procedure ApplyTo(Bitmap: TIEBitmap; SelX1: Integer = 0; SelY1: Integer = 0; SelX2: Integer = 0; SelY2: Integer = 0; Mask: TIEMask = nil); overload;
procedure ApplyTo(ImageEnView: TImageEnView); overload;
procedure ApplyTo(var ImageEffect: TIEImageEffect); overload;
Apply the current effect to another image.
There are three Apply methods:
◼ Apply: Apply the specified effect to the current image
◼ ApplyEx: Apply() with extra parameters (seldom used)
◼ ApplyTo: Apply the specified effect to another bitmap
// Apply the current effect to an image
bmp := TIEBitmap.Create();
bmp.LoadFromFile( 'D:\Image.png' );
IEEditControls1.ApplyTo( bmp );
bmp.SaveToFile( 'D:\Image_MOD.png' );
// Apply effect to image in unattached TImageEnView
IEEditControls1.ApplyTo( ImageEnView2 );
See Also
◼ Apply◼ Reset