ImageEn, unit iepdf




procedure AddEllipse(X1: double; Y1: double; X2: double; Y2: double;
                     LineColor: TColor; LineWidth: double = 1.0; LineOpacity: double = 1.0;
                     Filled: boolean = False; FillColor: TColor = clBlack; FillOpacity: double = 1.0);


Adds an ellipse to the current page.

Parameter Description
X1, Y1 Top-left position of the ellipse (in Adobe points)
X2, Y2 Bottom-right position of the ellipse (in Adobe points)
LineColor Color of the ellipse border
LineWidth Width of the ellipse border (in Adobe points)
LineOpacity Opacity of ellipse border (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)
Filled True to fill the ellipse with a color. False if fill is transparent
FillColor Color of the ellipse fill. clNone if there is no fill(even if Filled = True)
FillOpacity Opacity of ellipse fill (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)

Note: "Current Page" is the page that has just been added or set using CurrentPageIndex


// Add a black ellipse with a blue fill
pdf.AddEllipse(100, 200, 500, 300, clBlack, 0.7, 2, true, clBlue, 0.6);

See Also
