ImageEn, unit ievision




function thinPlateSplineShapeTransform(srcPoints: TIEVisionVectorPoint2f; dstPoints: TIEVisionVectorPoint2f; regularization: double = 25000.0): TIEVisionImage; overload; safecall;


Apply a Thin Plate Spline Shape Transformation to an image.
srcPoints and dstPoints specifying the starting and ending position of each tranformation point, e.g. srcPoints[0] specifies the original position of the first point, and dstPoints[0] specifies the position to shift it to.
The regularization parameter relaxes the exact interpolation requirements of the TPS algorithm.
Returns the warped image.

 This method is available as an interactive tool by setting ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miTransformTool];
 Also consider Warp which performs point based warping


Demo  IEVision\TPSShapeTransform\TPSShapeTransform.dpr
Demo  Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr


// Apply a Thin Plate Spline Shape Transformation to an image
// Load test image
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\TestImage.jpg' );


srcPoints := IEVisionLib().createVectorPoint2f();
dstPoints := IEVisionLib().createVectorPoint2f();

// Create a four point selection of the middle third of the image
// TL
srcPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 50, 50 ));
dstPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 50, 50 ));
// TR
srcPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 250, 50 ));
dstPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 250, 50 ));
// BR
srcPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 50, 250 ));
dstPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 50, 250 ));
// BL
srcPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 250, 250 ));
dstPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( 300, 300 ));    // Offset bottom right to edge

im := SourceIEViewer.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage().thinPlateSplineShapeTransform( srcPoints, dstPoints );
DestIEViewer.IEBitmap.AssignIEVisionImage( im );


srcPoints := IEVisionLib().createVectorPoint2f();
dstPoints := IEVisionLib().createVectorPoint2f();
for i := 0 to 11 do // 12 points in our transformation array
  srcPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( SrcPts[i].X, SrcPts[i].Y ));
  dstPoints.push_back( IEVisionPoint2f( DstPts[i].X, DstPts[i].Y ));
img := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage().thinPlateSplineShapeTransform(srcPoints, dstPoints);

See Also
