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 ImageEnView and theme

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
supersk Posted - Jan 29 2021 : 04:23:44
When you set the Project Options->Manifest->Enable runtime themes to true, and add some Custom Styles into project. If in your project using ImageEnView to open the any image and process it, When the program is closed, the error will occur. My environment: C++Builder 10.4.2, ImageEn 9.3.0.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
supersk Posted - Feb 01 2021 : 23:04:32
Setting IEGlobalSettings().UseWindowsOpenSaveDialogs to true cannot prevent it.Sometimes in the release mode, this problem will also occur.
xequte Posted - Feb 01 2021 : 20:19:37
Yes, I can reproduce it. It only occurs when run under the Delphi/BCB debugger.

It could be related to the Open/Save dialog, because setting at application startup this seems to prevent it:

IEGlobalSettings().UseWindowsOpenSaveDialogs := True;

Xequte Software
supersk Posted - Feb 01 2021 : 03:47:25
The attachment is a simple example program. Compile and run the program, load the sample image sample.tiff, and exit the program will display an error (such as Error.png). In addition, after adding text, the font size selection box is not displayed in the layer toolbar.
In addition, this error sometimes appears, sometimes not

849.57 KB
xequte Posted - Jan 31 2021 : 18:58:09

I cannot reproduce that. Do I need to take specific steps when loading and processing the image? What is the error that you get?

Xequte Software