ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers




function ReadGridFromExif(IOParams : TIOParams; bReadOnly : Boolean = False) : Boolean; overload;
function ReadGridFromExif(const sFilename : string; bReadOnly : Boolean = False) : Boolean; overload;


Fill a TStringGrid with the EXIF properties of the current image, or one loaded from file.
Two columns will be added with the left one containing property descriptions (using EXIF_FieldDescription) and the right one containing properties values (using EXIF_AsStr). If the grid has a fixed row it will be given a heading of "Name" and "Value".
If bReadOnly is true the right-column will not be editable.
Result is true if the file has any EXIF fields.

Note: You may wish to call InitializeGrid before ReadGridFromExif to automatically assign the optimal layout to the grid.


// Display the EXIF properties of the current image
MyExifStringGrid.ReadGridFromExif( ImageEnView1.IO.Params );

// Read-only display of EXIF properties of a file
MyExifStringGrid.ReadGridFromExif( 'C:\MyImage.jpeg', True );