008) | Document Class Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,E010) | Retrieve URI | dvUR |
(0040,E011) | Retrieve Location UID | dvUI |
(0040,E020) | Type of Instances | dvCS |
(0040,E021) | DICOM Retrieval Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,E022) | DICOM Media Retrieval Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,E023) | WADO Retrieval Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,E024) | XDS Retrieval Sequence | dvSQ |
(0040,E030) | Repository Unique ID | dvUI |
(0040,E031) | Home Community ID | dvUI |
(0041,0000) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0041,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0011) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0012) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0041,0013) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0041,0014) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0041,0015) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0041,0020) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0021) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0041,0022) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0041,0030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0031) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0032) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0034) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0041,0036) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0041,0040) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0041,0041) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0041,0042) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0041,0050) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0041,0060) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0041,0062) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0041,00A0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0041,00A1) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0041,00A2) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0041,00A3) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0041,00B0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0041,00B1) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0041,00B2) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0041,00B3) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0042,0010) | Document Title | dvST |
(0042,0011) | Encapsulated Document | dvOB |
(0042,0012) | MIME Type of Encapsulated Document | dvLO |
(0042,0013) | Source Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(0042,0014) | List of MIME Types | dvLO |
(0043,0001) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0002) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0003) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0004) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0005) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0006) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0007) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0008) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0009) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,000A) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,000B) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,000C) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,000D) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,000E) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,000F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,0010) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0043,0011) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0043,0012) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0013) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0014) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0015) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0016) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0017) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,0018) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,0019) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,001A) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,001B) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,001C) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,001D) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,001E) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0043,001F) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0020) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,0021) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0025) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0026) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0043,0027) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0043,0028) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0043,0029) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0043,002A) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0043,002B) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,002C) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,002D) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0043,002E) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0043,002F) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0030) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0031) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0043,0032) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,0033) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0043,0034) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0043,0035) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0043,0036) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0043,0037) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0043,0038) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0043,0039) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0043,0040) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0043,0041) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0043,0042) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0043) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0044) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0045) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0046) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0047) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0048) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,0049) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,004A) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,004B) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0043,004C) | Undocumented | dvSS |
(0043,004D) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0043,004E) | Undocumented | dvFL |
(0043,1000) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0043,1001) | Bitmap of Prescan Options | dvLO |
(0044,0000) | Undocumented | dvUI |
(0044,0001) | Product Package Identifier | dvST |
(0044,0002) | Substance Administration Approval | dvCS |
(0044,0003) | Approval Status Further Description | dvLT |
(0044,0004) | Approval Status Date/Time | dvDT |
(0044,0007) | Product Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0044,0008) | Product Name | dvLO |
(0044,0009) | Product Description | dvLT |
(0044,000A) | Product Lot Identifier | dvLO |
(0044,000B) | Product Expiration Date/Time | dvDT |
(0044,0010) | Substance Administration Date/Time | dvDT |
(0044,0011) | Substance Administration Notes | dvLO |
(0044,0012) | Substance Administration Device ID | dvLO |
(0044,0013) | Product Parameter Sequence | dvSQ |
(0044,0019) | Substance Administration Parameter Sequence | dvSQ |
(0045,0004) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0045,0006) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0009) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,000B) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0045,000C) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,000D) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0011) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0012) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0045,0013) | Undocumented | dvST |
(0045,0014) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0015) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0045,0016) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0045,001B) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0045,001D) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,001E) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,001F) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0020) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0021) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0022) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0023) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0024) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0025) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,0026) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0045,0027) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0045,0028) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0045,0029) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0045,002A) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0045,002B) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0045,0039) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0045,003A) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0045,003B) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0045,003C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0045,003D) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0045,003E) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0045,003F) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0046,0012) | Lens Description | dvLO |
(0046,0014) | Right Lens Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0015) | Left Lens Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0016) | Unspecified Laterality Lens Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0018) | Cylinder Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0028) | Prism Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0030) | Horizontal Prism Power | dvFD |
(0046,0032) | Horizontal Prism Base | dvCS |
(0046,0034) | Vertical Prism Power | dvFD |
(0046,0036) | Vertical Prism Base | dvCS |
(0046,0038) | Lens Segment Type | dvCS |
(0046,0040) | Optical Transmittance | dvFD |
(0046,0042) | Channel Width | dvFD |
(0046,0044) | Pupil Size | dvFD |
(0046,0046) | Corneal Size | dvFD |
(0046,0050) | Autorefraction Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0052) | Autorefraction Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0060) | Distance Pupillary Distance | dvFD |
(0046,0062) | Near Pupillary Distance | dvFD |
(0046,0063) | Intermediate Pupillary Distance | dvFD |
(0046,0064) | Other Pupillary Distance | dvFD |
(0046,0070) | Keratometry Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0071) | Keratometry Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0074) | Steep Keratometric Axis Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0075) | Radius of Curvature | dvFD |
(0046,0076) | Keratometric Power | dvFD |
(0046,0077) | Keratometric Axis | dvFD |
(0046,0080) | Flat Keratometric Axis Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0092) | Background Color | dvCS |
(0046,0094) | Optotype | dvCS |
(0046,0095) | Optotype Presentation | dvCS |
(0046,0097) | Subjective Refraction Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0098) | Subjective Refraction Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0100) | Add Near Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0101) | Add Intermediate Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0102) | Add Other Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0104) | Add Power | dvFD |
(0046,0106) | Viewing Distance | dvFD |
(0046,0121) | Visual Acuity Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0122) | Visual Acuity Right Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0123) | Visual Acuity Left Eye Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0124) | Visual Acuity Both Eyes Open Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0125) | Viewing Distance Type | dvCS |
(0046,0135) | Visual Acuity Modifiers | dvSS |
(0046,0137) | Decimal Visual Acuity | dvFD |
(0046,0139) | Optotype Detailed Definition | dvLO |
(0046,0145) | Referenced Refractive Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0146) | Sphere Power | dvFD |
(0046,0147) | Cylinder Power | dvFD |
(0046,0201) | Corneal Topography Surface | dvCS |
(0046,0202) | Corneal Vertex Location | dvFL |
(0046,0203) | Pupil Centroid X-Coordinate | dvFL |
(0046,0204) | Pupil Centroid Y-Coordinate | dvFL |
(0046,0205) | Equivalent Pupil Radius | dvFL |
(0046,0207) | Corneal Topography Map Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0208) | Vertices of the Outline of Pupil | dvIS |
(0046,0210) | Corneal Topography Mapping Normals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0211) | Maximum Corneal Curvature Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0212) | Maximum Corneal Curvature | dvFL |
(0046,0213) | Maximum Corneal Curvature Location | dvFL |
(0046,0215) | Minimum Keratometric Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0218) | Simulated Keratometric Cylinder Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0220) | Average Corneal Power | dvFL |
(0046,0224) | Corneal I-S Value | dvFL |
(0046,0227) | Analyzed Area | dvFL |
(0046,0230) | Surface Regularity Index | dvFL |
(0046,0232) | Surface Asymmetry Index | dvFL |
