ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers




function ReadListFromDicom(IOParams : TIOParams; TagInclude: TIEDicomInclude) : Boolean; overload;
function ReadListFromDicom(const sFilename : string; TagInclude: TIEDicomInclude) : Boolean; overload;


Fill a TListView with the Dicom properties of the current image, or one loaded from file. TagInclude allows you to filter the types of tags returned.
Result is true if the file has any Dicom fields specified.

Note: You may wish to call InitializeList before ReadListFromDicom to automatically assign the optimal layout to the TListView


// Display the Dicom properties of the current image (all types)
MyDicomListView.ReadListFromDicom( ImageEnView1.IO.Params, [ diProprietary, diDeprecated, diChildTags, diUnknown ] );

// Display of Dicom properties of a file (excluding deprecated and unknown tags)
MyDicomListView.ReadListFromDicom( 'C:\MyImage.jpeg', [ diProprietary, diChildTags ] );