Overload List

Appends a new layer and creates a copy of specified image.
LayersAdd appends a new layer in the layers list. The layer becomes the current layer, assumes the size of others and the pixel format of the last layer.
LayersAdd(Int32, Int32, IEImage..::..PixelFormat)
Appends a new layer and creates a bitmap of specified width, height and pixel format.
LayersAdd(String, Int32, Int32)
Appends a new layer and creates a bitmap from specified file.
LayersAdd(IEShape, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Appends a new IEShapeLayer layer to the layers list. The new layer will become the current layer.
LayersAdd(String, Int32, IERGB, String, Int32, Int32)
Appends a new IETextLayer layer to the layers list. The new layer will become the current layer.

See Also