ImageEn, unit iegdiplus



TIEBrush = class;


TIEBrush is a GDI+ Brush wrapper and VCL TBrush wrapper. It is available via TIEBitmap.IECanvas.Brush.

Methods and Properties

Member Declaration Description
BackColor property BackColor: TColor; The secondary color for brush styles of bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross or gradients
BackTransparency property BackTransparency: integer; Level of transparency of the secondary color for brush styles of bsHorizontal, bsVertical, bsFDiagonal, bsBDiagonal, bsCross, bsDiagCross or gradients (from 0 - fully transparent to 255 - fully opaque)
Color property Color: TColor; Color of fills
SetGradient procedure SetGradient(Dir: TIEGDIPlusGradient; Width, Height: Integer); Fill the brush with a linear gradient running from Color to BackColor. Width and Height should be set to the size of the canvas
Style property Style: TBrushStyle; Style of brush fill
Transparency property Transparency: integer; Level of transparency of fills (from 0 - fully transparent to 255 - fully opaque)


// Draw an envelope with 50% transparency
with ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas do
  Pen.Mode  := pmCopy;
  Pen.Style := psSolid;
  Pen.Color := clBlack;
  Pen.Transparency := 128;

  Brush.Color := clYellow;
  Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  Brush.Transparency := 128;

  // Draw outer rect
  Rectangle( 100, 100, 500, 300 );

  // Draw flap
  MoveTo( 100, 100 );
  LineTo( 300, 200 );
  LineTo( 500, 100 );

// Draw a semi-transparent text box onto a bitmap
  Horz_Margin = 8;
  Vert_Margin = 3;
  Center_Text = False;
  x, y: integer;
  tw, rw, rh: integer;
  iec: TIECanvas;
  ss: string;
  ss := 'This is my text';
  x := 100;
  y := 100;

  iec := TIECanvas.Create( Bitmap.Canvas );

  iec.Font.Assign( GetTextFont() );
  tw := iec.TextWidth(ss);
  rw := imax( tw + 2 * Horz_Margin, iec.TextWidth(minText) + 2 * Horz_Margin );
  rh := iec.TextHeight(ss) + 2 * Vert_Margin;

  if Center_Text then
    dec( x, rw div 2 );

  iec.Brush.Color := clYellow;
  iec.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  iec.Brush.Transparency := 196;

  iec.Pen.Color := clBlack;
  iec.Pen.Style := psSolid;
  iec.Rectangle( x, y, x + rw, y + rh );

  iec.Brush.Style := bsClear;
  iec.TextOut(x + ( rw - tw ) div 2, y + Vert_Margin, ss);

// Highlight an area of a bitmap
iec := TIECanvas.Create( Bitmap.Canvas, false );
iec.Brush.Color := clRed;
iec.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
iec.Brush.Transparency := 125;
iec.FillRect( Rect( 100, 100, 300, 300 );

// Draw a rounded, semi-transparent scrollbar (anti-aliased)
  RX         = 12;  // round width
  RY         = 12;  // round height
  MINSLIDERW = 8;   // minimum slider width
  scrollPos, scrollCount: integer;
  sliderWidth: double;
  x := 100;
  y := 100;
  Width  := 300;
  Height := 16;
  scrollCount := 20;
  scrollPos := 3;

  with ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas do
    // paint brush and border
    Brush.Style := bsSolid;
    Brush.Color := clWhite;
    Brush.Transparency := 64;
    Pen.Color := clWhite;
    Pen.Style := psSolid;
    Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
    Pen.Width := 1;
    Pen.Transparency := 128;
    RoundRect( x, y, x + width, y + height, RX, RY );

    // paint slider
    Brush.Style := bsSolid;
    Brush.Color := clBlack;
    Brush.Transparency := 128;
    Pen.Width := 1;
    Pen.Transparency := 128;
    sliderWidth := width / scrollCount;
    if sliderWidth < MINSLIDERW then
      sliderWidth := MINSLIDERW;
    RoundRect( x + trunc(scrollPos * sliderWidth), y + 1, x + trunc(scrollPos * sliderWidth) + trunc(asliderWidth), y + height - 1, RX, RY);