ImageEn, unit iepdf




procedure AddImage(X: double; Y: double; Width: integer; Height: integer; Bitmap: TIEBitmap; Rotation: double = 0.0; Opacity: double = 1.0; Compression: TIOPDFCompression = ioPDF_UNCOMPRESSED); overload;
procedure AddImage(X: double; Y: double; Width: integer; Height: integer; Bitmap: TIEBitmap; Rotation: double; Opacity: double; IOParams: TIOParams; var Progress: TProgressRec); overload;


Adds an image to the current page.

Parameter Description
X, Y Position of the image (in Adobe points)
Width, Height Size of the image (in Adobe points)
Bitmap Image to add
Rotation Rotation of image (around image center)
Opacity Opacity of image (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)
Compression How the image should be compressed
IOParams Used to determine the compression of the image (e.g. using PDF_Compression
Progress Optionally return progress information

Note: "Current Page" is the page that has just been added or set using CurrentPageIndex


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\PDFBuilder2\PDFBuilder2.dpr


// Add a semi-opaque image at size 200, 200 (can also specify -1 for one size to maintain the aspect ratio)
pdf.AddImage(0, 0, 200, 200, ImageEnView1.iebitmap, 0, 0.8);

See Also