(0046,0234) | Corneal Eccentricity Index | dvFL |
(0046,0236) | Keratoconus Prediction Index | dvFL |
(0046,0238) | Decimal Potential Visual Acuity | dvFL |
(0046,0242) | Corneal Topography Map Quality Evaluation | dvCS |
(0046,0244) | Source Image Corneal Processed Data Sequence | dvSQ |
(0046,0247) | Corneal Point Location | dvFL |
(0046,0248) | Corneal Point Estimated | dvCS |
(0046,0249) | Axial Power | dvFL |
(0046,0250) | Tangential Power | dvFL |
(0046,0251) | Refractive Power | dvFL |
(0046,0252) | Relative Elevation | dvFL |
(0046,0253) | Corneal Wavefront | dvFL |
(0047,0001) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0047,0050) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0047,0051) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0047,0053) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,0054) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,0055) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0047,0057) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0058) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0059) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,0060) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0061) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0063) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0047,0064) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0065) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0070) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,0071) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0047,0072) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0047,0080) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0047,0085) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0047,0089) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,008A) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,008B) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,0091) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0047,0092) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0047,0093) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(0047,0094) | Undocumented | dvTM |
(0047,0095) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0047,0096) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0047,0098) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,0099) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0047,009A) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,009B) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,009C) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0047,00B0) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0047,00B1) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,00B2) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(0047,00B5) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0047,00B6) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0047,00B7) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(0047,00B8) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0047,00B9) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0047,00BA) | Undocumented | dvSL |
(0047,00BB) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0047,00BC) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,00C0) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,00C1) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,00C2) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0047,00D1) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0047,00D2) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0047,00D3) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0047,00D4) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0047,00D5) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(0048,0001) | Imaged Volume Width | dvFL |
(0048,0002) | Imaged Volume Height | dvFL |
(0048,0003) | Imaged Volume Depth | dvFL |
(0048,0006) | Total Pixel Matrix Columns | dvUL |
(0048,0007) | Total Pixel Matrix Rows | dvUL |
(0048,0008) | Total Pixel Matrix Origin Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0010) | Specimen Label in Image | dvCS |
(0048,0011) | Focus Method | dvCS |
(0048,0012) | Extended Depth of Field | dvCS |
(0048,0013) | Number of Focal Planes | dvUS |
(0048,0014) | Distance Between Focal Planes | dvFL |
(0048,0015) | Recommended Absent Pixel CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0048,0100) | Illuminator Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0102) | Image Orientation (Slide) | dvDS |
(0048,0105) | Optical Path Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0106) | Optical Path Identifier | dvSH |
(0048,0107) | Optical Path Description | dvST |
(0048,0108) | Illumination Color Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0110) | Specimen Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0111) | Condenser Lens Power | dvDS |
(0048,0112) | Objective Lens Power | dvDS |
(0048,0113) | Objective Lens Numerical Aperture | dvDS |
(0048,0120) | Palette Color Lookup Table Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0200) | Referenced Image Navigation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,0201) | Top Left Hand Corner of Localizer Area | dvUS |
(0048,0202) | Bottom Right Hand Corner of Localizer Area | dvUS |
(0048,0207) | Optical Path Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,021A) | Plane Position (Slide) Sequence | dvSQ |
(0048,021E) | Column Position in Total Image Pixel Matrix | dvSL |
(0048,021F) | Row Position in Total Image Pixel Matrix | dvSL |
(0048,0301) | Pixel Origin Interpretation | dvCS |
(0050,0000) | X-Ray Angio Device Group Length | dvUL |
(0050,0004) | Calibration Image | dvCS |
(0050,0010) | Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(0050,0012) | Container Component Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0050,0013) | Container Component Thickness | dvFD |
(0050,0014) | Device Length | dvDS |
(0050,0015) | Container Component Width | dvFD |
(0050,0016) | Device Diameter | dvDS |
(0050,0017) | Device Diameter Units | dvCS |
(0050,0018) | Device Volume | dvDS |
(0050,0019) | Inter-Marker Distance | dvDS |
(0050,001A) | Container Component Material | dvCS |
(0050,001B) | Container Component ID | dvLO |
(0050,001C) | Container Component Length | dvFD |
(0050,001D) | Container Component Diameter | dvFD |
(0050,001E) | Container Component Description | dvLO |
(0050,0020) | Device Description | dvLO |
(0050,0030) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0051,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(0052,0001) | Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Percent by Volume | dvFL |
(0052,0002) | OCT Focal Distance | dvFD |
(0052,0003) | Beam Spot Size | dvFD |
(0052,0004) | Effective Refractive Index | dvFD |
(0052,0006) | OCT Acquisition Domain | dvCS |
(0052,0007) | OCT Optical Center Wavelength | dvFD |
(0052,0008) | Axial Resolution | dvFD |
(0052,0009) | Ranging Depth | dvFD |
(0052,0011) | A-line Rate | dvFD |
(0052,0012) | A-lines per Frame | dvUS |
(0052,0013) | Catheter Rotational Rate | dvFD |
(0052,0014) | A-line Pixel Spacing | dvFD |
(0052,0016) | Mode of Percutaneous Access Sequence | dvSQ |
(0052,0025) | Intravascular OCT Frame Type Sequence | dvSQ |
(0052,0026) | OCT Z Offset Applied | dvCS |
(0052,0027) | Intravascular Frame Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(0052,0028) | Intravascular Longitudinal Distance | dvFD |
(0052,0029) | Intravascular OCT Frame Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(0052,0030) | OCT Z Offset Correction | dvSS |
(0052,0031) | Catheter Direction of Rotation | dvCS |
(0052,0033) | Seam Line Location | dvFD |
(0052,0034) | First A-line Location | dvFD |
(0052,0036) | Seam Line Index | dvUS |
(0052,0038) | Number of Padded A-lines | dvUS |
(0052,0039) | Interpolation Type | dvCS |
(0052,003A) | Refractive Index Applied | dvCS |
(0054,0000) | Nuclear Medicine Group Length | dvUL |
(0054,0010) | Energy Window Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0011) | Number of Energy Windows | dvUS |
(0054,0012) | Energy Window Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0013) | Energy Window Range Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0014) | Energy Window Lower Limit | dvDS |
(0054,0015) | Energy Window Upper Limit | dvDS |
(0054,0016) | Radiopharmaceutical Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0017) | Residual Syringe Counts | dvIS |
(0054,0018) | Energy Window Name | dvSH |
(0054,0020) | Detector Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0021) | Number of Detectors | dvUS |
(0054,0022) | Detector Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0030) | Phase Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0031) | Number of Phases | dvUS |
(0054,0032) | Phase Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0033) | Number of Frames in Phase | dvUS |
(0054,0036) | Phase Delay | dvIS |
(0054,0038) | Pause Between Frames | dvIS |
(0054,0039) | Phase Description | dvCS |
(0054,0050) | Rotation Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0051) | Number of Rotations | dvUS |
(0054,0052) | Rotation Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0053) | Number of Frames in Rotation | dvUS |
(0054,0060) | R-R Interval Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0061) | Number of R-R Intervals | dvUS |
(0054,0062) | Gated Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0063) | Data Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0070) | Time Slot Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0071) | Number of Time Slots | dvUS |
(0054,0072) | Time Slot Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0073) | Time Slot Time | dvDS |
(0054,0080) | Slice Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0081) | Number of Slices | dvUS |
(0054,0090) | Angular View Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0100) | Time Slice Vector | dvUS |
(0054,0101) | Number of Time Slices | dvUS |
(0054,0200) | Start Angle | dvDS |
(0054,0202) | Type of Detector Motion | dvCS |
(0054,0210) | Trigger Vector | dvIS |
(0054,0211) | Number of Triggers in Phase | dvUS |
(0054,0220) | View Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0222) | View Modifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0300) | Radionuclide Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0302) | Administration Route Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0304) | Radiopharmaceutical Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0306) | Calibration Data Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0308) | Energy Window Number | dvUS |
(0054,0400) | Image ID | dvSH |
(0054,0410) | Patient Orientation Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0412) | Patient Orientation Modifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0414) | Patient Gantry Relationship Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0054,0500) | Slice Progression Direction | dvCS |
(0054,0501) | Scan Progression Direction | dvCS |
(0054,1000) | Series Type | dvCS |
(0054,1001) | Units | dvCS |
(0054,1002) | Counts Source | dvCS |
(0054,1004) | Reprojection Method | dvCS |
(0054,1006) | SUV Type | dvCS |
(0054,1100) | Randoms Correction Method | dvCS |
(0054,1101) | Attenuation Correction Method | dvLO |
(0054,1102) | Decay Correction | dvCS |
(0054,1103) | Reconstruction Method | dvLO |
(0054,1104) | Detector Lines of Response Used | dvLO |
(0054,1105) | Scatter Correction Method | dvLO |
(0054,1200) | Axial Acceptance | dvDS |
(0054,1201) | Axial Mash | dvIS |
(0054,1202) | Transverse Mash | dvIS |
(0054,1203) | Detector Element Size | dvDS |
(0054,1210) | Coincidence Window Width | dvDS |
(0054,1220) | Secondary Counts Type | dvCS |
(0054,1300) | Frame Reference Time | dvDS |
(0054,1310) | Primary (Prompts) Counts Accumulated | dvIS |
(0054,1311) | Secondary Counts Accumulated | dvIS |
(0054,1320) | Slice Sensitivity Factor | dvDS |
(0054,1321) | Decay Factor | dvDS |
(0054,1322) | Dose Calibration Factor | dvDS |
(0054,1323) | Scatter Fraction Factor | dvDS |
(0054,1324) | Dead Time Factor | dvDS |
(0054,1330) | Image Index | dvUS |
(0054,1400) | Counts Included | dvCS |
(0054,1401) | Dead Time Correction Flag | dvCS |
(0055,0046) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0058,0000) | Undocumented | dvSQ |
(0060,0000) | Histogram Group Length | dvUL |
(0060,3000) | Histogram Sequence | dvSQ |
(0060,3002) | Histogram Number of Bins | dvUS |
(0060,3004) | Histogram First Bin Value | dvUSorSS |
(0060,3006) | Histogram Last Bin Value | dvUSorSS |
(0060,3008) | Histogram Bin Width | dvUS |
(0060,3010) | Histogram Explanation | dvLO |
(0060,3020) | Histogram Data | dvUL |
(0062,0001) | Segmentation Type | dvCS |
(0062,0002) | Segment Sequence | dvSQ |
(0062,0003) | Segmented Property Category Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0062,0004) | Segment Number | dvUS |
(0062,0005) | Segment Label | dvLO |
(0062,0006) | Segment Description | dvST |
(0062,0008) | Segment Algorithm Type | dvCS |
(0062,0009) | Segment Algorithm Name | dvLO |
(0062,000A) | Segment Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0062,000B) | Referenced Segment Number | dvUS |
(0062,000C) | Recommended Display Grayscale Value | dvUS |
(0062,000D) | Recommended Display CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0062,000E) | Maximum Fractional Value | dvUS |
(0062,000F) | Segmented Property Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0062,0010) | Segmentation Fractional Type | dvCS |
