procedure Update(UpdateType: TIECUpdateMode); overload;
procedure Update(); overload;
Refreshes the state of the controls.
◼ Use
Update(iecuUpdateControls); after you change the image in the
attached ImageEnView. (i.e. load a new image, or call undo)
◼ Use
Update(iecuReadSettings); if you set
// Load a new image into the attached ImageEnView
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Image.jpg' );
IEEditControls1.Update( iecuUpdateControls ); // Update controls for new image
// Set editing controls to Rotation of 45 deg.
IEEditControls1.ProcessingParams.Operation := peRotate;
IEEditControls1.ProcessingParams.Rotate_Angle := 45;
IEEditControls1.Update( iecuReadSettings ); // Update controls to match ProcessingParams
// Edit an Effects Chain item
effect := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain[ 3 ];
IEEditControls1.ProcessingParams.Assign( effect );
IEEditControls1.Update( iecuReadSettings );
See Also
◼ UpdatePreview◼ Reset◼ ProcessingParams