ImageEn, unit imageenproc




procedure Encrypt(const Passkey: AnsiString; Algorithm: TIEEncryptionAlgorithm = ieeaTEA);
procedure Encrypt(Passkey: array of byte; Algorithm: TIEEncryptionAlgorithm = ieeaTEA);


Encrypts the current image (layer) using the Tiny Encryption Algorithm with a key of 128 bits:

Parameter Description
PassKey You can specify a string password, which will be hashed to a 128 bits key, or an array of bytes (a binary key of 16 bytes)
Algorithm Either ieeaTEA or ieeaTEA2. We recommend using ieeaTEA2 for better encryption

Warning: The image must be saved using a lossless format and in full rgb color spaces (no palette). If you use a lossy format such as JPEG, or a limited color format, such as GIF, you will not be able to decrypt the image.

 The image muse be decrypted using Decrypt
 There is no way to know whether an image is encrypted, unless you insert special tags into the meta-data yourself, such as PNG_TextKeys for PNG, or EXIF or IPTC for TIFF
 ieeaTEA2 should be used for stronger encryption (use ieeaTEA only for legacy compatibility)


ImageEnView1.Proc.Encrypt('captiva', ieeaTEA2);
ImageEnView1.IO.SaveToFile('crypted.png');  // Saving to lossless format


Demo  Demos\Other\Encrypt\Encrypt.dpr