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 ObjTextAutoSize no effect if ObjText modified at OnNewObject

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bitfarm Posted - Feb 16 2023 : 09:37:42

i would like to use ObjTextAutoSize for setting the size of a new Object.
There are variables that have to be replaced (e.g. %now%). We decided to make the replacement at the OnNewObject Event. Unfortunately the ObjTextAutoSize won't take effect, if ObjText is going to be modified at this point.

Is there any method i could use for triggering the AutoSize or calculating the new width?

kind regards
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Feb 16 2023 : 14:07:09

In this situation you would probably need to use TImageEnVect.OnVectorialChanged to be able to access the size data of the object:

You could set a field in OnNewObject to know the change is due to a new object.

Also, if this is a new project, you should use layers rather than objects:

Xequte Software