ImageEn, unit iexUserInteractions




property ShowAllPages: Boolean;


Displays all pages of the PDF has a long vertical strip.
When ShowAllPages = False (Default), only a single page is displayed at a time, and the user must click the buttons to navigate between buttons.
If you enable ShowAllPages the user can navigate the entire document as if it were a tall image.

 The spacing between pages is specified by PageSpacing
 A border is drawn around each page of the color, PageFrameColor. Optionally, you can specify a color for the active page using SelPageFrameColor.
 Image selection (miPdfSelectRgn) is not available when using ShowAllPages
 When ShowAllPages is enabled, only the following mouse interations will be available: miPdfSelectText, miScroll, miZoom, miSmoothZoom, miDblClickZoom, miMovingScroll
 To display a particular page when showing all pages, use ScrollToPage

Default: False


Demo  Demos\Other\PdfViewer\PdfViewer.dpr


// Display all pages of the document
ImageEnView1.PdfViewer.ShowAllPages := True;