(0062,0011) | Segmented Property Type Modifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0062,0012) | Used Segments Sequence | dvSQ |
(0064,0002) | Deformable Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0064,0003) | Source Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(0064,0005) | Deformable Registration Grid Sequence | dvSQ |
(0064,0007) | Grid Dimensions | dvUL |
(0064,0008) | Grid Resolution | dvFD |
(0064,0009) | Vector Grid Data | dvOF |
(0064,000F) | Pre Deformation Matrix Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0064,0010) | Post Deformation Matrix Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0001) | Number of Surfaces | dvUL |
(0066,0002) | Surface Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0003) | Surface Number | dvUL |
(0066,0004) | Surface Comments | dvLT |
(0066,0009) | Surface Processing | dvCS |
(0066,000A) | Surface Processing Ratio | dvFL |
(0066,000B) | Surface Processing Description | dvLO |
(0066,000C) | Recommended Presentation Opacity | dvFL |
(0066,000D) | Recommended Presentation Type | dvCS |
(0066,000E) | Finite Volume | dvCS |
(0066,0010) | Manifold | dvCS |
(0066,0011) | Surface Points Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0012) | Surface Points Normals Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0013) | Surface Mesh Primitives Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0015) | Number of Surface Points | dvUL |
(0066,0016) | Point Coordinates Data | dvOF |
(0066,0017) | Point Position Accuracy | dvFL |
(0066,0018) | Mean Point Distance | dvFL |
(0066,0019) | Maximum Point Distance | dvFL |
(0066,001A) | Points Bounding Box Coordinates | dvFL |
(0066,001B) | Axis of Rotation | dvFL |
(0066,001C) | Center of Rotation | dvFL |
(0066,001E) | Number of Vectors | dvUL |
(0066,001F) | Vector Dimensionality | dvUS |
(0066,0020) | Vector Accuracy | dvFL |
(0066,0021) | Vector Coordinate Data | dvOF |
(0066,0023) | Triangle Point Index List | dvOW |
(0066,0024) | Edge Point Index List | dvOW |
(0066,0025) | Vertex Point Index List | dvOW |
(0066,0026) | Triangle Strip Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0027) | Triangle Fan Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0028) | Line Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0029) | Primitive Point Index List | dvOW |
(0066,002A) | Surface Count | dvUL |
(0066,002B) | Referenced Surface Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,002C) | Referenced Surface Number | dvUL |
(0066,002D) | Segment Surface Generation Algorithm Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,002E) | Segment Surface Source Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,002F) | Algorithm Family Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0030) | Algorithm Name Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0031) | Algorithm Version | dvLO |
(0066,0032) | Algorithm Parameters | dvLT |
(0066,0034) | Facet Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0035) | Surface Processing Algorithm Identification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0066,0036) | Algorithm Name | dvLO |
(0066,0037) | Recommended Point Radius | dvFL |
(0066,0038) | Recommended Line Thickness | dvFL |
(0066,0040) | Long Primitive Point Index List | dvUL |
(0066,0041) | Long Triangle Point Index List | dvUL |
(0066,0042) | Long Edge Point Index List | dvUL |
(0066,0043) | Long Vertex Point Index List | dvUL |
(0068,6210) | Implant Size | dvLO |
(0068,6221) | Implant Template Version | dvLO |
(0068,6222) | Replaced Implant Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6223) | Implant Type | dvCS |
(0068,6224) | Derivation Implant Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6225) | Original Implant Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6226) | Effective Date/Time | dvDT |
(0068,6230) | Implant Target Anatomy Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6260) | Information From Manufacturer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6265) | Notification From Manufacturer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6270) | Information Issue Date/Time | dvDT |
(0068,6280) | Information Summary | dvST |
(0068,62A0) | Implant Regulatory Disapproval Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,62A5) | Overall Template Spatial Tolerance | dvFD |
(0068,62C0) | HPGL Document Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,62D0) | HPGL Document ID | dvUS |
(0068,62D5) | HPGL Document Label | dvLO |
(0068,62E0) | View Orientation Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,62F0) | View Orientation Modifier | dvFD |
(0068,62F2) | HPGL Document Scaling | dvFD |
(0068,6300) | HPGL Document | dvOB |
(0068,6310) | HPGL Contour Pen Number | dvUS |
(0068,6320) | HPGL Pen Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6330) | HPGL Pen Number | dvUS |
(0068,6340) | HPGL Pen Label | dvLO |
(0068,6345) | HPGL Pen Description | dvST |
(0068,6346) | Recommended Rotation Point | dvFD |
(0068,6347) | Bounding Rectangle | dvFD |
(0068,6350) | Implant Template 3D Model Surface Number | dvUS |
(0068,6360) | Surface Model Description Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6380) | Surface Model Label | dvLO |
(0068,6390) | Surface Model Scaling Factor | dvFD |
(0068,63A0) | Materials Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,63A4) | Coating Materials Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,63A8) | Implant Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,63AC) | Fixation Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,63B0) | Mating Feature Sets Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,63C0) | Mating Feature Set ID | dvUS |
(0068,63D0) | Mating Feature Set Label | dvLO |
(0068,63E0) | Mating Feature Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,63F0) | Mating Feature ID | dvUS |
(0068,6400) | Mating Feature Degree of Freedom Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6410) | Degree of Freedom ID | dvUS |
(0068,6420) | Degree of Freedom Type | dvCS |
(0068,6430) | 2D Mating Feature Coordinates Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6440) | Referenced HPGL Document ID | dvUS |
(0068,6450) | 2D Mating Point | dvFD |
(0068,6460) | 2D Mating Axes | dvFD |
(0068,6470) | 2D Degree of Freedom Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6490) | 3D Degree of Freedom Axis | dvFD |
(0068,64A0) | Range of Freedom | dvFD |
(0068,64C0) | 3D Mating Point | dvFD |
(0068,64D0) | 3D Mating Axes | dvFD |
(0068,64F0) | 2D Degree of Freedom Axis | dvFD |
(0068,6500) | Planning Landmark Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6510) | Planning Landmark Line Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6520) | Planning Landmark Plane Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6530) | Planning Landmark ID | dvUS |
(0068,6540) | Planning Landmark Description | dvLO |
(0068,6545) | Planning Landmark Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6550) | 2D Point Coordinates Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,6560) | 2D Point Coordinates | dvFD |
(0068,6590) | 3D Point Coordinates | dvFD |
(0068,65A0) | 2D Line Coordinates Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,65B0) | 2D Line Coordinates | dvFD |
(0068,65D0) | 3D Line Coordinates | dvFD |
(0068,65E0) | 2D Plane Coordinates Sequence | dvSQ |
(0068,65F0) | 2D Plane Intersection | dvFD |
(0068,6610) | 3D Plane Origin | dvFD |
(0068,6620) | 3D Plane Normal | dvFD |
(0070,0000) | Presentation State Group Length | dvUL |
(0070,0001) | Graphic Annotation Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0002) | Graphic Layer | dvCS |
(0070,0003) | Bounding Box Annotation Units | dvCS |
(0070,0004) | Anchor Point Annotation Units | dvCS |
(0070,0005) | Graphic Annotation Units | dvCS |
(0070,0006) | Unformatted Text Value | dvST |
(0070,0008) | Text Object Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0009) | Graphic Object Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0010) | Bounding Box Top Left Hand Corner | dvFL |
(0070,0011) | Bounding Box Bottom Right Hand Corner | dvFL |
(0070,0012) | Bounding Box Text Horizontal Justification | dvCS |
(0070,0014) | Anchor Point | dvFL |
(0070,0015) | Anchor Point Visibility | dvCS |
(0070,0020) | Graphic Dimensions | dvUS |
(0070,0021) | Number of Graphic Points | dvUS |
(0070,0022) | Graphic Data | dvFL |
(0070,0023) | Graphic Type | dvCS |
(0070,0024) | Graphic Filled | dvCS |
(0070,0040) | Image Rotation (Retired) | dvIS |
(0070,0041) | Image Horizontal Flip | dvCS |
(0070,0042) | Image Rotation | dvUS |
(0070,0050) | Displayed Area Top Left Hand Corner (Trial) | dvUS |
(0070,0051) | Displayed Area Bottom Right Hand Corner (Trial) | dvUS |
(0070,0052) | Displayed Area Top Left Hand Corner | dvSL |
(0070,0053) | Displayed Area Bottom Right Hand Corner | dvSL |
(0070,005A) | Displayed Area Selection Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0060) | Graphic Layer Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0062) | Graphic Layer Order | dvIS |
(0070,0066) | Graphic Layer Recommended Display Grayscale Value | dvUS |
(0070,0067) | Graphic Layer Recommended Display RGB Value | dvUS |
(0070,0068) | Graphic Layer Description | dvLO |
(0070,0080) | Content Label | dvCS |
(0070,0081) | Content Description | dvLO |
(0070,0082) | Presentation Creation Date | dvDA |
(0070,0083) | Presentation Creation Time | dvTM |
(0070,0084) | Content Creator's Name | dvPN |
(0070,0086) | Content Creator's Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0087) | Alternate Content Description Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0100) | Presentation Size Mode | dvCS |
(0070,0101) | Presentation Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(0070,0102) | Presentation Pixel Aspect Ratio | dvIS |
(0070,0103) | Presentation Pixel Magnification Ratio | dvFL |
(0070,0207) | Graphic Group Label | dvLO |
(0070,0208) | Graphic Group Description | dvST |
(0070,0209) | Compound Graphic Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0226) | Compound Graphic Instance ID | dvUL |
(0070,0227) | Font Name | dvLO |
(0070,0228) | Font Name Type | dvCS |
(0070,0229) | CSS Font Name | dvLO |
(0070,0230) | Rotation Angle | dvFD |
(0070,0231) | Text Style Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0232) | Line Style Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0233) | Fill Style Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0234) | Graphic Group Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0241) | Text Color CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0070,0242) | Horizontal Alignment | dvCS |
(0070,0243) | Vertical Alignment | dvCS |
(0070,0244) | Shadow Style | dvCS |
(0070,0245) | Shadow Offset X | dvFL |
(0070,0246) | Shadow Offset Y | dvFL |
(0070,0247) | Shadow Color CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0070,0248) | Underlined | dvCS |
(0070,0249) | Bold | dvCS |
(0070,0250) | Italic | dvCS |
(0070,0251) | Pattern on Color CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0070,0252) | Pattern Off Color CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0070,0253) | Line Thickness | dvFL |
(0070,0254) | Line Dashing Style | dvCS |
(0070,0255) | Line Pattern | dvUL |
(0070,0256) | Fill Pattern | dvOB |
(0070,0257) | Fill Mode | dvCS |
(0070,0258) | Shadow Opacity | dvFL |
(0070,0261) | Gap Length | dvFL |
(0070,0262) | Diameter of Visibility | dvFL |
(0070,0273) | Rotation Point | dvFL |
(0070,0274) | Tick Alignment | dvCS |
(0070,0278) | Show Tick Label | dvCS |
(0070,0279) | Tick Label Alignment | dvCS |
(0070,0282) | Compound Graphic Units | dvCS |
(0070,0284) | Pattern on Opacity | dvFL |
(0070,0285) | Pattern Off Opacity | dvFL |
(0070,0287) | Major Ticks Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0288) | Tick Position | dvFL |
(0070,0289) | Tick Label | dvSH |
(0070,0294) | Compound Graphic Type | dvCS |
(0070,0295) | Graphic Group ID | dvUL |
(0070,0306) | Shape Type | dvCS |
(0070,0308) | Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0309) | Matrix Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,030A) | Matrix Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,030C) | Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix Type | dvCS |
(0070,030D) | Registration Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,030F) | Fiducial Description | dvST |
(0070,0310) | Fiducial Identifier | dvSH |
(0070,0311) | Fiducial Identifier Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0312) | Contour Uncertainty Radius | dvFD |
(0070,0314) | Used Fiducials Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0318) | Graphic Coordinates Data Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,031A) | Fiducial UID | dvUI |
(0070,031C) | Fiducial Set Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,031E) | Fiducial Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0401) | Graphic Layer Recommended Display CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0070,0402) | Blending Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0403) | Relative Opacity | dvFL |
(0070,0404) | Referenced Spatial Registration Sequence | dvSQ |
(0070,0405) | Blending Position | dvCS |
(0071,0011) | ROI | dvOB |
(0071,0013) | 3 DReconstruction Data | dvOB |
(0072,0002) | Hanging Protocol Name | dvSH |
(0072,0004) | Hanging Protocol Description | dvLO |
(0072,0006) | Hanging Protocol Level | dvCS |
(0072,0008) | Hanging Protocol Creator | dvLO |
(0072,000A) | Hanging Protocol Creation Date/Time | dvDT |
