ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions



  TWallpaperEffect = (
      wpSolid,                  // A color fill
      wpLeftLine,               // A single line on left
      wpTopLine,                // A single line along top
      wpDoubleLeftLines,        // Two lines on left
      wpDoubleTopLines,         // Two lines along top
      wpDoubleVariedLeftLines,  // Two lines of decreasing widths on left
      wpDoubleVariedTopLines,   // Two lines of decreasing widths along top
      wpTripleLeftLines,        // Three lines on left
      wpTripleTopLines,         // Three lines along top
      wpTripleVariedLeftLines,  // Three lines of decreasing widths on left
      wpTripleVariedTopLines,   // Three lines of decreasing widths along top
      wpLeftDashes,             // Short lines of a uniform sizes on left
      wpTopDashes,              // Short lines of a uniform sizes along top
      wpDoubleLeftDashes,       // Short lines of two sizes on left
      wpDoubleTopDashes,        // Short lines of two sizes along top
      wpTripleLeftDashes,       // Short lines of three sizes on left
      wpTripleTopDashes,        // Short lines of three sizes along top
      wpLeftZigZag,             // Shark tooth pattern on left
      wpTopZigZag,              // Shark tooth pattern along top
      wpLeftGradient,           // Color gradient on left
      wpTopGradient,            // Color gradient along top
      wpHorzPinStripe,          // Horizontal lines across image
      wpVertPinStripe,          // Vertical lines down image
      wpDiagPinStripe,          // Diagonal lines across image
      wpDiagPinStripe2,         // Diagonal lines across image (alternative direction)
      wpCrossHatch,             // Horizontal and vertical lines
      wpDiagCrossHatch,         // Diagonal lines in two directions
      wpHorzStripes,            // Horizontal stripes across image
      wpVertStripes,            // Vertical stripes down image
      wpDiagStripes,            // Diagonal stripes down image
      wpDiagStripes2,           // Diagonal stripes down image (alternative direction)
      wpCheckers,               // Alternativing blocks of color
      wpDiagCheckers,           // Alternativing diagonal blocks of color
      wpRain,                   // Diagonal dashes
      wpRain2,                  // Diagonal dashes (alternative direction)
      wpRivets,                 // Circles over page
      wpHearts,                 // Hearts over page
      wpStars,                  // Stars over page
      wpLightning,              // Lightning over page
      wpRuledPage);             // Similar to standard ruled page (with red line along side)