property LayerSelectionToolbar: TImageEnViewToolbarParams;
Specifies properties of the Layer Selection toolbar.
The default buttons for this toolbar allow you to edit a selected layer, such as style, properties and rotation.
The Layer Selection toolbar appears over a
TImageEnView if:
◼ AutoToolbars includes ievLayerSelection
◼ A layer is not
selectedThese properties are also used as the default for the
TImageEnViewToolbar if
ButtonMode is ievLayerSelection.
| Demos\Other\ImageEnViewToolbar\IEToolbar.dpr |
// When a layer is selected, show style controls beneath
IEGlobalSettings().LayerSelectionToolbar.Buttons := [ ivbLayersStyle, ivbLayersProps ];
IEGlobalSettings().LayerSelectionToolbar.Position := iepBelowSelection;
ImageEnView1.AutoToolbars := [ ievLayerSelection ];
// Show hover toolbar above control
IEGlobalSettings().LayerSelectionToolbar.Position := iepAbove;
See Also
◼ AutoToolbars◼ ImageEditingToolbar◼ ImageSelectionToolbar◼ ImageViewingToolbar◼ PdfEditingToolbar◼ PdfViewingToolbar◼ RichEditorToolbar◼ LayerEditingToolbar◼ ToolbarsAllowExtraControls