(0072,000C) | Hanging Protocol Definition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,000E) | Hanging Protocol User Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0010) | Hanging Protocol User Group Name | dvLO |
(0072,0012) | Source Hanging Protocol Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0014) | Number of Priors Referenced | dvUS |
(0072,0020) | Image Sets Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0022) | Image Set Selector Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0024) | Image Set Selector Usage Flag | dvCS |
(0072,0026) | Selector Attribute | dvAT |
(0072,0028) | Selector Value Number | dvUS |
(0072,0030) | Time Based Image Sets Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0032) | Image Set Number | dvUS |
(0072,0034) | Image Set Selector Category | dvCS |
(0072,0038) | Relative Time | dvUS |
(0072,003A) | Relative Time Units | dvCS |
(0072,003C) | Abstract Prior Value | dvSS |
(0072,003E) | Abstract Prior Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0040) | Image Set Label | dvLO |
(0072,0050) | Selector Attribute VR | dvCS |
(0072,0052) | Selector Sequence Pointer | dvAT |
(0072,0054) | Selector Sequence Pointer Private Creator | dvLO |
(0072,0056) | Selector Attribute Private Creator | dvLO |
(0072,0060) | Selector AT Value | dvAT |
(0072,0062) | Selector CS Value | dvCS |
(0072,0064) | Selector IS Value | dvIS |
(0072,0066) | Selector LO Value | dvLO |
(0072,0068) | Selector LT Value | dvLT |
(0072,006A) | Selector PN Value | dvPN |
(0072,006C) | Selector SH Value | dvSH |
(0072,006E) | Selector ST Value | dvST |
(0072,0070) | Selector UT Value | dvUT |
(0072,0072) | Selector DS Value | dvDS |
(0072,0074) | Selector FD Value | dvFD |
(0072,0076) | Selector FL Value | dvFL |
(0072,0078) | Selector UL Value | dvUL |
(0072,007A) | Selector US Value | dvUS |
(0072,007C) | Selector SL Value | dvSL |
(0072,007E) | Selector SS Value | dvSS |
(0072,0080) | Selector Code Sequence Value | dvSQ |
(0072,0100) | Number of Screens | dvUS |
(0072,0102) | Nominal Screen Definition Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0104) | Number of Vertical Pixels | dvUS |
(0072,0106) | Number of Horizontal Pixels | dvUS |
(0072,0108) | Display Environment Spatial Position | dvFD |
(0072,010A) | Screen Minimum Grayscale Bit Depth | dvUS |
(0072,010C) | Screen Minimum Color Bit Depth | dvUS |
(0072,010E) | Application Maximum Repaint Time | dvUS |
(0072,0200) | Display Sets Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0202) | Display Set Number | dvUS |
(0072,0203) | Display Set Label | dvLO |
(0072,0204) | Display Set Presentation Group | dvUS |
(0072,0206) | Display Set Presentation Group Description | dvLO |
(0072,0208) | Partial Data Display Handling | dvCS |
(0072,0210) | Synchronized Scrolling Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0212) | Display Set Scrolling Group | dvUS |
(0072,0214) | Navigation Indicator Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0216) | Navigation Display Set | dvUS |
(0072,0218) | Reference Display Sets | dvUS |
(0072,0300) | Image Boxes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0302) | Image Box Number | dvUS |
(0072,0304) | Image Box Layout Type | dvCS |
(0072,0306) | Image Box Tile Horizontal Dimension | dvUS |
(0072,0308) | Image Box Tile Vertical Dimension | dvUS |
(0072,0310) | Image Box Scroll Direction | dvCS |
(0072,0312) | Image Box Small Scroll Type | dvCS |
(0072,0314) | Image Box Small Scroll Amount | dvUS |
(0072,0316) | Image Box Large Scroll Type | dvCS |
(0072,0318) | Image Box Large Scroll Amount | dvUS |
(0072,0320) | Image Box Overlap Priority | dvUS |
(0072,0330) | Cine Relative to Real-Time | dvFD |
(0072,0400) | Filter Operations Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0402) | Filter-by Category | dvCS |
(0072,0404) | Filter-by Attribute Presence | dvCS |
(0072,0406) | Filter-by Operator | dvCS |
(0072,0420) | Structured Display Background CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0072,0421) | Empty Image Box CIELab Value | dvUS |
(0072,0422) | Structured Display Image Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0424) | Structured Display Text Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0427) | Referenced First Frame Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0430) | Image Box Synchronization Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0432) | Synchronized Image Box List | dvUS |
(0072,0434) | Type of Synchronization | dvCS |
(0072,0500) | Blending Operation Type | dvCS |
(0072,0510) | Reformatting Operation Type | dvCS |
(0072,0512) | Reformatting Thickness | dvFD |
(0072,0514) | Reformatting Interval | dvFD |
(0072,0516) | Reformatting Operation Initial View Direction | dvCS |
(0072,0520) | 3D Rendering Type | dvCS |
(0072,0600) | Sorting Operations Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0602) | Sort-by Category | dvCS |
(0072,0604) | Sorting Direction | dvCS |
(0072,0700) | Display Set Patient Orientation | dvCS |
(0072,0702) | VOI Type | dvCS |
(0072,0704) | Pseudo-Color Type | dvCS |
(0072,0705) | Pseudo-Color Palette Instance Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(0072,0706) | Show Grayscale Inverted | dvCS |
(0072,0710) | Show Image True Size Flag | dvCS |
(0072,0712) | Show Graphic Annotation Flag | dvCS |
(0072,0714) | Show Patient Demographics Flag | dvCS |
(0072,0716) | Show Acquisition Techniques Flag | dvCS |
(0072,0717) | Display Set Horizontal Justification | dvCS |
(0072,0718) | Display Set Vertical Justification | dvCS |
(0074,0120) | Continuation Start Meterset | dvFD |
(0074,0121) | Continuation End Meterset | dvFD |
(0074,1000) | Procedure Step State | dvCS |
(0074,1002) | Procedure Step Progress Information Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1004) | Procedure Step Progress | dvDS |
(0074,1006) | Procedure Step Progress Description | dvST |
(0074,1008) | Procedure Step Communications URI Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,100A) | Contact URI | dvUR |
(0074,100C) | Contact Display Name | dvLO |
(0074,100E) | Procedure Step Discontinuation Reason Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1020) | Beam Task Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1022) | Beam Task Type | dvCS |
(0074,1024) | Beam Order Index (Trial) | dvIS |
(0074,1025) | Autosequence Flag | dvCS |
(0074,1026) | Table Top Vertical Adjusted Position | dvFD |
(0074,1027) | Table Top Longitudinal Adjusted Position | dvFD |
(0074,1028) | Table Top Lateral Adjusted Position | dvFD |
(0074,102A) | Patient Support Adjusted Angle | dvFD |
(0074,102B) | Table Top Eccentric Adjusted Angle | dvFD |
(0074,102C) | Table Top Pitch Adjusted Angle | dvFD |
(0074,102D) | Table Top Roll Adjusted Angle | dvFD |
(0074,1030) | Delivery Verification Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1032) | Verification Image Timing | dvCS |
(0074,1034) | Double Exposure Flag | dvCS |
(0074,1036) | Double Exposure Ordering | dvCS |
(0074,1038) | Double Exposure Meterset (Trial) | dvDS |
(0074,103A) | Double Exposure Field Delta (Trial) | dvDS |
(0074,1040) | Related Reference RT Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1042) | General Machine Verification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1044) | Conventional Machine Verification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1046) | Ion Machine Verification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1048) | Failed Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,104A) | Overridden Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,104C) | Conventional Control Point Verification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,104E) | Ion Control Point Verification Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1050) | Attribute Occurrence Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1052) | Attribute Occurrence Pointer | dvAT |
(0074,1054) | Attribute Item Selector | dvUL |
(0074,1056) | Attribute Occurrence Private Creator | dvLO |
(0074,1057) | Selector Sequence Pointer Items | dvIS |
(0074,1200) | Scheduled Procedure Step Priority | dvCS |
(0074,1202) | Worklist Label | dvLO |
(0074,1204) | Procedure Step Label | dvLO |
(0074,1210) | Scheduled Processing Parameters Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1212) | Performed Processing Parameters Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1216) | Unified Procedure Step Performed Procedure Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1220) | Related Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1222) | Procedure Step Relationship Type | dvLO |
(0074,1224) | Replaced Procedure Step Sequence | dvSQ |
(0074,1230) | Deletion Lock | dvLO |
(0074,1234) | Receiving AE | dvAE |
(0074,1236) | Requesting AE | dvAE |
(0074,1238) | Reason for Cancellation | dvLT |
(0074,1242) | SCP Status | dvCS |
(0074,1244) | Subscription List Status | dvCS |
(0074,1246) | Unified Procedure Step List Status | dvCS |
(0074,1324) | Beam Order Index | dvUL |
(0074,1338) | Double Exposure Meterset | dvFD |
(0074,133A) | Double Exposure Field Delta | dvFD |
(0076,0001) | Implant Assembly Template Name | dvLO |
(0076,0003) | Implant Assembly Template Issuer | dvLO |
(0076,0006) | Implant Assembly Template Version | dvLO |
(0076,0008) | Replaced Implant Assembly Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,000A) | Implant Assembly Template Type | dvCS |
(0076,000C) | Original Implant Assembly Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,000E) | Derivation Implant Assembly Template Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,0010) | Implant Assembly Template Target Anatomy Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,0020) | Procedure Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,0030) | Surgical Technique | dvLO |
(0076,0032) | Component Types Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,0034) | Component Type Code Sequence | dvCS |
(0076,0036) | Exclusive Component Type | dvCS |
(0076,0038) | Mandatory Component Type | dvCS |
(0076,0040) | Component Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,0055) | Component ID | dvUS |
(0076,0060) | Component Assembly Sequence | dvSQ |
(0076,0070) | Component 1 Referenced ID | dvUS |
(0076,0080) | Component 1 Referenced Mating Feature Set ID | dvUS |
(0076,0090) | Component 1 Referenced Mating Feature ID | dvUS |
(0076,00A0) | Component 2 Referenced ID | dvUS |
(0076,00B0) | Component 2 Referenced Mating Feature Set ID | dvUS |
(0076,00C0) | Component 2 Referenced Mating Feature ID | dvUS |
(0078,0001) | Implant Template Group Name | dvLO |
(0078,0010) | Implant Template Group Description | dvST |
(0078,0020) | Implant Template Group Issuer | dvLO |
(0078,0024) | Implant Template Group Version | dvLO |
(0078,0026) | Replaced Implant Template Group Sequence | dvSQ |
(0078,0028) | Implant Template Group Target Anatomy Sequence | dvSQ |
(0078,002A) | Implant Template Group Members Sequence | dvSQ |
(0078,002E) | Implant Template Group Member ID | dvUS |
(0078,0050) | 3D Implant Template Group Member Matching Point | dvFD |
(0078,0060) | 3D Implant Template Group Member Matching Axes | dvFD |
(0078,0070) | Implant Template Group Member Matching 2D Coordinates Sequence | dvSQ |
(0078,0090) | 2D Implant Template Group Member Matching Point | dvFD |
(0078,00A0) | 2D Implant Template Group Member Matching Axes | dvFD |
(0078,00B0) | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Sequence | dvSQ |
(0078,00B2) | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Name | dvLO |
(0078,00B4) | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Rank Sequence | dvSQ |
(0078,00B6) | Referenced Implant Template Group Member ID | dvUS |
(0078,00B8) | Implant Template Group Variation Dimension Rank | dvUS |
(0080,0001) | Surface Scan Acquisition Type Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0080,0002) | Surface Scan Mode Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0080,0003) | Registration Method Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0080,0004) | Shot Duration Time | dvFD |
(0080,0005) | Shot Offset Time | dvFD |
(0080,0006) | Surface Point Presentation Value Data | dvUS |
(0080,0007) | Surface Point Color CIELab Value Data | dvUS |
(0080,0008) | UV Mapping Sequence | dvSQ |
(0080,0009) | Texture Label | dvSH |
(0080,0010) | U Value Data | dvOF |
(0080,0011) | V Value Data | dvOF |
(0080,0012) | Referenced Texture Sequence | dvSQ |
(0080,0013) | Referenced Surface Data Sequence | dvSQ |
(0087,0010) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0087,0020) | Undocumented | dvCS |
(0087,0050) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(0088,0000) | Storage Group Length | dvUL |
(0088,0130) | Storage Media File-set ID | dvSH |
(0088,0140) | Storage Media File-set UID | dvUI |
(0088,0200) | Icon Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(0088,0904) | Topic Title | dvLO |
(0088,0906) | Topic Subject | dvST |
(0088,0910) | Topic Author | dvLO |
(0088,0912) | Topic Keywords | dvLO |
(0095,0001) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0095,0004) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(0095,0005) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0095,0007) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(0099,0002) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(00E1,0001) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(00E1,0014) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(00E1,0022) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(00E1,0023) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(00E1,0024) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(00E1,0025) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(00E1,0040) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0100,0410) | SOP Instance Status | dvCS |
