ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions



function IERotateImageFile(const Filename : string;
                           JpegQuality : integer;
                           RotateAngle : integer;
                           AntiAliasMode: TIEAntialiasMode = ierFast;
                           bCanUseLossless: Boolean = true;    
                           cBackgroundColor: TColor = clWhite): Boolean; overload;
function IERotateImageFile(const sInFilename, sOutFilename : string;
                           JpegQuality : integer;
                           RotateAngle : integer;
                           AntiAliasMode: TIEAntialiasMode = ierFast;
                           bCanUseLossless: Boolean = true;
                           cBackgroundColor: TColor = clWhite): Boolean; overload;


Calls Rotate to rotate an image file and resave it (optionally to an alternative file). if bCanUseLossless is specified then JpegLosslessTransform2 is used where possible for JPEG files.

Note: You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause

See also: AngleToImageEnRotateAngle


// This will result in a lossless rotation
IERotateImageFile('D:\MyImage.jpg', 90, ierFast, True);
// This will be a lossy rotation
IERotateImageFile('D:\MyImage.jpg', 45, ierFast, True, clBlack);