ImageEn, unit iemmf




procedure SetSelectedStreams(streamIndex: integer; selected: boolean);
procedure SetSelectedStreams(const streamType: WideString; selected: boolean);


Specifies which streams are enabled. An enabled stream sends samples to the receiver (i.e. to the OnMediaFoundationNotify event).

Parameter Description
streamIndex Index of the stream, in the range of 0 to StreamCount - 1
streamType A string representing the stream type. Only the first stream of this type will be considered. Can be any one of the values accepted by GetStreamType
selected Must be True in order to select the stream


// Enable both audio and video streams (first streams of these types)
ImageEnView1.IO.MediaFoundationSourceReader.SetSelectedStreams(mmf_AUDIO_STREAM, true);
ImageEnView1.IO.MediaFoundationSourceReader.SetSelectedStreams(mmf_VIDEO_STREAM, true);

See Also
