ImageEn, unit iexRulers




property GripsPosBase: TIERulerPosBase;


Specifies the type of values used for grip position properties: HorzGripsPos, VertGripsPos, HorzGripsMin, HorzGripsMax, VertGripsMin and VertGripsMax.

The following options are available:
Item Description
ierbRuler Values are ruler values (taking into account the DPI set by Units
ierbBitmap Values are pixel positions on the currently displayed image (regardless of zoom, scrolling, etc)
ierbScreen Values are screen values

Default: ierbBitmap


// Add three grips at 25%, 50% and 75% of the image width
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.HorzGripsCount := 3;
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.GripsPosBase := ierbBitmap; // Units are relative to the bitmap
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.HorzGripsPos[ 0 ] := MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, 1, 4 );
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.HorzGripsPos[ 1 ] := MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, 2, 4 );
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.HorzGripsPos[ 2 ] := MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, 3, 4 );