ImageEn, unit iegdiplus



TIECanvas = class;


TIECanvas is a GDI+ Graphics wrapper and VCL TCanvas wrapper.
It is available via TIEBitmap.IECanvas or by creating it from a TBitmap or TCanvas.


Methods and Properties

Public Property  Brush
Public Property  Create
Public Property  InterpolationMode
Public Property  Pen
Public Property  PenPos
Public Method  SetCompositingMode
Public Method  SetClipRect
Public Property  SmoothingMode

Draw Methods
Public Method  Arc
Public Method  DrawCurvedLine
Public Method  DrawImage
Public Method  DrawLine
Public Method  DrawLines
Public Method  DrawLinesPath
Public Method  DrawRects
Public Method  Ellipse
Public Method  LineTo
Public Method  MoveTo
Public Method  Pie
Public Method  Polygon
Public Method  PolygonD
Public Method  Polyline
Public Method  PolylineD
Public Method  Rectangle
Public Method  RoundRect

Fill Methods
Public Method  FillRect
Public Method  GradientFillRect

Text Methods
Public Method  DrawText
Public Property  Font
Public Method  MeasureText
Public Property  TextStyling
Public Method  TextExtent
Public Method  TextHeight
Public Method  TextWidth
Public Property  TextRendering
Public Property  TypographicDrawText

Advanced Draw Methods
Public Method  AdvancedDrawAngle
Public Method  AdvancedDrawLine
Public Method  AdvancedDrawPolyline
Public Method  AdvancedDrawShape
Public Method  AdvancedDrawText

Transformation Methods
Public Method  CreateMatrix
Public Method  DeleteMatrix
Public Method  ResetTransform
Public Method  Rotate
Public Method  MatrixTransform
Public Method  Translate


// Draw an envelope with 50% transparency
with ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas do
  Pen.Mode  := pmCopy;
  Pen.Style := psSolid;
  Pen.Color := clBlack;
  Pen.Transparency := 128;

  Brush.Color := clYellow;
  Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  Brush.Transparency := 128;

  // Draw outer rect
  Rectangle( 100, 100, 500, 300 );

  // Draw flap
  MoveTo( 100, 100 );
  LineTo( 300, 200 );
  LineTo( 500, 100 );

// Draw an anti-aliased ellipse onto a TBitmap
iec := TIECanvas.Create( ABitmap.Canvas );
with iec do
  Pen.Style := psSolid;
  Pen.Mode  := pmCopy;
  Pen.Color := clRed;
  Brush.Style := bsClear
  Ellipse( Rect( 100, 100, 200, 200 ));

// Fill image with a vertical gradient from Red to Blue
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.GradientFillRect( Rect( 0, 0, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Width, ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.Height ), clRed, clBlue, gpgVertical );

// Draw a semi-transparent text box onto a bitmap
  Horz_Margin = 8;
  Vert_Margin = 3;
  Center_Text = False;
  x, y: integer;
  tw, rw, rh: integer;
  iec: TIECanvas;
  ss: string;
  ss := 'This is my text';
  x := 100;
  y := 100;

  iec := TIECanvas.Create( Bitmap.Canvas );

  iec.Font.Assign( GetTextFont() );
  tw := iec.TextWidth(ss);
  rw := imax( tw + 2 * Horz_Margin, iec.TextWidth(minText) + 2 * Horz_Margin );
  rh := iec.TextHeight(ss) + 2 * Vert_Margin;

  if Center_Text then
    dec( x, rw div 2 );

  iec.Brush.Color := clYellow;
  iec.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  iec.Brush.Transparency := 196;

  iec.Pen.Color := clBlack;
  iec.Pen.Style := psSolid;
  iec.Rectangle( x, y, x + rw, y + rh );

  iec.Brush.Style := bsClear;
  iec.TextOut(x + ( rw - tw ) div 2, y + Vert_Margin, ss);

// Highlight an area of a bitmap
iec := TIECanvas.Create( Bitmap.Canvas, false );
iec.Brush.Color := clRed;
iec.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
iec.Brush.Transparency := 125;
iec.FillRect( Rect( 100, 100, 300, 300 );

