ImageEn, unit iexFolderTree



TIEOpenFolderDialog = class(TComponent);


Uses ShBrowseForFolder to display a modal Windows dialog box for selecting a folder.

This is the same as using WindowsSelectDirectory


Demo  Demos\Other\PdfPrinter\PdfPrinter.dpr


// Prompt for a folder
IEOpenFolderDialog1.AttachedImageEnIO := ImageEnView1;
If IEOpenFolderDialog1.Execute then
  LaunchFolder( IEOpenFolderDialog1.Folder );

Properties and Methods

Public Property  Caption: string; The caption of the Browse dialog. If unspecified, it defaults to a localized "Select a Folder"
Public Method  function Execute(): Boolean; Show the dialog. Result is true if a folder is selected (fills Folder property) or false if they cancel the dialog
Public Property  Folder: string; The selected folder of the dialog
Public Property  Options: TIEOpenFolderOptions; Options of the dialog. Default: [foAllowNewFolder, foDisplayShareable, foValidateFolder, foShowEditBox]
Public Property  RootFolder: string; The top-most folder. Leave blank to use the Windows default


Event  OnURLClick: TIEUrlClickEvent; Occurs when the dialog is displayed
Event  OnURLHover: TIEUrlHoverEvent; Occurs when the dialog closes