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 Using matchTemplate to find multiple matches

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Roland Kossow Posted - Oct 05 2022 : 17:40:29
Is it possible to find with ...
rect := image.matchTemplate(templ, TIEVisionTemplateMatchMethod( cmbMethod.ItemIndex ), @rank);
... more than one matching pattern image?

I have an image where template could be inside multiple times and would like to find all instances of template in image.
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 11 2023 : 14:07:09

Yes, because the new method does not require a repeat of the search, it is much faster.

Xequte Software
Roland Kossow Posted - Feb 10 2023 : 07:47:17
Great, thanks.
Looking forward to the new version.
foxdingding Posted - Feb 09 2023 : 23:58:41
In my case,I continue to search after clearing.
But it's very slow
foxdingding Posted - Feb 09 2023 : 23:56:39
xequte Posted - Feb 08 2023 : 20:50:33

We have implemented TIEVisionImage.matchTemplateMulti in the upcoming IEVision 7.0.0.

Xequte Software
Roland Kossow Posted - Oct 06 2022 : 16:43:03
Good idea superdev. Anyhow, it would be a good addition Nigel - and probably not that much effort. But, thanks for the idea to workaround the limitation superdev.
superdev Posted - Oct 06 2022 : 15:57:52
In my case, I solved it by temporarily copying the target image I found, then filling the image area with a different color and finding it again.
Roland Kossow Posted - Oct 06 2022 : 01:09:05
Hi Nigel.
Cool, thanks.
xequte Posted - Oct 06 2022 : 00:00:28
Hi Roland

It is not presently possible, I'm afraid. But we have added it to the todo list.

Xequte Software