// Draw a rounded, semi-transparent scrollbar (anti-aliased)
  RX         = 12;  // round width
  RY         = 12;  // round height
  MINSLIDERW = 8;   // minimum slider width
  scrollPos, scrollCount: integer;
  sliderWidth: double;
  x := 100;
  y := 100;
  Width  := 300;
  Height := 16;
  scrollCount := 20;
  scrollPos := 3;

  with ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas do
    // paint brush and border
    Brush.Style := bsSolid;
    Brush.Color := clWhite;
    Brush.Transparency := 64;
    Pen.Color := clWhite;
    Pen.Style := psSolid;
    Pen.Mode := pmCopy;
    Pen.Width := 1;
    Pen.Transparency := 128;
    RoundRect( x, y, x + width, y + height, RX, RY );

    // paint slider
    Brush.Style := bsSolid;
    Brush.Color := clBlack;
    Brush.Transparency := 128;
    Pen.Width := 1;
    Pen.Transparency := 128;
    sliderWidth := width / scrollCount;
    if sliderWidth < MINSLIDERW then
      sliderWidth := MINSLIDERW;
    RoundRect( x + trunc(scrollPos * sliderWidth), y + 1, x + trunc(scrollPos * sliderWidth) + trunc(asliderWidth), y + height - 1, RX, RY);

// Draw an arrow at the end of a line that runs from x1, y1 to x2, y2
// brush and color must be already set
procedure IEDrawLineArrow(Canvas: TIECanvas; x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; w, h: integer);
  A90 = PI / 2;
  aa, bb, hw: double;
  pp: array[0..2] of TPoint;
  p1x, p1y: integer;
  with Canvas do
    hw := w / 2;
    aa := IEAngle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y2);
    if x1 = x2 then
      if y1 < y2 then
        aa := -A90
        aa := A90;
    if ((x1 > x2) and (y2 < y1)) or ((x1 < x2) and (y1 < y2)) then
      bb := 2 * pi - aa + A90
      bb := aa + A90;
    if ((x2 < x1) and (y2 > y1)) or ((x2 < x1) and (y2 < y1)) or ((x1 < x2) and (y1 = y2)) then
      p1x := x1 + trunc(cos(bb - A90) * h);
      p1y := y1 + trunc(sin(bb - A90) * h);
      p1x := x1 + trunc(cos(bb + A90) * h);
      p1y := y1 + trunc(sin(bb + A90) * h);

    pp[0].x := p1x + trunc(cos(bb) * hw);
    pp[0].y := p1y + trunc(sin(bb) * hw);
    pp[1].x := p1x + trunc(cos(bb + pi) * hw);
    pp[1].y := p1y + trunc(sin(bb + pi) * hw);
    pp[2].x := x1;
    pp[2].y := y1;


// Draw one of ImageEn's predefined shapes
procedure IEDrawShape(Canvas: TIECanvas;
                      Shape: TIEShape;
                      Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
                      BorderColor: TColor; BorderWidth: Integer;
                      FillColor: TColor; FillColor2: TColor = clNone; FillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgVertical;
                      AntiAlias: Boolean = True;
                      Angle: Integer = 0;
                      ShapeModifier: Integer = 0);
  arPts   : Array[ 0 .. Max_Shape_Array_Points ] of TPoint;
  drawPts : Array[ 0 .. Max_Shape_Array_Points ] of TPoint;
  currX, currY: Integer;
  exWidth, exHeight: Integer;
  i: Integer;
  ptCount: Integer;
  IEGenerateShapePoints( arPts, ptCount, Shape, 0, 0, 1000, 1000,
                         Angle, False,
                         Width / Height );

  if BorderColor = clNone then
    BorderWidth := 0;

  exWidth  := imax( 0, ( Width - BorderWidth ));
  exHeight := imax( 0, ( Height - BorderWidth ));

  for i := 0 to ptCount - 1 do
    currX := arPts[ i ].x;
    currY := arPts[ i ].y;

    drawPts[i].x := Left + BorderWidth div 2 + round( currX / 1000 * exWidth );
    drawPts[i].y := Top + BorderWidth div 2 + round( currY / 1000 * exHeight );

  if AntiAlias then
    Canvas.SmoothingMode := iesmAntialias
    Canvas.SmoothingMode := iesmBestPerformance;

  with Canvas do
    if BorderWidth > 0 then
      Pen.Style := psSolid;
      Pen.Width := BorderWidth;
      Pen.Color := BorderColor;
      Pen.Style := psClear;
    Pen.Mode  := pmCopy;
    Pen.LineJoin := ieljRound;

    if FillColor = clNone then
      Brush.Style := bsClear
      Brush.Color := FillColor;
      Brush.Style := bsSolid;

    if FillColor2 = clNone then
      Brush.SetGradient( gpgNone, 0, 0 )
      Brush.SetGradient( FillGradient, Width, Height );
      Brush.BackTransparency := 255;
      Brush.BackColor := FillColor2;

