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 iejRight and right aligned text

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yeohray2 Posted - Dec 09 2020 : 02:42:19
When using a text layer with multiple lines of text and Alignment := iejRight, only the longest line is right aligned. All other lines start on the same x position as the longest line e.g.

instead of ending on the right. How can I get the text to align on the right margin this way?

Thank you.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
yeohray2 Posted - Dec 11 2020 : 06:25:50
Thank you for the prompt fix and support.
xequte Posted - Dec 10 2020 : 20:53:12
Thank you for the good bug report with detailed steps to reproduce.

Please email me for a fix.

Xequte Software
yeohray2 Posted - Dec 10 2020 : 19:45:46
This image is when the Windows theme is used, and the above code is ran:

Next image is when the application is using the Carbon theme, same code (if you look really hard at the top right, you can just about make out the text):

Still in Carbon theme, but using a FillColor for the layer:

However, I need the non-text area to be transparent, which is why I can't set the FillColor.

Thank you.
yeohray2 Posted - Dec 10 2020 : 10:51:53
Got it, thanks. However, I ran into another issue.

Using the rich edit formatting to set my font to white, the text appears fine when running using the Windows theme. However, when switching to the Carbon theme, the text is a dark-grayish color - the font color in the rich edit formatting is ignored.

Code to create the text is like this:

procedure TestLayer;
  WorkImage: TImageEnView;
  LayerIndex: Integer;
  WorkImage := TImageEnView.Create(nil);

    LayerIndex := WorkImage.LayersAdd(ielkText);
    WorkImage.LayersCurrent := LayerIndex;
    TIETextLayer(WorkImage.CurrentLayer).Width := WorkImage.IEBitmap.Width;
    TIETextLayer(WorkImage.CurrentLayer).EnableFormatting := True;
    TIETextLayer(WorkImage.CurrentLayer).RichText := '{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\nouicompat\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}' +
      '{\colortbl ;\red255\green255\blue255;} ' +
      '{\*\generator Riched20 10.0.18362}\viewkind4\uc1' +
      '\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qr\cf1\fs24\lang9 Line 1\line Line 2\line A longer line 3 here\par' +



How can I make the text color in the rich edit text consistent, regardless of the theme used? Thank you.
xequte Posted - Dec 09 2020 : 16:30:01

Unformatted text in TIETextLayer does not support text line-by-line alignment. You will need to enable formatting:

Xequte Software