ImageEn, unit iepdf




procedure AddText(X: double; Y: double; const Text: String;
                  FontSize: double = 18; const FontName: WideString = 'Times-Roman';
                  Rotation: double = 0; FillColor: TColor = clBlack; FillOpacity: double = 1.0;
                  BorderColor: TColor = clBlack; BorderOpacity: double = 1.0;
                  RenderingMode: TIEPDFRenderingMode = iepdfFillText; LineWidth: double = 1); overload;
procedure AddText(X: double; Y: double; const Text: String; FontSize: double = 18; Font: TFont;
                  Rotation: double = 0; Opacity: double = 1.0); overload;
procedure AddText(Rect: TRect; const Text: String; FontSize: double; Font: TFont;
                  Rotation: double = 0; Opacity: double = 1.0);


Adds text to the current page.

Parameter Description
X, Y Position of the text (in Adobe points)
Text Text to add (only Western characters are supported at this time)
FontSize Size of font (in Adobe points)
FontName Name of the font. Must be one of the standard PDF fonts listed below
Rotation Rotation of text (around center)
FillColor Color of text fill
FillOpacity Opacity of text fill (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)
BorderColor Color of the text outline
BorderOpacity Opacity of text outline (0: Fully Transparent to 1.0: Fully opaque)
RenderingMode How text should be rendered
LineWidth Width of text line (in Adobe points)

 At this time, only standard PDF fonts are supported: 'Times-Roman', 'Times-Bold', 'Times-Italic', 'Times-BoldItalic', 'Helvetica', 'Helvetica-Bold', 'Helvetica-Oblique', 'Helvetica-BoldOblique', 'Courier', 'Courier-Bold', 'Courier-Oblique', 'Courier-BoldOblique', 'Symbol', 'ZapfDingbats'
 With second overload, a standard font will be selected based on that Font.Name and Font.Style. Font.Color will be used for all color values (Font.Size is NOT used)
 "Current Page" is the page that has just been added or set using CurrentPageIndex


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\PDFBuilder2\PDFBuilder2.dpr


// Add text to current page, at coordinates (0, 100), using Times-Roman at size 36
pdf.AddText( 0, 100, 'Rotated Text', 36, 'Times-Roman');

// Add filled and stroked text, using transparency
pdf.AddText( 0, 150, 'Filled and stroked text', 36, 'Helvetica-Bold', 0, clGreen, 0.2, clRed, 0.8, iepdfFillStroke);

See Also
