ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps




procedure OptimizeLoadingParams(DisplayWidth, DisplayHeight: Integer; AllowThumbnails: Boolean = True);


Optimizes the parameters for the loading of an image at the specified display size (i.e. image is guaranteed to be at least DisplayWidth x DisplayHeight pixels).
Pass DisplayWidth as 0 to reset to the default parameters (i.e. full size loading).
Set AllowThumbnails to false, to prevent the loading of embedded EXIF thumbnails (which can be lower quality).

JPEG properties that will be set:

RAW properties that will be set:

JPEG2000 properties that will be set:

Other properties that will be set:


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\IEViewPerformance\Performance.dpr


// Fastest loading of an image for display in a TImageEnView
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.OptimizeLoadingParams( ImageEnView1.Width, ImageEnView1.Height );
ImageEnView1.AutoShrink := True;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\Image.jpeg' );

// Load at full size
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.OptimizeLoadingParams( 0,0 );
ImageEnView1.AutoShrink := False;
ImageEnView1.Zoom := 100;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\Image.jpeg' );

See Also
