ImageEn, unit iexAcquire



TIEAcquireParams = class;


The TIEAcquireParams object provides a generic interface to the Twain, WIA and Portable Devices interfaces of ImageEn. It allows you to use all available acquisition methods without writing separate code for Twain and WIA.
Do not create this class directly, but access via TImageEnMView.MIO.AcquireParams or TImageEnView.IO.AcquireParams



Demo  Demos\ImageAcquisition\AllAcquire\AllAcquire.dpr


if ImageEnView1.IO.SelectAcquireSource() then

// Scan an image at 300dpi
ImageEnView1.IO.AcquireParams.YResolution := 300;
ImageEnView1.IO.AcquireParams.XResolution := 300;

// Enable duplexing on the current scanner
ImageEnView1.IO.AcquireParams.DuplexEnabled := True;

// Cancel scanning of multiple images
ImageEnMView1.MIO.AcquireParams.Aborting := True;

Embedded Acquisition Classes

Public Property  AttachedDCIMParams
Public Property  AttachedTwainParams
Public Property  AttachedWIAParams

General Method and Properties

Public Property  Aborting
Public Method  Acquire
Public Method  Create
Public Method  Destroy
Public Method  IsPixelTypeSupported
Public Method  LoadProperties
Public Method  SaveProperties
Public Property  VisibleDialog


Public Method  FillListWithSources
Public Method  FindSourceByName
Public Method  Refresh
Public Property  SelectedSource
Public Property  SelectedSourceApi
Public Method  SelectSource
Public Method  SetSource
Public Method  SetSourceByStr

Device Properties

(Color depth)
Public Property  AcquireFrameEnabled
Public Property  AcquireFrameBottom
Public Property  AcquireFrameLeft
Public Property  AcquireFrameRight
Public Property  AcquireFrameTop
Public Property  AutoFeed
Public Property  BitDepth
Public Property  Brightness
Public Property  Contrast
Public Property  DeviceOnline
Public Property  DuplexEnabled
Public Property  DuplexSupported
Public Property  FeederEnabled
Public Property  FeederLoaded
Public Property  Orientation
Public Property  PaperDetectable
Public Property  PhysicalHeight
Public Property  PhysicalWidth
Public Property  PixelType
Public Property  Rotation
Public Property  Threshold
Public Property  XResolution
Public Property  YResolution

IEAcquire Global Methods

Global Method  StrToAcquireSource
Global Method  AcquireSourceToStr
Global Method  DrawAcquireComboListBoxItem