Overload List

RemoveChromaKey(IERGB, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
ChromaKey is the removal of a background for a source image so it can be replaced by an alternative image. RemoveChromaKey removes the KeyColor of an image and sets it to transparent. Although KeyColor is a single color, RemoveChromaKey will remove a range of colors that are similar to cope with light variance in photography.
RemoveChromaKey(Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
ChromaKey is the removal of a background for a source image so it can be replaced by an alternative image. RemoveChromaKey removes the KeyColor of an image and sets it to transparent. Although KeyColor is a single color, RemoveChromaKey will remove a range of colors that are similar to cope with light variance in photography.

See Also