ImageEn, unit imageenio




function LoadFromStreamWIC(Stream: TStream; FileFormat: TIOFileType = ioUnknown): Boolean;


Loads an image from a stream using TIEWICReader. The result will be false if an error is encountered, e.g. the file in the stream is not a compatible format (Aborting will be true).
Set FileFormat to use a specific decoder, otherwise use ioUnknown to automatically select a decoder.

 Some WIC formats require installation of a codec from the Microsoft store
 See WIC_Load_FileTypes for a list of WIC supported file types
 You can abort loading by setting Aborting to true
 LoadFromStreamWIC does not reset the position of the stream, so you may need to first call Stream.Position := 0;


// Load a raw camera file using WIC
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromStreamWIC( fs, ioRAW );

See Also
