ImageEn, unit imageenview |
procedure LayersSetProperties(LayerIndex: integer; Props: TStrings); overload;
procedure LayersSetProperties(LayerIndex: integer; const PropName, Value: Variant); overload;
Sets properties of multiple layers in a batch (by calling
SetProperties), including all or just selected layers.
Parameter | Description |
LayerIndex | Index of the layer to update. Generally this will be LYR_SELECTED_LAYERS (-2) or LYR_ALL_LAYERS (-3) |
Props | A list of properties in Name=Value pairs |
PropName | A property to update |
Value | New value for the property |
Names will be drawn from the
TIELayer Property Constants. Properties can be retrieved using
// Rotate all layers 45 degrees
ImageEnView1.LayersSetProperties( LYR_ALL_LAYERS, IELP_Rotate, 45 );
// Set the text for all text layers (other layer types will be ignored)
ImageEnView1.LayersSetProperties( LYR_ALL_LAYERS, IELP_Text, 'Double-click to edit text' );
// Set style properties for selected layers
ss := TStringList.Create;
ss.Add( 'IELP_BorderColor=clNone' );
ss.Add( 'IELP_BorderWidth=0' );
ss.Add( 'IELP_FillColor=clYellow' );
ss.Add( 'IELP_FillColor2=clRed' );
ss.Add( 'IELP_FillGradient=1' );
LayersSetProperties( LYR_SELECTED_LAYERS, ss );
// Update all layers to use the default measurement (i.e. after a change)
ImageEnView1.LayersSetProperties( LYR_ALL_LAYERS, IELP_RulerUnits, IntToStr( ord( IEGlobalSettings().DefaultMeasureUnit )));
See Also
◼ SetProperties◼ GetProperties