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 How to Improve Blank Page Detection
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Sidney Egnew

55 Posts

Posted - Nov 18 2024 :  08:44:00  Show Profile  Reply
I have over 110,000 PDF files that were scanned in color in duplex mode. I used the code shown below to classify the documents as follows:
53,077 - Classified as all blank backs using 99.8% threshold
19,252 - Classified as duplex
35,365 - Waiting to be classified

v_Index := 1;
v_MinPercent := MaxInt;
  v_ImageView.IO.Params.FileName := v_FileName;
  v_ImageView.IO.Params.ImageIndex := v_Index;
  v_ColorPercent := v_ImageView.Proc.GetDominantColor(v_RGB);
  if v_ColorPercent < 99.8 then
    v_MinPercent := Min(v_MinPercent,v_ColorPercent);
  v_Index := v_Index+2;
until (v_Index >= V_ImageView.IO.Params.ImageCount);
if v_MinPercent = MaxInt then
  UpdateDuplex (p_ScanPageNo,-1,'N');
  UpdateDuplex (p_ScanPageNo,v_MinPercent,'Y');

Documents identified as duplex with percentages of 96-97% were sampled with 55% of those classified incorrectly. Since more than half of all duplex classified documents have a percentage of 96% or higher, a very large number of documents are likely to have been classified incorrectly.

The backs in the sample with content showed text, watermarks, handwriting, and in a few instances paper damage. The documents that should have been classified as Non-Duplex are clearly blank to the human eye. What can be done to improve the image classification?



38619 Posts

Posted - Nov 18 2024 :  22:14:59  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Sidney

Can you save some of the pages that are mis-classified to PNG files and post or email them to us?

Xequte Software
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38619 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2024 :  18:10:02  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Sidney

Yes, these images contain artifacts that reduce the percentage of the dominant color.

I think you need to have a special case for images that are almost blank like this (e.g. >98%).

For those "maybe blank" images do a further test. Reduce the number of colors/merge similar colors and then reperform GetDominantColor().

For example, your image, 5714771_B.png (which has a gray smudge) returns 98.6% for GetDominantColor(), but I could easily increase this to nearly 100% percent by reducing the color depth, e.g. using thresholding or adjusting the level.

You should try the Every Method demo and add this to the end of the PerformOperation method:

  dd := DestIEViewer.Proc.GetDominantColor( rgb );
  Desc := Desc + format( ' + Dom Color: %s (%s%%)', [ ColorToHex( TRGB2TColor( rgb )), FloatToStrF( dd, ffGeneral, 4, 4 )]);

Then you can try out the various color adjustment and depth methods to find which gives the most reliable result (without increasing the rate of false positives).

Xequte Software
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Sidney Egnew

55 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2024 :  21:33:56  Show Profile  Reply
I will keep your solution in mind. But I am not too concerned about the smudges as there are watermarks and other valid markings that might be lost. Going forward, I can ask users if they want to ignore the backs when the dominant color is close. Many documents are only front and back and those are indexed anyway.

I am more interested in detecting the roller marks. They seem to be predominately near the left edge of the paper. How can I trim a bit off the images before checking for the dominant color?

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38619 Posts

Posted - Nov 19 2024 :  22:14:37  Show Profile  Reply
Hi Sidney

You can just ignore the border area when testing if blank:

// Test if the image is blank (with 1% threshold and ignoring the border area)
threshold  := 1.0;  // Allow 1% of image to be a different color
borderPerc := 10;   // Border area is 10% of width/height
ImageEnView1.SelectionBase := iesbBitmap;
ImageEnView1.Select( MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, borderPerc, 100 ),
                     MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height, borderPerc, 100 ),
                     MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, 100 - borderPerc, 100 ),
                     MulDiv( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height, 100 - borderPerc, 100 ));
if ImageEnView1.Proc.GetDominantColor(cl) >= 100 - threshold then
  ShowMessage('Image is blank!')
  ShowMessage('Image is NOT blank!');

Xequte Software
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