(0100,0420) | SOP Authorization Date/Time | dvDT |
(0100,0424) | SOP Authorization Comment | dvLT |
(0100,0426) | Authorization Equipment Certification Number | dvLO |
(0193,0002) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0307,0001) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0309,0001) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(0400,0005) | MAC ID Number | dvUS |
(0400,0010) | MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax UID | dvUI |
(0400,0015) | MAC Algorithm | dvCS |
(0400,0020) | Data Elements Signed | dvAT |
(0400,0100) | Digital Signature UID | dvUI |
(0400,0105) | Digital Signature Date/Time | dvDT |
(0400,0110) | Certificate Type | dvCS |
(0400,0115) | Certificate of Signer | dvOB |
(0400,0120) | Signature | dvOB |
(0400,0305) | Certified Timestamp Type | dvCS |
(0400,0310) | Certified Timestamp | dvOB |
(0400,0401) | Digital Signature Purpose Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(0400,0402) | Referenced Digital Signature Sequence | dvSQ |
(0400,0403) | Referenced SOP Instance MAC Sequence | dvSQ |
(0400,0404) | MAC | dvOB |
(0400,0500) | Encrypted Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0400,0510) | Encrypted Content Transfer Syntax UID | dvUI |
(0400,0520) | Encrypted Content | dvOB |
(0400,0550) | Modified Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0400,0561) | Original Attributes Sequence | dvSQ |
(0400,0562) | Attribute Modification Date/Time | dvDT |
(0400,0563) | Modifying System | dvLO |
(0400,0564) | Source of Previous Values | dvLO |
(0400,0565) | Reason for the Attribute Modification | dvCS |
(0601,0000) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0601,0020) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0601,0021) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0601,0030) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0601,0031) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0601,0050) | Undocumented | dvSH |
(0601,0070) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0601,0071) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(0601,0072) | Undocumented | dvDS |
(1000,0000) | Escape Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0001) | Run Length Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0002) | Huffman Table Size | dvUS |
(1000,0003) | Huffman Table Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0004) | Shift Table Size | dvUS |
(1000,0005) | Shift Table Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0010) | Escape Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0011) | Run Length Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0012) | Huffman Table Size | dvUS |
(1000,0013) | Huffman Table Triplet | dvUS |
(1000,0014) | Shift Table Size | dvUS |
(1000,0015) | Shift Table Triplet | dvUS |
(1010,0000) | Zonal Map | dvUS |
(1010,0004) | Zonal Map | dvUS |
(1369,0000) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(2000,0000) | Film Session Group Length | dvUL |
(2000,0010) | Number of Copies | dvIS |
(2000,001E) | Printer Configuration Sequence | dvSQ |
(2000,0020) | Print Priority | dvCS |
(2000,0030) | Medium Type | dvCS |
(2000,0040) | Film Destination | dvCS |
(2000,0050) | Film Session Label | dvLO |
(2000,0060) | Memory Allocation | dvIS |
(2000,0061) | Maximum Memory Allocation | dvIS |
(2000,0062) | Color Image Printing Flag | dvCS |
(2000,0063) | Collation Flag | dvCS |
(2000,0065) | Annotation Flag | dvCS |
(2000,0067) | Image Overlay Flag | dvCS |
(2000,0069) | Presentation LUT Flag | dvCS |
(2000,006A) | Image Box Presentation LUT Flag | dvCS |
(2000,00A0) | Memory Bit Depth | dvUS |
(2000,00A1) | Printing Bit Depth | dvUS |
(2000,00A2) | Media Installed Sequence | dvSQ |
(2000,00A4) | Other Media Available Sequence | dvSQ |
(2000,00A8) | Supported Image Display Formats Sequence | dvSQ |
(2000,0500) | Referenced Film Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(2000,0510) | Referenced Stored Print Sequence | dvSQ |
(2010,0000) | Film Box Group Length | dvUL |
(2010,0010) | Image Display Format | dvST |
(2010,0030) | Annotation Display Format ID | dvCS |
(2010,0040) | Film Orientation | dvCS |
(2010,0050) | Film Size ID | dvCS |
(2010,0052) | Printer Resolution ID | dvCS |
(2010,0054) | Default Printer Resolution ID | dvCS |
(2010,0060) | Magnification Type | dvCS |
(2010,0080) | Smoothing Type | dvCS |
(2010,00A6) | Default Magnification Type | dvCS |
(2010,00A7) | Other Magnification Types Available | dvCS |
(2010,00A8) | Default Smoothing Type | dvCS |
(2010,00A9) | Other Smoothing Types Available | dvCS |
(2010,0100) | Border Density | dvCS |
(2010,0110) | Empty Image Density | dvCS |
(2010,0120) | Min Density | dvUS |
(2010,0130) | Max Density | dvUS |
(2010,0140) | Trim | dvCS |
(2010,0150) | Configuration Information | dvST |
(2010,0152) | Configuration Information Description | dvLT |
(2010,0154) | Maximum Collated Films | dvIS |
(2010,015E) | Illumination | dvUS |
(2010,0160) | Reflected Ambient Light | dvUS |
(2010,0376) | Printer Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(2010,0500) | Referenced Film Session Sequence | dvSQ |
(2010,0510) | Referenced Image Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(2010,0520) | Referenced Basic Annotation Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(2020,0000) | Image Box Group Length | dvUL |
(2020,0010) | Image Box Position | dvUS |
(2020,0020) | Polarity | dvCS |
(2020,0030) | Requested Image Size | dvDS |
(2020,0040) | Requested Decimate/Crop Behavior | dvCS |
(2020,0050) | Requested Resolution ID | dvCS |
(2020,00A0) | Requested Image Size Flag | dvCS |
(2020,00A2) | Decimate/Crop Result | dvCS |
(2020,0110) | Basic Grayscale Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(2020,0111) | Basic Color Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(2020,0130) | Referenced Image Overlay Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(2020,0140) | Referenced VOI LUT Box Sequence | dvSQ |
(2030,0000) | Annotation Group Length | dvUL |
(2030,0010) | Annotation Position | dvUS |
(2030,0020) | Text String | dvLO |
(2040,0000) | Overlay Box Group Length | dvUL |
(2040,0010) | Referenced Overlay Plane Sequence | dvSQ |
(2040,0011) | Referenced Overlay Plane Groups | dvUS |
(2040,0020) | Overlay Pixel Data Sequence | dvSQ |
(2040,0060) | Overlay Magnification Type | dvCS |
(2040,0070) | Overlay Smoothing Type | dvCS |
(2040,0072) | Overlay or Image Magnification | dvCS |
(2040,0074) | Magnify to Number of Columns | dvUS |
(2040,0080) | Overlay Foreground Density | dvCS |
(2040,0082) | Overlay Background Density | dvCS |
(2040,0090) | Overlay Mode | dvCS |
(2040,0100) | Threshold Density | dvCS |
(2040,0500) | Referenced Image Box Sequence (Retired) | dvSQ |
(2050,0000) | Presentation LUT Group Length | dvUL |
(2050,0010) | Presentation LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(2050,0020) | Presentation LUT Shape | dvCS |
(2050,0500) | Referenced Presentation LUT Sequence | dvSQ |
(2100,0000) | Print Job Group Length | dvUL |
(2100,0010) | Print Job ID | dvSH |
(2100,0020) | Execution Status | dvCS |
(2100,0030) | Execution Status Info | dvCS |
(2100,0040) | Creation Date | dvDA |
(2100,0050) | Creation Time | dvTM |
(2100,0070) | Originator | dvAE |
(2100,0140) | Destination AE | dvAE |
(2100,0160) | Owner ID | dvSH |
(2100,0170) | Number of Films | dvIS |
(2100,0500) | Referenced Print Job Sequence (Pull Stored Print) | dvSQ |
(2110,0000) | Printer Group Length | dvUL |
(2110,0010) | Printer Status | dvCS |
(2110,0020) | Printer Status Info | dvCS |
(2110,0030) | Printer Name | dvLO |
(2110,0099) | Print Queue ID | dvSH |
(2120,0000) | Queue Group Length | dvUL |
(2120,0010) | Queue Status | dvCS |
(2120,0050) | Print Job Description Sequence | dvSQ |
(2120,0070) | Referenced Print Job Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0000) | Print Content Group Length | dvUL |
(2130,0010) | Print Management Capabilities Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0015) | Printer Characteristics Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0030) | Film Box Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0040) | Image Box Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0050) | Annotation Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0060) | Image Overlay Box Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,0080) | Presentation LUT Content Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,00A0) | Proposed Study Sequence | dvSQ |
(2130,00C0) | Original Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(2200,0001) | Label Using Information Extracted From Instances | dvCS |
(2200,0002) | Label Text | dvUT |
(2200,0003) | Label Style Selection | dvCS |
(2200,0004) | Media Disposition | dvLT |
(2200,0005) | Barcode Value | dvLT |
(2200,0006) | Barcode Symbology | dvCS |
(2200,0007) | Allow Media Splitting | dvCS |
(2200,0008) | Include Non-DICOM Objects | dvCS |
(2200,0009) | Include Display Application | dvCS |
(2200,000A) | Preserve Composite Instances After Media Creation | dvCS |
(2200,000B) | Total Number of Pieces of Media Created | dvUS |
(2200,000C) | Requested Media Application Profile | dvLO |
(2200,000D) | Referenced Storage Media Sequence | dvSQ |
(2200,000E) | Failure Attributes | dvAT |
(2200,000F) | Allow Lossy Compression | dvCS |
(2200,0020) | Request Priority | dvCS |
(3002,0000) | RT Image Group Length | dvUL |
(3002,0002) | RT Image Label | dvSH |
(3002,0003) | RT Image Name | dvLO |
(3002,0004) | RT Image Description | dvST |
(3002,000A) | Reported Values Origin | dvCS |
(3002,000C) | RT Image Plane | dvCS |
(3002,000D) | X-Ray Image Receptor Translation | dvDS |
(3002,000E) | X-Ray Image Receptor Angle | dvDS |
(3002,0010) | RT Image Orientation | dvDS |
(3002,0011) | Image Plane Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(3002,0012) | RT Image Position | dvDS |
(3002,0020) | Radiation Machine Name | dvSH |
(3002,0022) | Radiation Machine SAD | dvDS |
(3002,0024) | Radiation Machine SSD | dvDS |
(3002,0026) | RT Image SID | dvDS |
(3002,0028) | Source to Reference Object Distance | dvDS |
(3002,0029) | Fraction Number | dvIS |
(3002,0030) | Exposure Sequence | dvSQ |
(3002,0032) | Meterset Exposure | dvDS |
(3002,0034) | Diaphragm Position | dvDS |
(3002,0040) | Fluence Map Sequence | dvSQ |
(3002,0041) | Fluence Data Source | dvCS |
(3002,0042) | Fluence Data Scale | dvDS |
(3002,0050) | Primary Fluence Mode Sequence | dvSQ |
(3002,0051) | Fluence Mode | dvCS |
(3002,0052) | Fluence Mode ID | dvSH |
(3004,0000) | Dose Group Length | dvUL |
(3004,0001) | DVH Type | dvCS |
(3004,0002) | Dose Units | dvCS |
(3004,0004) | Dose Type | dvCS |
(3004,0005) | Spatial Transform of Dose | dvCS |
(3004,0006) | Dose Comment | dvLO |
(3004,0008) | Normalization Point | dvDS |
(3004,000A) | Dose Summation Type | dvCS |
(3004,000C) | Grid Frame Offset Vector | dvDS |
(3004,000E) | Dose Grid Scaling | dvDS |
(3004,0010) | RT Dose ROI Sequence | dvSQ |
(3004,0012) | Dose Value | dvDS |
(3004,0014) | Tissue Heterogeneity Correction | dvCS |
(3004,0040) | DVH Normalization Point | dvDS |
(3004,0042) | DVH Normalization Dose Value | dvDS |
(3004,0050) | DVH Sequence | dvSQ |
(3004,0052) | DVH Dose Scaling | dvDS |
(3004,0054) | DVH Volume Units | dvCS |
(3004,0056) | DVH Number of Bins | dvIS |
(3004,0058) | DVH Data | dvDS |
(3004,0060) | DVH Referenced ROI Sequence | dvSQ |
(3004,0062) | DVH ROI Contribution Type | dvCS |
(3004,0070) | DVH Minimum Dose | dvDS |
(3004,0072) | DVH Maximum Dose | dvDS |
(3004,0074) | DVH Mean Dose | dvDS |
(3006,0000) | Structure Set Group Length | dvUL |
(3006,0002) | Structure Set Label | dvSH |
(3006,0004) | Structure Set Name | dvLO |
(3006,0006) | Structure Set Description | dvST |
(3006,0008) | Structure Set Date | dvDA |
(3006,0009) | Structure Set Time | dvTM |
(3006,0010) | Referenced Frame of Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0012) | RT Referenced Study Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0014) | RT Referenced Series Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0016) | Contour Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0018) | Predecessor Structure Set Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0020) | Structure Set ROI Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0022) | ROI Number | dvIS |
(3006,0024) | Referenced Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(3006,0026) | ROI Name | dvLO |
(3006,0028) | ROI Description | dvST |
(3006,002A) | ROI Display Color | dvIS |
(3006,002C) | ROI Volume | dvDS |
(3006,0030) | RT Related ROI Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0033) | RT ROI Relationship | dvCS |
(3006,0036) | ROI Generation Algorithm | dvCS |
(3006,0038) | ROI Generation Description | dvLO |
(3006,0039) | ROI Contour Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0040) | Contour Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0042) | Contour Geometric Type | dvCS |
(3006,0044) | Contour Slab Thickness | dvDS |
(3006,0045) | Contour Offset Vector | dvDS |
(3006,0046) | Number of Contour Points | dvIS |
(3006,0048) | Contour Number | dvIS |
(3006,0049) | Attached Contours | dvIS |
(3006,0050) | Contour Data | dvDS |
