ImageEn, unit iexRichEdit




function TIERichEdit.GetTableProperties(out ColCount: Integer;
                                        out RowCount: Integer;
                                        out ColWidth: Integer;
                                        out RowHeight: Integer;
                                        out BorderSize: Integer;
                                        out BorderColor: TColor;
                                        out TableAlignment: TAlignment;
                                        out CellVertAlign: TVerticalAlignment;
                                        out CellMargin: Integer;
                                        out BackgroundColor: TColor;
                                        out Indent: Integer
                                        ): Boolean;


Returns properties of the currently selected table.
Result is false if there is not a table selected.

 RowCount should be specified as -1 to update the properties entire table
 If ColCount is different from the current count, cells will be added or deleted
 GetTableProperties() requires an entire row to be selected. If there is no selection, this will occur automatically
 You can update the table using using SetTableProperties

Rich Edit Identifier: EM_GETTABLEPARMS


  colCount: Integer;
  rowCount: Integer;
  colWidth: Integer;
  rowHeight: Integer;
  tableAlign: TAlignment;
  cellVertAlign: TVerticalAlignment;
  borderSize: Integer;
  borderColor: TColor;
  cellMargin: Integer;
  bgColor: TColor;
  indent: Integer;
  initIndex: Integer;
  // Works best if the cursor is positioned inside the first cell

  if IERichEdit1.SelLength = 0 then
    initIndex := IERichEdit1.SelStart;

    // GetTableProperties() requires whole row to be selected
    IERichEdit1.SelectAll( True );
    initIndex := IERichEdit1.SelStart + 2; // Whole row has been selected, position cursor inside the first cell

  // Get existing properties
  if IERichEdit1.GetTableProperties( colCount, rowCount,
                                     colWidth, rowHeight,
                                     borderSize, borderColor,
                                     tableAlign, cellVertAlign,
                                     indent ) = False then
    raise Exception.create( 'You have not selected a table (click inside the first cell of the table)' );

  // Update background color to red
  bgColor := clRed;

  // Vertically align the text
  cellVertAlign := taVerticalCenter;

  // Make border color green
  borderColor := clGreen;

  // SettTableProperties() requires cursor to be positioned inside first cell, doesn't support row selection :-/
  if IERichEdit1.SelLength > 0 then
    IERichEdit1.SetSelection( initIndex, initIndex );

  // Update the properties
  if IERichEdit1.SetTableProperties( colCount,
                                     -1,     // Update whole table
                                     colWidth, rowHeight,
                                     borderSize, borderColor,
                                     tableAlign, cellVertAlign,
                                     indent ) = False then
    raise Exception.create( 'Cannot set table properties' );

See Also
