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194 Posts

Posted - Dec 06 2024 :  15:16:54  Show Profile  Reply
Dear Nigel

When i link a ImageEnView to a ImageEnMView and do a change to the PDF (like adding a image for example) and then click on the next page thumbnail on the ImageEnMView before calling "ApplyChanges", all changes get lost on pageswitch.

To not lose the changes, i either have to call ApplyChanges after each change or on a SelectionChanging.

On my PDF, doing a ApplyChanges is really slow and locks up the gui, so either it slows down all changes when doing it after each change, or it slows down changing pages, when calling it on selectionchanging.

Is there a way to do the ApplyChanges in a different, non blocking thread to not block the gui, or at least having the user see the new page and only after showing that page, starting the ApplyChanges?
Otherwise the user needs to look at the same old page, until the new page appears.

Or maybe even enable changing (turning) pages without losing changes to the PDF without the need to do a ApplyChanges and postpone the ApplyChanges until you want to save it to a PDF?

Because right now you lose everything, when you change the page, without first calling the slow ApplyChanges.


38723 Posts

Posted - Dec 06 2024 :  19:34:40  Show Profile  Reply

I'm afraid we are limited by the functionality that PDFium supplies here, and also that PDFium is not threadsafe.

Xequte Software
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