(3006,0080) | RT ROI Observations Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0082) | Observation Number | dvIS |
(3006,0084) | Referenced ROI Number | dvIS |
(3006,0085) | ROI Observation Label | dvSH |
(3006,0086) | RT ROI Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,0088) | ROI Observation Description | dvST |
(3006,00A0) | Related RT ROI Observations Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,00A4) | RT ROI Interpreted Type | dvCS |
(3006,00A6) | ROI Interpreter | dvPN |
(3006,00B0) | ROI Physical Properties Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,00B2) | ROI Physical Property | dvCS |
(3006,00B4) | ROI Physical Property Value | dvDS |
(3006,00B6) | ROI Elemental Composition Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,00B7) | ROI Elemental Composition Atomic Number | dvUS |
(3006,00B8) | ROI Elemental Composition Atomic Mass Fraction | dvFL |
(3006,00B9) | Additional RT ROI Identification Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,00C0) | Frame of Reference Relationship Sequence | dvSQ |
(3006,00C2) | Related Frame of Reference UID | dvUI |
(3006,00C4) | Frame of Reference Transformation Type | dvCS |
(3006,00C6) | Frame of Reference Transformation Matrix | dvDS |
(3006,00C8) | Frame of Reference Transformation Comment | dvLO |
(3008,0010) | Measured Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0012) | Measured Dose Description | dvST |
(3008,0014) | Measured Dose Type | dvCS |
(3008,0016) | Measured Dose Value | dvDS |
(3008,0020) | Treatment Session Beam Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0021) | Treatment Session Ion Beam Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0022) | Current Fraction Number | dvIS |
(3008,0024) | Treatment Control Point Date | dvDA |
(3008,0025) | Treatment Control Point Time | dvTM |
(3008,002A) | Treatment Termination Status | dvCS |
(3008,002B) | Treatment Termination Code | dvSH |
(3008,002C) | Treatment Verification Status | dvCS |
(3008,0030) | Referenced Treatment Record Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0032) | Specified Primary Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,0033) | Specified Secondary Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,0036) | Delivered Primary Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,0037) | Delivered Secondary Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,003A) | Specified Treatment Time | dvDS |
(3008,003B) | Delivered Treatment Time | dvDS |
(3008,0040) | Control Point Delivery Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0041) | Ion Control Point Delivery Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0042) | Specified Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,0044) | Delivered Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,0045) | Meterset Rate Set | dvFL |
(3008,0046) | Meterset Rate Delivered | dvFL |
(3008,0047) | Scan Spot Metersets Delivered | dvFL |
(3008,0048) | Dose Rate Delivered | dvDS |
(3008,0050) | Treatment Summary Calculated Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0052) | Cumulative Dose to Dose Reference | dvDS |
(3008,0054) | First Treatment Date | dvDA |
(3008,0056) | Most Recent Treatment Date | dvDA |
(3008,005A) | Number of Fractions Delivered | dvIS |
(3008,0060) | Override Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0061) | Parameter Sequence Pointer | dvAT |
(3008,0062) | Override Parameter Pointer | dvAT |
(3008,0063) | Parameter Item Index | dvIS |
(3008,0064) | Measured Dose Reference Number | dvIS |
(3008,0065) | Parameter Pointer | dvAT |
(3008,0066) | Override Reason | dvST |
(3008,0068) | Corrected Parameter Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,006A) | Correction Value | dvFL |
(3008,0070) | Calculated Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0072) | Calculated Dose Reference Number | dvIS |
(3008,0074) | Calculated Dose Reference Description | dvST |
(3008,0076) | Calculated Dose Reference Dose Value | dvDS |
(3008,0078) | Start Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,007A) | End Meterset | dvDS |
(3008,0080) | Referenced Measured Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0082) | Referenced Measured Dose Reference Number | dvIS |
(3008,0090) | Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0092) | Referenced Calculated Dose Reference Number | dvIS |
(3008,00A0) | Beam Limiting Device Leaf Pairs Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00B0) | Recorded Wedge Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00C0) | Recorded Compensator Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00D0) | Recorded Block Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00E0) | Treatment Summary Measured Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00F0) | Recorded Snout Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00F2) | Recorded Range Shifter Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00F4) | Recorded Lateral Spreading Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,00F6) | Recorded Range Modulator Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0100) | Recorded Source Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0105) | Source Serial Number | dvLO |
(3008,0110) | Treatment Session Application Setup Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0116) | Application Setup Check | dvCS |
(3008,0120) | Recorded Brachy Accessory Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0122) | Referenced Brachy Accessory Device Number | dvIS |
(3008,0130) | Recorded Channel Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0132) | Specified Channel Total Time | dvDS |
(3008,0134) | Delivered Channel Total Time | dvDS |
(3008,0136) | Specified Number of Pulses | dvIS |
(3008,0138) | Delivered Number of Pulses | dvIS |
(3008,013A) | Specified Pulse Repetition Interval | dvDS |
(3008,013C) | Delivered Pulse Repetition Interval | dvDS |
(3008,0140) | Recorded Source Applicator Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0142) | Referenced Source Applicator Number | dvIS |
(3008,0150) | Recorded Channel Shield Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0152) | Referenced Channel Shield Number | dvIS |
(3008,0160) | Brachy Control Point Delivered Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0162) | Safe Position Exit Date | dvDA |
(3008,0164) | Safe Position Exit Time | dvTM |
(3008,0166) | Safe Position Return Date | dvDA |
(3008,0168) | Safe Position Return Time | dvTM |
(3008,0171) | Pulse Specific Brachy Control Point Delivered Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0172) | Pulse Number | dvUS |
(3008,0173) | Brachy Pulse Control Point Delivered Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0200) | Current Treatment Status | dvCS |
(3008,0202) | Treatment Status Comment | dvST |
(3008,0220) | Fraction Group Summary Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0223) | Referenced Fraction Number | dvIS |
(3008,0224) | Fraction Group Type | dvCS |
(3008,0230) | Beam Stopper Position | dvCS |
(3008,0240) | Fraction Status Summary Sequence | dvSQ |
(3008,0250) | Treatment Date | dvDA |
(3008,0251) | Treatment Time | dvTM |
(300A,0000) | RT Plan Group Length | dvUL |
(300A,0002) | RT Plan Label | dvSH |
(300A,0003) | RT Plan Name | dvLO |
(300A,0004) | RT Plan Description | dvST |
(300A,0006) | RT Plan Date | dvDA |
(300A,0007) | RT Plan Time | dvTM |
(300A,0009) | Treatment Protocols | dvLO |
(300A,000A) | Plan Intent | dvCS |
(300A,000B) | Treatment Sites | dvLO |
(300A,000C) | RT Plan Geometry | dvCS |
(300A,000E) | Prescription Description | dvST |
(300A,0010) | Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0012) | Dose Reference Number | dvIS |
(300A,0013) | Dose Reference UID | dvUI |
(300A,0014) | Dose Reference Structure Type | dvCS |
(300A,0015) | Nominal Beam Energy Unit | dvCS |
(300A,0016) | Dose Reference Description | dvLO |
(300A,0018) | Dose Reference Point Coordinates | dvDS |
(300A,001A) | Nominal Prior Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0020) | Dose Reference Type | dvCS |
(300A,0021) | Constraint Weight | dvDS |
(300A,0022) | Delivery Warning Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0023) | Delivery Maximum Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0025) | Target Minimum Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0026) | Target Prescription Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0027) | Target Maximum Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0028) | Target Underdose Volume Fraction | dvDS |
(300A,002A) | Organ at Risk Full-volume Dose | dvDS |
(300A,002B) | Organ at Risk Limit Dose | dvDS |
(300A,002C) | Organ at Risk Maximum Dose | dvDS |
(300A,002D) | Organ at Risk Overdose Volume Fraction | dvDS |
(300A,0040) | Tolerance Table Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0042) | Tolerance Table Number | dvIS |
(300A,0043) | Tolerance Table Label | dvSH |
(300A,0044) | Gantry Angle Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,0046) | Beam Limiting Device Angle Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,0048) | Beam Limiting Device Tolerance Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,004A) | Beam Limiting Device Position Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,004B) | Snout Position Tolerance | dvFL |
(300A,004C) | Patient Support Angle Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,004E) | Table Top Eccentric Angle Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,004F) | Table Top Pitch Angle Tolerance | dvFL |
(300A,0050) | Table Top Roll Angle Tolerance | dvFL |
(300A,0051) | Table Top Vertical Position Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,0052) | Table Top Longitudinal Position Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,0053) | Table Top Lateral Position Tolerance | dvDS |
(300A,0055) | RT Plan Relationship | dvCS |
(300A,0070) | Fraction Group Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0071) | Fraction Group Number | dvIS |
(300A,0072) | Fraction Group Description | dvLO |
(300A,0078) | Number of Fractions Planned | dvIS |
(300A,0079) | Number of Fraction Pattern Digits per Day | dvIS |
(300A,007A) | Repeat Fraction Cycle Length | dvIS |
(300A,007B) | Fraction Pattern | dvLT |
(300A,0080) | Number of Beams | dvIS |
(300A,0082) | Beam Dose Specification Point | dvDS |
(300A,0084) | Beam Dose | dvDS |
(300A,0086) | Beam Meterset | dvDS |
(300A,0088) | Beam Dose Point Depth | dvFL |
(300A,0089) | Beam Dose Point Equivalent Depth | dvFL |
(300A,008A) | Beam Dose Point SSD | dvFL |
(300A,008B) | Beam Dose Meaning | dvCS |
(300A,008C) | Beam Dose Verification Control Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,008D) | Average Beam Dose Point Depth | dvFL |
(300A,008E) | Average Beam Dose Point Equivalent Depth | dvFL |
(300A,008F) | Average Beam Dose Point SSD | dvFL |
(300A,00A0) | Number of Brachy Application Setups | dvIS |
(300A,00A2) | Brachy Application Setup Dose Specification Point | dvDS |
(300A,00A4) | Brachy Application Setup Dose | dvDS |
(300A,00B0) | Beam Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,00B2) | Treatment Machine Name | dvSH |
(300A,00B3) | Primary Dosimeter Unit | dvCS |
(300A,00B4) | Source-Axis Distance | dvDS |
(300A,00B6) | Beam Limiting Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,00B8) | RT Beam Limiting Device Type | dvCS |
(300A,00BA) | Source to Beam Limiting Device Distance | dvDS |
(300A,00BB) | Isocenter to Beam Limiting Device Distance | dvFL |
(300A,00BC) | Number of Leaf/Jaw Pairs | dvIS |
(300A,00BE) | Leaf Position Boundaries | dvDS |
(300A,00C0) | Beam Number | dvIS |
(300A,00C2) | Beam Name | dvLO |
(300A,00C3) | Beam Description | dvST |
(300A,00C4) | Beam Type | dvCS |
(300A,00C5) | Beam Delivery Duration Limit | dvFD |
(300A,00C6) | Radiation Type | dvCS |
(300A,00C7) | High-Dose Technique Type | dvCS |
(300A,00C8) | Reference Image Number | dvIS |
(300A,00CA) | Planned Verification Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,00CC) | Imaging Device-Specific Acquisition Parameters | dvLO |
(300A,00CE) | Treatment Delivery Type | dvCS |
(300A,00D0) | Number of Wedges | dvIS |
(300A,00D1) | Wedge Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,00D2) | Wedge Number | dvIS |
(300A,00D3) | Wedge Type | dvCS |
(300A,00D4) | Wedge ID | dvSH |
(300A,00D5) | Wedge Angle | dvIS |
(300A,00D6) | Wedge Factor | dvDS |
(300A,00D7) | Total Wedge Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,00D8) | Wedge Orientation | dvDS |
(300A,00D9) | Isocenter to Wedge Tray Distance | dvFL |
(300A,00DA) | Source to Wedge Tray Distance | dvDS |
(300A,00DB) | Wedge Thin Edge Position | dvFL |
(300A,00DC) | Bolus ID | dvSH |
(300A,00DD) | Bolus Description | dvST |
(300A,00E0) | Number of Compensators | dvIS |
(300A,00E1) | Material ID | dvSH |
(300A,00E2) | Total Compensator Tray Factor | dvDS |
(300A,00E3) | Compensator Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,00E4) | Compensator Number | dvIS |
(300A,00E5) | Compensator ID | dvSH |
(300A,00E6) | Source to Compensator Tray Distance | dvDS |
(300A,00E7) | Compensator Rows | dvIS |
(300A,00E8) | Compensator Columns | dvIS |
(300A,00E9) | Compensator Pixel Spacing | dvDS |
(300A,00EA) | Compensator Position | dvDS |
(300A,00EB) | Compensator Transmission Data | dvDS |
(300A,00EC) | Compensator Thickness Data | dvDS |
(300A,00ED) | Number of Boli | dvIS |
(300A,00EE) | Compensator Type | dvCS |
(300A,00EF) | Compensator Tray ID | dvSH |
(300A,00F0) | Number of Blocks | dvIS |
(300A,00F2) | Total Block Tray Factor | dvDS |
