ImageEn, unit ievision




procedure rectangle(image: TIEVisionImage; pt1: TIEVisionPoint; pt2: TIEVisionPoint; const color: TIEVisionScalar; thickness: int32_t = 1; linetype: int32_t = 8; shift: int32_t = 0); overload; safecall;
procedure rectangle(image: TIEVisionImage; const rect: TIEVisionRect; const color: TIEVisionScalar; thickness: int32_t = 1; linetype: int32_t = 8; shift: int32_t = 0); overload; safecall;


Draw a rectangle.

Parameter Description
image Destination image
pt1 Top-left rectangle point
pt2 Bottom-right rectangle point
color Rectangle color in B:G:R orientation, e.g. for blue: IEVisionScalar(255, 0, 0)
thickness Line width
linetype Line type
shift Thickness of lines that make up the rectangle. Negative values mean that the function has to draw a filled rectangle
rect Number of fractional bits in the point coordinates