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 Selection slowdown
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194 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2024 :  02:00:58  Show Profile  Reply
If i create some Polyline layers, the selection square gets so slow and jerky, that it doesn't look good anymore.

I create a poly and set some points with the mouse.
Even with 2 simple polys (that i CTRL copied for easynes) bog down the selection square.
As soon as i add even more of these copies, the selection gets so bogged down, that it is
barely useable anymore.

It seems that polylinelayer drawing is super slow and also not cached, and as soon as there are some (not like a SVG with thousands of points, but like 10 points on 2-3 layers) layers,
it stutters like hell, when i create the drag selection square.

Even when this square only moves on empty space and never touches a polylinelayer.


38776 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2024 :  13:44:14  Show Profile  Reply

What are your values for:

Xequte Software
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194 Posts

Posted - Dec 30 2024 :  16:04:35  Show Profile  Reply
Hah, you got me ;-)
Normally i copy paste the needed setup code to all of my test projects, but this time i forgot to copy "ImageEnView1.LayersCaching := -1;" and only checked the "ImageEnView1.LayersFastDrawing := TIEFastDrawing.iefDelayed;" in the IDE.
It is still not buttery smooth and not keeping up with the mouse, but not that bad like it was and rather ok.

I do lots of small test projects, trying out new ideas and therefore have to copy paste all the needed bootstrap setup code.
Often it is hard for me to update all the projects with the all the needed things and also put in new additions to make it not lag or not save unneeded stuff everywhere in each project or remember what project had the most recent setup bootstrap code in the FormCreate to copy to all present and all new projects.

Normally i do the layer caching, the delayed drawing, then i do the AutoOptimizeOnSave, then i do a "ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.MeasureText(' ');", delayzoom, and so on.
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38776 Posts

Posted - Jan 01 2025 :  14:49:14  Show Profile  Reply
Thanks for letting us know

Xequte Software
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