ImageEn, unit iexRichEdit



TIETextAttributes = class(TPersistent);


Properties of text.


// Bold the selected text
IERichEdit1.SelAttributes.Bold := True;

// Set the default size of the text
IERichEdit1.DefAttributes.Size := 12;


Public Property  BackColor: TColor;
Public Property  Bold: Boolean;
Public Property  Charset: TFontCharset;
Public Property  Color: TColor;
Public Property  ConsistentAttributes: TIEConsistentAttributes;
Public Property  Disabled: Boolean;
Public Property  Height: Integer;
Public Property  Hidden: Boolean;
Public Property  Italic: Boolean;
Public Property  Link: Boolean;
Public Property  Name: TFontName;
Public Property  Offset: Integer;
Public Property  Pitch: TFontPitch;
Public Property  Protected: Boolean;
Public Property  Size: Integer;
Public Property  StrikeOut: Boolean;
Public Property  Style: TFontStyles;
Public Property  SubscriptStyle: TIESubscriptStyle;
Public Property  Underline: Boolean;
Public Property  UnderlineColor: TIEUnderlineColor;
Public Property  UnderlineType: TIEUnderlineType;


Public Method  Assign (Assign from TFont, TTextAttributes or TIETextAttributes)
Public Method  AssignTo (Assign to TFont, TTextAttributes or TIETextAttributes)