ImageEn, unit iexRulers



TIEViewRulerParams = class;


Specifies the properties of embedded rulers within a TImageEnView (if ShowRulers is not []).


// Show rulers in TImageEnView
ImageEnView1.ShowRulers := [ rdHorizontal, rdVertical ];

// Set units to CM
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.Units := ieuCentimeters;

// Show grips as a line
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.Units := gkLine;

Note: Use TImageEnView.SetScale to adjust the scale of units

Methods and Properties

Public Property  Color
Public Property  DisplayNegativeValues
Public Property  Frequency
Public Property  Font
Public Property  HorzHeight
Public Property  HorzInverted
Public Property  HorzPos
Public Property  LabelFrequency
Public Property  LabelPrecision
Public Property  MinLabelSpacing
Public Property  MeasureColor
Public Property  ParentFont
Public Property  ShowMeasure
Public Property  ShowBorder
Public Property  Units
Public Property  VertInverted
Public Property  VertPos
Public Property  VertWidth

Grip Properties
Public Property  ConstrainGrips
Public Property  CursorGripKind
Public Property  GripHeight
Public Property  GripWidth
Public Property  GripColorDefault
Public Property  GripKindDefault
Public Property  GripPenColor
Public Property  HorzGripsColor
Public Property  HorzGripsCount
Public Property  HorzGripsKind
Public Property  HorzGripsMax
Public Property  HorzGripsMin
Public Property  HorzGripsPos
Public Property  SnapGrips
Public Property  VertGripsColor
Public Property  VertGripsCount
Public Property  VertGripsKind
Public Property  VertGripsMax
Public Property  VertGripsMin
Public Property  VertGripsPos

Public Property  ScrollRate


Event  OnRulerClick
Event  OnRulerGetText
Event  OnRulerGripClick
Event  OnRulerGripDblClick
Event  OnRulerGripPosChange