ImageEn, unit iemio




function DoPreviews(idx: integer; pp: TPreviewParams = [ppAll]): boolean;


Executes the Previews dialog for the image idx allowing the user to view and change the parameters of image file formats.

idx can also be IEM_ALL_IMAGES to act on all images or IEM_SELECTED_IMAGES to act on the selected images in the attached TImageEnMView.
pp is the set of the image format parameters to be displayed by the dialog.

Note: You can customize the dialog using OnShowDialog


ImageEnMView1.Clear;                                        // Clear TImageEnMView
ImageEnMView1.MIO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\myimage.gif' );         // Load GIF image
ImageEnMView1.MIO.DoPreviews( IEM_ALL_IMAGES, [ppGIF] );    // Set GIF parameters (background, transparency...) for ALL images
ImageEnMView1.MIO.SaveToFile( 'D:\newimage.gif' );          // Save image with new parameters

See Also
