
Preview of Interactive Tools

TImageEnView offers several interactive tools enabling you to quickly deliver advanced image editing functionality to your users.

Image Editing Methods
 Analysis Methods
 Color Adjustment Methods
 Color Depth Methods
 Detection Methods
 Effects Methods
 Filter Methods
 Geometric Methods
 Painting and Alpha Methods
 Smoothing Methods
 Other Methods
 Interactive Tools


// Enable painting with a circular spray can brush
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushFill  := iebfSpray;
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushSize  := 50;
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushColor := clRed;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miBrushTool ];

// Partially erase the image
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushFill     := iebfEraser;
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushSize     := 50;
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.EraserOpacity := 0.5;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral    := [ miBrushTool ];

// Enable painting with a custom brush
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushImage.Read( 'Golden-Brush.png' );
ImageEnView1.BrushTool.BrushFill  := iebfImage;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miBrushTool ];


// Enable Clone mode
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miCloneTool];


// Enable rectangular cropping tool (with optional rotation)
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miCropTool];
ImageEnView1.CropTool.Mode := iectmRectangle;

// Enable Perspective fixing tool
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miCropTool];
ImageEnView1.CropTool.Mode := iectmPerspective;


// Fill clicked areas with blue
ImageEnView1.FillTool.ColorFillValue := $00FF8000;
ImageEnView1.FillTool.Tolerance  := 128;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miColorFill ];

// Fill clicked areas with transparency
ImageEnView1.FillTool.AlphaFillValue := 0;
ImageEnView1.FillTool.Tolerance  := 128;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miAlphaFill];


// Smudge the image
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.RetouchMode    := iermSmudge;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.SmudgePressure := 15;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.Feathering     := 3;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral       := [ miRetouchTool ];

// Apply motion blur to image
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.RetouchMode      := iermMotionBlur ;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.MotionBlurSigma  := 8;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.MotionBlurAngle  := 180;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.MotionBlurRadius := 10;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral         := [ miRetouchTool ];

// Use IEVision's Inpainting to remove blemishes in the image
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.RetouchMode      := iermIEVisionInpaint;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.InpaintRangeSize := 6;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral         := [ miRetouchTool ];

// Pixelate the brushed area (e.g. to hide sensitive detail)
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.RetouchMode       := iermPixelize;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.PixelizeBlockSize := 5;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral          := [ miRetouchTool ];

// Warp the image
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.RetouchMode    := iermWarp;
ImageEnView1.RetouchTool.BrushSize      := 60;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral       := [ miRetouchTool ];


// Allow user to freely rotate the image
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miRotateTool];


// Enable the Warp Tranformation tool
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [miTransformTool];

See Also

 Analysis Methods
 Color Adjustment Methods
 Color Depth Methods
 Detection Methods
 Effects Methods
 Filter Methods
 Geometric Methods
 Painting and Alpha Methods
 Smoothing Methods
 Other Methods
 Interactive Tools