ImageEn, unit imageenproc |
procedure Fill(FillColor: TRGB; Opacity: Double = 1.0);
procedure Fill(FillColor: TColor; Opacity: Double = 1.0);
Replace the selected region with a solid color.
If Opacity is less than 1.0, then the color will be blended, e.g. 0.30 would make it 30% fill color and 70% original color.
◼For black & white images FillColor can be only (0, 0, 0) for black and (255, 255, 255) for white
◼To perform a flood fill, use
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
ImageEnView1.Proc.Fill( CreateRGB(127, 50, 200) );
// Fill selection with red
ImageEnView1.Proc.Fill( clRed );

// Make the selected portion of the image slightly gray
ImageEnView1.Proc.Fill( clGray, 0.10 ); // 10% gray
See Also