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 Toolbar issues and suggestions
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946 Posts

Posted - Feb 04 2025 :  14:59:30  Show Profile  Reply
Toolbar issues and suggestions:

1. When a toolbar button shows a dialog (e.g., the Brush Properties dialog, etc.) and the Form owning the ImageEn toolbar has FormStyle = fsStayOnTop, then the dialog shown by the toolbar button is RANDOMLY hidden behind the Form. To prevent this, such internal dialogs should be shown by using a mechanism like the following one:

var OldSelfFormStyle := Self.FormStyle;
Self.FormStyle := fsNormal;
  Self.FormStyle := OldSelfFormStyle;

2. Apply suitable toolbar button actions to the selection if a selection exists:
For example, if a selection exists, then the actions from this toolbar menu should be applied to the selection:

3. Although ImageEnViewToolbar.Wrapable = True, the toolbar does not wrap around.
When I set ImageEnViewToolbar.AutoSize= True then the ImageEnViewToolbar at design-time extends to the whole form (although only a few buttons are checked in the Buttons property):

This is my ImageEn Toolbar:

object ImageEnViewToolbar1: TImageEnViewToolbar
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Width = 987
  Height = 1290
  Margins.Left = 5
  Margins.Top = 5
  Margins.Right = 5
  Margins.Bottom = 5
  AutoSize = True
  ButtonHeight = 215
  ButtonWidth = 221
  Caption = 'ImageEnViewToolbar1'
  TabOrder = 4
  Buttons = [ivbImagePrint, ivbMouseSelect, ivbImageEditRotate, ivbImageEditFlip, 
            ivbImageEditOther, ivbImageEditDialogPreview, ivbImageEditColors, ivbImageEditColorPreview, 
            ivbImageEditTools, ivbImageEditUndo]
  AttachedImageEnView = ImageEnViewInternalImage

Obviously, the button sizes are automatically set to an unreasonable size by Autosize. It seems the auto-size behavior is flawed.


38762 Posts

Posted - Feb 05 2025 :  22:33:02  Show Profile  Reply

1. fsStayOnTop will clash if that is used by the calling form. They should not be used together. We'd need to add a lot of code to workaround that, so I'd like to avoid that unless we here from others using hover toolbars with form using fsStayOnTop (which should be avoided).

2. Those are all retouch functions, so I think it would be confusing to make them double as selection functions

3. Are you able to reproduce that in one of our demos:


What version of Delphi is this?

Xequte Software
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946 Posts

Posted - Feb 06 2025 :  04:47:05  Show Profile  Reply
1. I am not using fsStayOnTop just for fun. If this property is set, it is an ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONALITY REQUIREMENT.
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