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7 Posts

Posted - Dec 12 2024 :  08:36:58  Show Profile  Reply
Can someone point me in the right direction. I'm trying to add a redaction to a multi page tiff that is stored in a blobfield. I load the images with TimageEnMview from a stream and show them with TimageEnView. I can create the rectangle redaction bar and move it to where I want it placed. I then merge all and it shows the merged redaction in the TimageEnView fine. The issue I'm having is how can I get the redaction to the image in the TimageEnMview? When I commit the change on the merge all, the original images in the TimageEnMview of course are still the same original images. I cant figure a way to write the EnView redaction back into the selected TimageEnMview page.


38723 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2024 :  23:45:35  Show Profile  Reply

It depends on the method you use to display the image from the TImageEnMView in the TImageEnView (e.g. using AttachedImageEnView).

But generally the process to edit an image from a TImageEnMView is as follows:

// Display the fifth image in a TImageEnView
bmp := ImageEnMView1.GetTIEBitmap(4); // Note: bmp must be TIEBitmap type
ImageEnView1.Assign( bmp );
ImageEnMView1.ReleaseBitmap(4, False);


// Update the fifth image in the TImageEnView with the current content of a TImageEnView
bmp := ImageEnMView1.GetTIEBitmap(4); // Note: bmp must be TIEBitmap type
bmp.Assign( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap );
ImageEnMView1.ReleaseBitmap(4, True);

Xequte Software
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7 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2024 :  11:01:08  Show Profile  Reply
Thank you Nigel works like a champ.
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