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 RLE encoding for DICOM images

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yeohray2 Posted - Nov 08 2022 : 03:52:26
After saving DICOM images using RLE encoding, I sometimes cannot display those saved images in ImageEn.

The issue with my saved images is that RLE stream size for the RLE high bytes is larger compared to the RLE stream size for the low bytes. Thus, when reading the low bytes, the existing check:

if imageLength div 2 + Stream.Position > Stream.Size then
Progress.Aborting^ := true;

will always trigger.

Is it safe to change the check to this instead, which takes into account the bytes already read for the RLE high bytes?

if Stream.Position + (ImageLength - Stream.Position + base + idxArray[0] ) > Stream.Size ...



3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Nov 14 2022 : 21:55:19
Please email me for a fix for this.

Xequte Software
yeohray2 Posted - Nov 10 2022 : 19:24:25
Hi Nigel,

I've sent the files to you via email, as I cannot share the images publicly. Thanks.

xequte Posted - Nov 10 2022 : 14:44:22
Hi Ray

Can you email us your sample files and the steps to reproduce this?

Xequte Software