ImageEn, unit iesettings




property JPEG2000Engine: TIEImagingEngine;


Specifies which engine is used to load and save JPEG2000 format images.
Property Description
ieenAuto Automatically chooses ieenDLL if a DLL is found in the EXE folder, otherwise ieenNative (32bit only)
ieenNative Uses native loading code (32bit only)
ieenDLL Uses an ImageEn DLL to support the file format. This option gives the best performance and functionality
ieenWIC N/A
ieenLegacy N/A
ieenNone Format is not available

ieenDLL requires you to ship the IELib or IEVision DLL with your application.
With ieenAuto, only the EXE folder is searched for relevant DLLs. For ieenDLL, the system path is also checked (or explicitly call RegisterPlugins)

Default: ieenAuto (which uses ieenDLL if a DLL is available, otherwise ieenNative in 32bit apps)

Engine Performance


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\IEViewPerformance\Performance.dpr


// Use native code to load JPEG2000 images even if DLL is available
IEGlobalSettings().JPEG2000Engine := ieenNative;

// Force use of IELib DLL for improved performance
// ImageEn will attempt to load the DLL even if it's not in the EXE folder. If the DLL is not found or is outdated, an error will be raised
IEGlobalSettings().JPEGEngine      := ieenDLL;
IEGlobalSettings().PNGEngine       := ieenDLL;
IEGlobalSettings().JPEG2000Engine  := ieenDLL;
IEGlobalSettings().CameraRawEngine := ieenDLL;

See Also
