Version 13.5.0
New Features
◼ Added: Clean up of many public methods
◼ Added: Moved TIEUserInteractions code into separate class
◼ Added: Some improvements if unexpected crashes occur when loading thumbnails in a thread
◼ Added: Support for 8x8 box anti-aliased smoothing with GDI+
◼ Added: Can read and write position of PDF form fields and annotations
◼ Added: Can delete PDF form fields and annotations
◼ Added: Selected form fields and annotations can be shown as highlighted
◼ Added: OuterMargin property for TImageEnView and TImageEnMView
◼ Added: IO and Proc helper properties for TImage and TBitmap: Instantly add support for loading and saving to all ImageEn formats, all editing operations, plus printing and acquisition
◼ Added: TIEBitmap.Assign()/AssignTo() and TImageEnView.Assign()/AssignSelTo() support TImage and TPicture
◼ Added: CreateSearchablePDF() helper checks for language loading success
◼ Added: Display time when playing in TImageEnMView is automatically read from relevant properties such as GIF_DelayTime or MEDIAFILE_FrameDelayTime
◼ Added: ImportPagesIntoPDF() supports creation of a new PDF file
◼ Added: Word selection now ignores text break characters, such as commas and periods
◼ Added: Saving to HEIF format now supported (via WIC)
◼ Added: Now includes LibWebP plug-in to load and save WebP files, including Lossless
◼ Added: Improvements to iexWindowsFunctions.PasteFilesFromClipboard()
◼ Added: New helper function: TIEBitmapHelper.Cartoonify()
◼ Added: Dynamically fixes alpha channel if wrong size or pixel format
◼ Added: Class operators for some ImageEn types
◼ Added: Installer now includes all plug-ins
◼ Added: Global methods: IESaveShapeAsSVG() and IEConvertImageToSVG()
◼ Added: TImageEnProc.GetDominantColor() now supports selections
◼ Added: Native support for SVG rendering and importing as layers
◼ Added: TImageEnView.LayersImport supports PSD, and regular images
◼ Added: Automatic Orientation option when printing images and PDF pages
◼ Added: Earth built-in shape
◼ Added: Improvements to Design Preview image
◼ Added: Documentation supports #Tags to make it easier to search common topics
◼ Added: TIEFileListBox support natural, case-insenstive and descending sort options
◼ Added: TGraphic overloads for TIEMultiBitmap.AppendImage/InsertImage
◼ Added: TIEMultiBitmap.Assign() supports TPicture, TGraphic and TImage
◼ Added: TIEMultiBitmap and TImageEnMView.AssignTo() which outputs to TIEBitmap, TBitmap, TPicture, TGraphic and TImage
◼ Added: Matrix transformation and GDI+ image drawing for TIECanvas
◼ Added: Plug-In DLL logging is optional
Bug Fixes
◼ Fixed: J2000_Quality value is ignored when saving JPEG2000 natively
◼ Fixed: Potential stack overflow when saving WIC formats to stream
◼ Fixed: TImageEnMView disk cache may not automatically create folder
◼ Fixed: SVG loading using ImageMagick on 64bit systems can fail
◼ Fixed: OCR helpers fail to set current directory when needed to access language files
◼ Fixed: Folders in zip files can reset the cached password
◼ Fixed: In some situations, file folders may be treated as zip paths
◼ Fixed: Failure with TIETIFFHandler when reading TIFF files that contain invalid tags
◼ Fixed: Exception not raised when loading unsupported BigTIFF format in TIETIFFHandler
◼ Fixed: WebP not detected with FindFileFormat on Delphi versions before 12
◼ Fixed: Font heights may not be correct for TImageEnMView thumbnails when Windows scaling is used
◼ Fixed: TImageEnMView.OnAddImage may return wrong image index when loading on demand
◼ Fixed: Stack overflow when selecting word in PDF Viewer in non-Unicode Delphi
◼ Fixed: Some define issues in Delphi 6
◼ Fixed: ProgressTask not set for some Proc methods
◼ Fixed: Small preview for some formats in ImageEn Open dialog
◼ Fixed: Importing images as layers will change the IO Params
◼ Fixed: Non-visible borders affect polyline layer size
Changes to Classes
◼ Added: New property make expanding TIEFolderTree nodes easier:
ClickAreaWidth◼ Added: Exposed TImageEnView.LayersTextEditor
◼ Added: TImageEnView.FindLayer()
◼ Added: TIEBrush.FillMode
Changes to Method Parameters
◼ Added: ExcludeLighterThan/ExcludeDarkerThan parameters for TImageEnProc.GetDominantColor()
Demo Changes
◼ Added: New functions added to Every Method demo (Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr)
◼ Fixed: OCR demos fail to set current directory when needed to access language files
◼ Added: PDF Annotations Editing demo (Demos\PDF\PDFAnnotations\PDFAnnotations.dpr)
◼ Added: Demo of using Parallel.For to process an image (Demos\ImageEditing\ThreadedProcessing2_Image\ThreadTest.dpr)
◼ Added: General improvements to the animated GIF demo (Demos\Testing\ImageEditing\AnimatedGIF\GifDemo.dpr)
◼ Added: All demos copy any required plug-in DLLs to demo folder
◼ Added: Button on Selected Thumbnail only (Demos\Multi\ThumbButtons\ThumbButtons.dpr)
Compatibility Issues
◼ Changed: Tag properties use NativeInt rather than Integer
◼ Changed: TImageEnView.LayersRotationUseFilterOnPreview now defaults to true
◼ Changed: Instead of TIEBitmap/TIEMultiBitmap.Read() use LoadFromFile/LoadFromStream
◼ Changed: Instead of TIEBitmap/TIEMultiBitmap.Write() use SaveToFile/SaveToStream
◼ Changed: Instead of TIEBitmap.Rectangle use TIEBitmap.IEBitmapRectangleEx (with same parameters)
◼ Deprecated: ReadEx/WriteEx/PrintImage helper methods for TIEBitmap have been deprecated
See Also
◼ Complete History◼ Updating and Compatibility