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 OpenAI features?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
PeterPanino Posted - Feb 11 2023 : 15:11:05
Please implement OpenAI features! E.g.:

- Upscaling without quality loss
- Text to Image
- Apply a specific paint style to the image

Of course, every user would have to set up his own API KEY.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
PeterPanino Posted - Feb 11 2023 : 16:44:23
There will never be a standstill to dwell on with OpenAI. The strategy should work like this: The sooner you jump on the bandwagon, the sooner you get there. Gorbachev said, "Those who are late are punished by life."
xequte Posted - Feb 11 2023 : 16:05:58
Hi Peter

We're definitely keeping an eye on the space and will add support as the tech stabilizes.

Xequte Software