(300A,00F3) | Total Block Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,00F4) | Block Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,00F5) | Block Tray ID | dvSH |
(300A,00F6) | Source to Block Tray Distance | dvDS |
(300A,00F7) | Isocenter to Block Tray Distance | dvFL |
(300A,00F8) | Block Type | dvCS |
(300A,00F9) | Accessory Code | dvLO |
(300A,00FA) | Block Divergence | dvCS |
(300A,00FB) | Block Mounting Position | dvCS |
(300A,00FC) | Block Number | dvIS |
(300A,00FE) | Block Name | dvLO |
(300A,0100) | Block Thickness | dvDS |
(300A,0102) | Block Transmission | dvDS |
(300A,0104) | Block Number of Points | dvIS |
(300A,0106) | Block Data | dvDS |
(300A,0107) | Applicator Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0108) | Applicator ID | dvSH |
(300A,0109) | Applicator Type | dvCS |
(300A,010A) | Applicator Description | dvLO |
(300A,010C) | Cumulative Dose Reference Coefficient | dvDS |
(300A,010E) | Final Cumulative Meterset Weight | dvDS |
(300A,0110) | Number of Control Points | dvIS |
(300A,0111) | Control Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0112) | Control Point Index | dvIS |
(300A,0114) | Nominal Beam Energy | dvDS |
(300A,0115) | Dose Rate Set | dvDS |
(300A,0116) | Wedge Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0118) | Wedge Position | dvCS |
(300A,011A) | Beam Limiting Device Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,011C) | Leaf/Jaw Positions | dvDS |
(300A,011E) | Gantry Angle | dvDS |
(300A,011F) | Gantry Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,0120) | Beam Limiting Device Angle | dvDS |
(300A,0121) | Beam Limiting Device Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,0122) | Patient Support Angle | dvDS |
(300A,0123) | Patient Support Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,0124) | Table Top Eccentric Axis Distance | dvDS |
(300A,0125) | Table Top Eccentric Angle | dvDS |
(300A,0126) | Table Top Eccentric Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,0128) | Table Top Vertical Position | dvDS |
(300A,0129) | Table Top Longitudinal Position | dvDS |
(300A,012A) | Table Top Lateral Position | dvDS |
(300A,012C) | Isocenter Position | dvDS |
(300A,012E) | Surface Entry Point | dvDS |
(300A,0130) | Source to Surface Distance | dvDS |
(300A,0134) | Cumulative Meterset Weight | dvDS |
(300A,0140) | Table Top Pitch Angle | dvFL |
(300A,0142) | Table Top Pitch Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,0144) | Table Top Roll Angle | dvFL |
(300A,0146) | Table Top Roll Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,0148) | Head Fixation Angle | dvFL |
(300A,014A) | Gantry Pitch Angle | dvFL |
(300A,014C) | Gantry Pitch Rotation Direction | dvCS |
(300A,014E) | Gantry Pitch Angle Tolerance | dvFL |
(300A,0180) | Patient Setup Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0182) | Patient Setup Number | dvIS |
(300A,0183) | Patient Setup Label | dvLO |
(300A,0184) | Patient Additional Position | dvLO |
(300A,0190) | Fixation Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0192) | Fixation Device Type | dvCS |
(300A,0194) | Fixation Device Label | dvSH |
(300A,0196) | Fixation Device Description | dvST |
(300A,0198) | Fixation Device Position | dvSH |
(300A,0199) | Fixation Device Pitch Angle | dvFL |
(300A,019A) | Fixation Device Roll Angle | dvFL |
(300A,01A0) | Shielding Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,01A2) | Shielding Device Type | dvCS |
(300A,01A4) | Shielding Device Label | dvSH |
(300A,01A6) | Shielding Device Description | dvST |
(300A,01A8) | Shielding Device Position | dvSH |
(300A,01B0) | Setup Technique | dvCS |
(300A,01B2) | Setup Technique Description | dvST |
(300A,01B4) | Setup Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,01B6) | Setup Device Type | dvCS |
(300A,01B8) | Setup Device Label | dvSH |
(300A,01BA) | Setup Device Description | dvST |
(300A,01BC) | Setup Device Parameter | dvDS |
(300A,01D0) | Setup Reference Description | dvST |
(300A,01D2) | Table Top Vertical Setup Displacement | dvDS |
(300A,01D4) | Table Top Longitudinal Setup Displacement | dvDS |
(300A,01D6) | Table Top Lateral Setup Displacement | dvDS |
(300A,0200) | Brachy Treatment Technique | dvCS |
(300A,0202) | Brachy Treatment Type | dvCS |
(300A,0206) | Treatment Machine Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0210) | Source Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0212) | Source Number | dvIS |
(300A,0214) | Source Type | dvCS |
(300A,0216) | Source Manufacturer | dvLO |
(300A,0218) | Active Source Diameter | dvDS |
(300A,021A) | Active Source Length | dvDS |
(300A,021B) | Source Model ID | dvSH |
(300A,021C) | Source Description | dvLO |
(300A,0222) | Source Encapsulation Nominal Thickness | dvDS |
(300A,0224) | Source Encapsulation Nominal Transmission | dvDS |
(300A,0226) | Source Isotope Name | dvLO |
(300A,0228) | Source Isotope Half Life | dvDS |
(300A,0229) | Source Strength Units | dvCS |
(300A,022A) | Reference Air Kerma Rate | dvDS |
(300A,022B) | Source Strength | dvDS |
(300A,022C) | Source Strength Reference Date | dvDA |
(300A,022E) | Source Strength Reference Time | dvTM |
(300A,0230) | Application Setup Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0232) | Application Setup Type | dvCS |
(300A,0234) | Application Setup Number | dvIS |
(300A,0236) | Application Setup Name | dvLO |
(300A,0238) | Application Setup Manufacturer | dvLO |
(300A,0240) | Template Number | dvIS |
(300A,0242) | Template Type | dvSH |
(300A,0244) | Template Name | dvLO |
(300A,0250) | Total Reference Air Kerma | dvDS |
(300A,0260) | Brachy Accessory Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0262) | Brachy Accessory Device Number | dvIS |
(300A,0263) | Brachy Accessory Device ID | dvSH |
(300A,0264) | Brachy Accessory Device Type | dvCS |
(300A,0266) | Brachy Accessory Device Name | dvLO |
(300A,026A) | Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Thickness | dvDS |
(300A,026C) | Brachy Accessory Device Nominal Transmission | dvDS |
(300A,0280) | Channel Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0282) | Channel Number | dvIS |
(300A,0284) | Channel Length | dvDS |
(300A,0286) | Channel Total Time | dvDS |
(300A,0288) | Source Movement Type | dvCS |
(300A,028A) | Number of Pulses | dvIS |
(300A,028C) | Pulse Repetition Interval | dvDS |
(300A,0290) | Source Applicator Number | dvIS |
(300A,0291) | Source Applicator ID | dvSH |
(300A,0292) | Source Applicator Type | dvCS |
(300A,0294) | Source Applicator Name | dvLO |
(300A,0296) | Source Applicator Length | dvDS |
(300A,0298) | Source Applicator Manufacturer | dvLO |
(300A,029C) | Source Applicator Wall Nominal Thickness | dvDS |
(300A,029E) | Source Applicator Wall Nominal Transmission | dvDS |
(300A,02A0) | Source Applicator Step Size | dvDS |
(300A,02A2) | Transfer Tube Number | dvIS |
(300A,02A4) | Transfer Tube Length | dvDS |
(300A,02B0) | Channel Shield Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,02B2) | Channel Shield Number | dvIS |
(300A,02B3) | Channel Shield ID | dvSH |
(300A,02B4) | Channel Shield Name | dvLO |
(300A,02B8) | Channel Shield Nominal Thickness | dvDS |
(300A,02BA) | Channel Shield Nominal Transmission | dvDS |
(300A,02C8) | Final Cumulative Time Weight | dvDS |
(300A,02D0) | Brachy Control Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,02D2) | Control Point Relative Position | dvDS |
(300A,02D4) | Control Point 3D Position | dvDS |
(300A,02D6) | Cumulative Time Weight | dvDS |
(300A,02E0) | Compensator Divergence | dvCS |
(300A,02E1) | Compensator Mounting Position | dvCS |
(300A,02E2) | Source to Compensator Distance | dvDS |
(300A,02E3) | Total Compensator Tray Water-Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,02E4) | Isocenter to Compensator Tray Distance | dvFL |
(300A,02E5) | Compensator Column Offset | dvFL |
(300A,02E6) | Isocenter to Compensator Distances | dvFL |
(300A,02E7) | Compensator Relative Stopping Power Ratio | dvFL |
(300A,02E8) | Compensator Milling Tool Diameter | dvFL |
(300A,02EA) | Ion Range Compensator Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,02EB) | Compensator Description | dvLT |
(300A,0302) | Radiation Mass Number | dvIS |
(300A,0304) | Radiation Atomic Number | dvIS |
(300A,0306) | Radiation Charge State | dvSS |
(300A,0308) | Scan Mode | dvCS |
(300A,030A) | Virtual Source-Axis Distances | dvFL |
(300A,030C) | Snout Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,030D) | Snout Position | dvFL |
(300A,030F) | Snout ID | dvSH |
(300A,0312) | Number of Range Shifters | dvIS |
(300A,0314) | Range Shifter Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0316) | Range Shifter Number | dvIS |
(300A,0318) | Range Shifter ID | dvSH |
(300A,0320) | Range Shifter Type | dvCS |
(300A,0322) | Range Shifter Description | dvLO |
(300A,0330) | Number of Lateral Spreading Devices | dvIS |
(300A,0332) | Lateral Spreading Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0334) | Lateral Spreading Device Number | dvIS |
(300A,0336) | Lateral Spreading Device ID | dvSH |
(300A,0338) | Lateral Spreading Device Type | dvCS |
(300A,033A) | Lateral Spreading Device Description | dvLO |
(300A,033C) | Lateral Spreading Device Water Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,0340) | Number of Range Modulators | dvIS |
(300A,0342) | Range Modulator Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0344) | Range Modulator Number | dvIS |
(300A,0346) | Range Modulator ID | dvSH |
(300A,0348) | Range Modulator Type | dvCS |
(300A,034A) | Range Modulator Description | dvLO |
(300A,034C) | Beam Current Modulation ID | dvSH |
(300A,0350) | Patient Support Type | dvCS |
(300A,0352) | Patient Support ID | dvSH |
(300A,0354) | Patient Support Accessory Code | dvLO |
(300A,0356) | Fixation Light Azimuthal Angle | dvFL |
(300A,0358) | Fixation Light Polar Angle | dvFL |
(300A,035A) | Meterset Rate | dvFL |
(300A,0360) | Range Shifter Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0362) | Range Shifter Setting | dvLO |
(300A,0364) | Isocenter to Range Shifter Distance | dvFL |
(300A,0366) | Range Shifter Water Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,0370) | Lateral Spreading Device Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0372) | Lateral Spreading Device Setting | dvLO |
(300A,0374) | Isocenter to Lateral Spreading Device Distance | dvFL |
(300A,0380) | Range Modulator Settings Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0382) | Range Modulator Gating Start Value | dvFL |
(300A,0384) | Range Modulator Gating Stop Value | dvFL |
(300A,0386) | Range Modulator Gating Start Water Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,0388) | Range Modulator Gating Stop Water Equivalent Thickness | dvFL |
(300A,038A) | Isocenter to Range Modulator Distance | dvFL |
(300A,0390) | Scan Spot Tune ID | dvSH |
(300A,0392) | Number of Scan Spot Positions | dvIS |
(300A,0394) | Scan Spot Position Map | dvFL |
(300A,0396) | Scan Spot Meterset Weights | dvFL |
(300A,0398) | Scanning Spot Size | dvFL |
(300A,039A) | Number of Paintings | dvIS |
(300A,03A0) | Ion Tolerance Table Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,03A2) | Ion Beam Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,03A4) | Ion Beam Limiting Device Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,03A6) | Ion Block Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,03A8) | Ion Control Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,03AA) | Ion Wedge Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,03AC) | Ion Wedge Position Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0401) | Referenced Setup Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0402) | Setup Image Comment | dvST |
(300A,0410) | Motion Synchronization Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0412) | Control Point Orientation | dvFL |
(300A,0420) | General Accessory Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0421) | General Accessory ID | dvSH |
(300A,0422) | General Accessory Description | dvST |
(300A,0423) | General Accessory Type | dvCS |
(300A,0424) | General Accessory Number | dvIS |
(300A,0425) | Source to General Accessory Distance | dvFL |
(300A,0431) | Applicator Geometry Sequence | dvSQ |
(300A,0432) | Applicator Aperture Shape | dvCS |
(300A,0433) | Applicator Opening | dvFL |
(300A,0434) | Applicator Opening X | dvFL |
(300A,0435) | Applicator Opening Y | dvFL |
(300A,0436) | Source to Applicator Mounting Position Distance | dvFL |
(300C,0000) | RT Relationship Group Length | dvUL |
(300C,0002) | Referenced RT Plan Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0004) | Referenced Beam Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0006) | Referenced Beam Number | dvIS |
(300C,0007) | Referenced Reference Image Number | dvIS |
(300C,0008) | Start Cumulative Meterset Weight | dvDS |
(300C,0009) | End Cumulative Meterset Weight | dvDS |
(300C,000A) | Referenced Brachy Application Setup Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,000C) | Referenced Brachy Application Setup Number | dvIS |
(300C,000E) | Referenced Source Number | dvIS |
(300C,0020) | Referenced Fraction Group Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0022) | Referenced Fraction Group Number | dvIS |
(300C,0040) | Referenced Verification Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0042) | Referenced Reference Image Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0050) | Referenced Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0051) | Referenced Dose Reference Number | dvIS |