    Polygon( slice( drawpts, ptCount ));

// Draw an ellipse
procedure IEDrawSimpleShape(Canvas: TIECanvas;
                            Left, Top, Width, Height: Integer;
                            BorderColor: TColor; BorderWidth: Integer;
                            FillColor: TColor; FillColor2: TColor = clNone;
                            FillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgVertical;
                            ZoomX: Double = 1; ZoomY: Double = 1;
                            AntiAlias: Boolean = True);
  Rect_Rounding = 20;
  drawGradient: Boolean;
  minZoom: Double;
  drawGradient := ( FillGradient <> gpgNone ) and
                  ( FillColor2 <> FillColor ) and
                  ( FillColor <> clNone ) and ( FillColor2 <> clNone );

  if AntiAlias then
    Canvas.SmoothingMode := iesmAntialias
    Canvas.SmoothingMode := iesmBestPerformance;

  // Image has been scaled to zoom level, so ensure we scale the border too
  if BorderColor = clNone then
    BorderWidth := 0;
  if BorderWidth > 0 then
    BorderWidth := max( 1, Round( BorderWidth * minZoom ));

  // Border
  if ( BorderColor = clNone_ ) or ( BorderWidth < 1 ) then
    Canvas.Pen.Style := psClear
    Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid;
  Canvas.Pen.Color := BorderColor;
  Canvas.Pen.Width := BorderWidth;

  // Fill
  if ( FillColor = clNone_ ) then
    Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear
    Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid;
  Canvas.Brush.Color := FillColor;

  inc( Left  , BorderWidth div 2 );
  inc( Top   , BorderWidth div 2 );
  dec( Width , BorderWidth );
  dec( Height, BorderWidth );

  if drawGradient = False then
    Canvas.Brush.SetGradient( gpgNone, 0, 0 )
    Canvas.Brush.SetGradient( FillGradient, Width, Height );
    Canvas.Brush.BackTransparency := 255;
    Canvas.Brush.BackColor := FillColor2;

  Canvas.Ellipse( Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height );

// Draw text within a specified area onto a TIEBitmap
procedure TextOutEx(aBMP: TIEBitmap;
                    X, Y, W, H : Integer; const Text : String;
                    const sFontName : String; iFontSize : Integer; cFontColor : TColor; Style : TFontStyles;
                    Angle : Integer = 0;
                    bAntiAlias : Boolean = true; bAutoEnlarge : Boolean = False);
  AnExtent: TSize;
  Mask: TIEMask;
  x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer;
  CompCanvas: TIECanvas;
  iAlpha: Integer;
  aBMP.Canvas.Font.Name  := sFontName;
  aBMP.Canvas.Font.Size  := iFontSize;
  aBMP.Canvas.Font.Color := cFontColor;
  aBMP.Canvas.Font.Style := Style;

  AnExtent := aBMP.IECanvas.MeasureText( Text );

  if Angle <> 0 then
    AnExtent := IERotatePoint2(,, Angle );

  if bAutoEnlarge and (( aBMP.Width < ) or ( aBMP.Height < )) then
    iAlpha := 255;
    if aBMP.HasAlphaChannel then
      iAlpha := aBMP.Alpha[0, 0];
    aBMP.Resize( iMax( aBMP.Width, ), iMax( aBMP.Height, ), Background, iAlpha);

  CompCanvas := aBMP.CreateROICanvas(Rect(0, 0, aBMP.Width, aBMP.Height), bAntiAlias, true, bAntiAlias);
    if not bAntiAlias then  // Cannot use together with alpha composting
      CompCanvas.TextRendering := ietrTextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel;

    CompCanvas.Brush.Color := aBMP.Canvas.Font.Color;
    CompCanvas.Font.Color  := aBMP.Canvas.Font.Color;
    CompCanvas.Font.Name   := aBMP.Canvas.Font.Name;
    CompCanvas.Font.Height := aBMP.Canvas.Font.Height;
    CompCanvas.Font.Style  := aBMP.Canvas.Font.Style;

    if ( W = 0 ) and ( H = 0 ) then
      CompCanvas.DrawText( Text, X, Y, -Angle )
      CompCanvas.DrawText( Text, Rect( X, Y, X + W, Y + H ), -Angle );