(300C,0055) | Brachy Referenced Dose Reference Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,0060) | Referenced Structure Set Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,006A) | Referenced Patient Setup Number | dvIS |
(300C,0080) | Referenced Dose Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,00A0) | Referenced Tolerance Table Number | dvIS |
(300C,00B0) | Referenced Bolus Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,00C0) | Referenced Wedge Number | dvIS |
(300C,00D0) | Referenced Compensator Number | dvIS |
(300C,00E0) | Referenced Block Number | dvIS |
(300C,00F0) | Referenced Control Point Index | dvIS |
(300C,00F2) | Referenced Control Point Sequence | dvSQ |
(300C,00F4) | Referenced Start Control Point Index | dvIS |
(300C,00F6) | Referenced Stop Control Point Index | dvIS |
(300C,0100) | Referenced Range Shifter Number | dvIS |
(300C,0102) | Referenced Lateral Spreading Device Number | dvIS |
(300C,0104) | Referenced Range Modulator Number | dvIS |
(300E,0000) | Approval Group Length | dvUL |
(300E,0002) | Approval Status | dvCS |
(300E,0004) | Review Date | dvDA |
(300E,0005) | Review Time | dvTM |
(300E,0008) | Reviewer Name | dvPN |
(4000,0000) | Text Group Length | dvUL |
(4000,0010) | Arbitrary | dvLT |
(4000,4000) | Text Comments | dvLT |
(4008,0000) | Results Group Length | dvUL |
(4008,0040) | Results ID | dvSH |
(4008,0042) | Results ID Issuer | dvLO |
(4008,0050) | Referenced Interpretation Sequence | dvSQ |
(4008,00FF) | Report Production Status (Trial) | dvCS |
(4008,0100) | Interpretation Recorded Date | dvDA |
(4008,0101) | Interpretation Recorded Time | dvTM |
(4008,0102) | Interpretation Recorder | dvPN |
(4008,0103) | Reference to Recorded Sound | dvLO |
(4008,0108) | Interpretation Transcription Date | dvDA |
(4008,0109) | Interpretation Transcription Time | dvTM |
(4008,010A) | Interpretation Transcriber | dvPN |
(4008,010B) | Interpretation Text | dvST |
(4008,010C) | Interpretation Author | dvPN |
(4008,0111) | Interpretation Approver Sequence | dvSQ |
(4008,0112) | Interpretation Approval Date | dvDA |
(4008,0113) | Interpretation Approval Time | dvTM |
(4008,0114) | Physician Approving Interpretation | dvPN |
(4008,0115) | Interpretation Diagnosis Description | dvLT |
(4008,0117) | Interpretation Diagnosis Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(4008,0118) | Results Distribution List Sequence | dvSQ |
(4008,0119) | Distribution Name | dvPN |
(4008,011A) | Distribution Address | dvLO |
(4008,0200) | Interpretation ID | dvSH |
(4008,0202) | Interpretation ID Issuer | dvLO |
(4008,0210) | Interpretation Type ID | dvCS |
(4008,0212) | Interpretation Status ID | dvCS |
(4008,0300) | Impressions | dvST |
(4008,4000) | Results Comments | dvST |
(4009,0001) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(4009,0020) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(4009,0030) | Undocumented | dvDA |
(4009,0070) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(4009,00E0) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(4009,00E1) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(4009,00E3) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(4010,0001) | Low Energy Detectors | dvCS |
(4010,0002) | High Energy Detectors | dvCS |
(4010,0004) | Detector Geometry Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1001) | Threat ROI Voxel Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1004) | Threat ROI Base | dvFL |
(4010,1005) | Threat ROI Extents | dvFL |
(4010,1006) | Threat ROI Bitmap | dvOB |
(4010,1007) | Route Segment ID | dvSH |
(4010,1008) | Gantry Type | dvCS |
(4010,1009) | OOI Owner Type | dvCS |
(4010,100A) | Route Segment Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1010) | Potential Threat Object ID | dvUS |
(4010,1011) | Threat Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1012) | Threat Category | dvCS |
(4010,1013) | Threat Category Description | dvLT |
(4010,1014) | ATD Ability Assessment | dvCS |
(4010,1015) | ATD Assessment Flag | dvCS |
(4010,1016) | ATD Assessment Probability | dvFL |
(4010,1017) | Mass | dvFL |
(4010,1018) | Density | dvFL |
(4010,1019) | Z Effective | dvFL |
(4010,101A) | Boarding Pass ID | dvSH |
(4010,101B) | Center of Mass | dvFL |
(4010,101C) | Center of PTO | dvFL |
(4010,101D) | Bounding Polygon | dvFL |
(4010,101E) | Route Segment Start Location ID | dvSH |
(4010,101F) | Route Segment End Location ID | dvSH |
(4010,1020) | Route Segment Location ID Type | dvCS |
(4010,1021) | Abort Reason | dvCS |
(4010,1023) | Volume of PTO | dvFL |
(4010,1024) | Abort Flag | dvCS |
(4010,1025) | Route Segment Start Time | dvDT |
(4010,1026) | Route Segment End Time | dvDT |
(4010,1027) | TDR Type | dvCS |
(4010,1028) | International Route Segment | dvCS |
(4010,1029) | Threat Detection Algorithm and Version | dvLO |
(4010,102A) | Assigned Location | dvSH |
(4010,102B) | Alarm Decision Time | dvDT |
(4010,1031) | Alarm Decision | dvCS |
(4010,1033) | Number of Total Objects | dvUS |
(4010,1034) | Number of Alarm Objects | dvUS |
(4010,1037) | PTO Representation Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1038) | ATD Assessment Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1039) | TIP Type | dvCS |
(4010,103A) | DICOS Version | dvCS |
(4010,1041) | OOI Owner Creation Time | dvDT |
(4010,1042) | OOI Type | dvCS |
(4010,1043) | OOI Size | dvFL |
(4010,1044) | Acquisition Status | dvCS |
(4010,1045) | Basis Materials Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1046) | Phantom Type | dvCS |
(4010,1047) | OOI Owner Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1048) | Scan Type | dvCS |
(4010,1051) | Itinerary ID | dvLO |
(4010,1052) | Itinerary ID Type | dvSH |
(4010,1053) | Itinerary ID Assigning Authority | dvLO |
(4010,1054) | Route ID | dvSH |
(4010,1055) | Route ID Assigning Authority | dvSH |
(4010,1056) | Inbound Arrival Type | dvCS |
(4010,1058) | Carrier ID | dvSH |
(4010,1059) | Carrier ID Assigning Authority | dvCS |
(4010,1060) | Source Orientation | dvFL |
(4010,1061) | Source Position | dvFL |
(4010,1062) | Belt Height | dvFL |
(4010,1064) | Algorithm Routing Code Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1067) | Transport Classification | dvCS |
(4010,1068) | OOI Type Descriptor | dvLT |
(4010,1069) | Total Processing Time | dvFL |
(4010,106C) | Detector Calibration Data | dvOB |
(4010,106D) | Additional Screening Performed | dvCS |
(4010,106E) | Additional Inspection Selection Criteria | dvCS |
(4010,106F) | Additional Inspection Method Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1070) | AIT Device Type | dvCS |
(4010,1071) | QR Measurements Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1072) | Target Material Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1073) | SNR Threshold | dvFD |
(4010,1075) | Image Scale Representation | dvDS |
(4010,1076) | Referenced PTO Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1077) | Referenced TDR Instance Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,1078) | PTO Location Description | dvST |
(4010,1079) | Anomaly Locator Indicator Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,107A) | Anomaly Locator Indicator | dvFL |
(4010,107B) | PTO Region Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,107C) | Inspection Selection Criteria | dvCS |
(4010,107D) | Secondary Inspection Method Sequence | dvSQ |
(4010,107E) | PRCS to RCS Orientation | dvDS |
(4FFE,0001) | MAC Parameters Sequence | dvSQ |
(5000,0000) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(5000,0005) | Curve Dimensions | dvUS |
(5000,0010) | Number of Points | dvUS |
(5000,0020) | Type of Data | dvCS |
(5000,0022) | Curve Description | dvLO |
(5000,0030) | Axis Units | dvSH |
(5000,0040) | Axis Labels | dvSH |
(5000,0103) | Data Value Representation | dvUS |
(5000,0104) | Minimum Coordinate Value | dvUS |
(5000,0105) | Maximum Coordinate Value | dvUS |
(5000,0106) | Curve Range | dvSH |
(5000,0110) | Curve Data Descriptor | dvUS |
(5000,0112) | Coordinate Start Value | dvUS |
(5000,0114) | Coordinate Step Value | dvUS |
(5000,1001) | Curve Activation Layer | dvCS |
(5000,2000) | Audio Type | dvUS |
(5000,2002) | Audio Sample Format | dvUS |
(5000,2004) | Number of Channels | dvUS |
(5000,2006) | Number of Samples | dvUL |
(5000,2008) | Sample Rate | dvUL |
(5000,200A) | Total Time | dvUL |
(5000,200C) | Audio Sample Data | dvOW |
(5000,200E) | Audio Comments | dvLT |
(5000,2500) | Curve Label | dvLO |
(5000,2600) | Curve Referenced Overlay Sequence | dvSQ |
(5000,2610) | Curve Referenced Overlay Group | dvUS |
(5000,3000) | Curve Data | dvOW |
(5200,9229) | Shared Functional Groups Sequence | dvSQ |
(5200,9230) | Per-frame Functional Groups Sequence | dvSQ |
(5400,0000) | Waveform Group Length | dvUL |
(5400,0100) | Waveform Sequence | dvSQ |
(5400,0110) | Channel Minimum Value | dvOW |
(5400,0112) | Channel Maximum Value | dvOW |
(5400,1004) | Waveform Bits Allocated | dvUS |
(5400,1006) | Waveform Sample Interpretation | dvCS |
(5400,100A) | Waveform Padding Value | dvOW |
(5400,1010) | Waveform Data | dvOW |
(5600,0010) | First Order Phase Correction Angle | dvOF |
(5600,0020) | Spectroscopy Data | dvOF |
(6000,0000) | Overlay Group Length | dvUL |
(6000,0001) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(6000,0002) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(6000,0010) | Overlay Rows | dvUS |
(6000,0011) | Overlay Columns | dvUS |
(6000,0012) | Overlay Planes | dvUS |
(6000,0015) | Number of Frames in Overlay | dvIS |
(6000,0022) | Overlay Description | dvLO |
(6000,0040) | Overlay Type | dvCS |
(6000,0045) | Overlay Subtype | dvLO |
(6000,0050) | Overlay Origin | dvSS |
(6000,0051) | Image Frame Origin | dvUS |
(6000,0052) | Overlay Plane Origin | dvUS |
(6000,0060) | Overlay Compression Code | dvCS |
(6000,0061) | Overlay Compression Originator | dvSH |
(6000,0062) | Overlay Compression Label | dvSH |
(6000,0063) | Overlay Compression Description | dvCS |
(6000,0066) | Overlay Compression Step Pointers | dvAT |
(6000,0068) | Overlay Repeat Interval | dvUS |
(6000,0069) | Overlay Bits Grouped | dvUS |
(6000,0100) | Overlay Bits Allocated | dvUS |
(6000,0102) | Overlay Bit Position | dvUS |
(6000,0110) | Overlay Format | dvCS |
(6000,0200) | Overlay Location | dvUS |
(6000,0800) | Overlay Code Label | dvCS |
(6000,0802) | Overlay Number of Tables | dvUS |
(6000,0803) | Overlay Code Table Location | dvAT |
(6000,0804) | Overlay Bits for Code Word | dvUS |
(6000,1001) | Overlay Activation Layer | dvCS |
(6000,1100) | Overlay Descriptor - Gray | dvUS |
(6000,1101) | Overlay Descriptor - Red | dvUS |
(6000,1102) | Overlay Descriptor - Green | dvUS |
(6000,1103) | Overlay Descriptor - Blue | dvUS |
(6000,1200) | Overlays - Gray | dvUS |
(6000,1201) | Overlays - Red | dvUS |
(6000,1202) | Overlays - Green | dvUS |
(6000,1203) | Overlays - Blue | dvUS |
(6000,1301) | ROI Area | dvIS |
(6000,1302) | ROI Mean | dvDS |
(6000,1303) | ROI Standard Deviation | dvDS |
(6000,1500) | Overlay Label | dvLO |
(6000,3000) | Overlay Data | dvOW |
(6000,4000) | Overlay Comments | dvLT |
(6001,0000) | Undocumented | dvUN |
(6001,0010) | Undocumented | dvLO |
(6001,1010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(6001,1030) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(6021,0000) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(6021,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(7000,0004) | Undocumented | dvST |
(7000,0005) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(7000,0007) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(7001,0010) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(7003,0010) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(7005,0010) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(7F00,0000) | Undocumented | dvUL |
(7F00,0010) | Variable Pixel Data | dvOW |
(7F00,0011) | Variable Next Data Group | dvOW |
(7F00,0020) | Variable Coefficients SDVN | dvOW |
(7F00,0030) | Variable Coefficients SDHN | dvOW |
(7F00,0040) | Variable Coefficients SDDN | dvOW |
(7FE0,0000) | Pixel Data Group Length | dvUL |
(7FE0,0010) | Pixel Data | dvOW |
(7FE0,0020) | Coefficients SDVN | dvOW |
(7FE0,0030) | Coefficients SDHN | dvOW |
(7FE0,0040) | Coefficients SDDN | dvOW |
(7FE1,0000) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(7FE1,0010) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(7FE3,0000) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(7FE3,0010) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(7FE3,0020) | Undocumented | dvOB |
(7FF1,0001) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,0002) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,0003) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |
(7FF1,0004) | Undocumented | dvIS |
(7FF1,0005) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,0007) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,0008) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,0009) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,000A) | Undocumented | dvLT |
(7FF1,000B) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,000C) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,000D) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(7FF1,0010) | Undocumented | dvUS |
(FFFA,FFFA) | Digital Signatures Sequence | dvSQ |
(FFFC,FFFC) | Data Set Trailing Padding | dvOB |
(FFFE,E000) | Item | dvUnknown |
(FFFE,E00D) | Item Delimitation Item | dvUnknown |
(FFFE,E0DD) | Sequence Delimitation Item | dvUnknown |
(FFFF,FFFF) | Undocumented | dvUSorSS |